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2014 年 11 月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题 Part 1:English-Chinese Translation Passage 1 WATERLOO , Belgium — The region around this Belgian city is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one of the major battles in European military history. But weaving a path through the preparations is proving almost as tricky as making one’s way across the battlefield was back then , when the Duke of Wellington, as commander of an international alliance of forces, crushed Napoleon. A rambling though dilapidated farmstead called Hougoumont , which was crucial to the battle’s outcome , is being painstakingly restored as an educational center. Nearby , an underground visitor center is under construction , and roads and monuments throughout the rolling farmland where once the sides fought are being refurbished. More than 6 , 000 military buffs are expected to re-enact individual skirmishes. While the battle ended two centuries ago , however , hard feelings have endured. Memories are long here , and not everyone here shares Britain’s enthusiasm for celebrating Napoleon’s defeat. Every year, in districts of Wallonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium, there are fetes to honor Napoleon , according to Count Georges Jacobs de Hagen , a prominent Belgian industrialist and chairman of a committee responsible for restoring Hougoumont. “Napoleon, for these people , was very popular ,” Mr. Jacobs , 73, said over coffee. “That is why , still today, there are some enemies of the project.” Belgium , of course , did not exist in 1815. Its Dutch-speaking regions were part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, while the French-speaking portion had been incorporated into the French Empire. Among French speakers, Mr. Jacobs said, Napoleon had a “huge influence — the administration, the Code Napoléon,” or reform of the legal system. While Dutch-speaking Belgians fought under Wellington, French speakers fought with Napoleon. That distaste on the part of modern-day French speakers crystallized in resistance to a British proposal that , as part of the restoration of Hougoumont , a memorial be raised to the British soldiers who died defending its narrow North Gate at a critical moment on June 18 , 1815 , when Wellington carried the day. “Every discussion in the committee was filled with high sensitivity,” Mr. Jacobs recalled. “I said, ‘This is a condition for the help of the British,’ so the North Gate won the battle, and we got the monument.” If Belgium was reluctant to get involved, France was at first totally uninterested. “They told us, ‘We don’t want to take part in this British triumphalism,’ ” said Countess Nathalie du Parc Locmaria , a writer and publicist who is president of a committee representing four townships that own the land where the battle raged. Passage 2 Bayer cares about the bees. Or at least that’s what they tell you at the company’s Bee Care Center on its sprawling campus here between Düsseldorf and Cologne. Outside the cozy two-story building that houses the center is a whimsical yellow sculpture of a bee. Inside , the same image is fashioned into paper clips, or printed on napkins and mugs. “Bayer is strictly committed to bee health,” said Gillian Mansfield, an official specializing in strategic messaging at the company’s Bayer CropScience division. She was sitting at the center’s semicircular coffee bar , which has a formidable espresso maker and , if you ask , homegrown Bayer honey. On the surrounding walls, bee fun facts are written in English, like “A bee can fly at roughly 16 miles an hour” or, it takes “nectar from some two million flowers in order to produce a pound of honey.” Next year , Bayer will open another Bee Care Center in Raleigh, N.C., and has not ruled out more in other parts of the world. There is, of course, a slight caveat to all this buzzy good will. Bayer is one of the major producers of a type of pesticide that the European Union has linked to the large-scale die-offs of honey bee populations in North America and Western Europe. They are known as neonicotinoids, a relatively new nicotine-derived class of pesticide. The pesticide wasbanned this year for use on many flowering crops in Europe that attract honey bees. Bayer and two competitors , Syngenta and BASF, have disagreed vociferously with the ban, and are fighting in the European courts to overturn it. Hans Muilerman , a chemicals expert at Pesticide Action Network Europe , an environmental group , accused Bayer of doing “almost anything that helps their products remaining on the market. Massive lobbying , hiring P.R. firms to frame and spin , inviting commissioners to show their plants and their sustainability.” “Since they learned people care about bees, they are happy to start the type of actions you mention, ‘bee care centers’ and such,” he said. There is a bad guy lurking at the Bee Care Center — a killer of bees , if you will. It’s just not a pesticide. Bayer’s culprit in the mysterious mass deaths of bees can be found around the corner from the coffee bar. Looming next to another sculpture of a bee is a sculpture of a parasite known as a varroa mite, which resembles a gargantuan cooked crab with spiky hair. The varroa, sometimes called the vampire mite, appears to be chasing the bee next to it, which already has a smaller mite stuck to it. And in case the message was not clear , images of the mites, which are actually quite small, flash on a screen at the center. While others point at pesticides , Bayer has funded research that blames mites for the bee die-off. And the center combines resources from two of the company’s divisions , Bayer CropScience and Bayer Animal Health, to further study the mite menace. “The varroa is the biggest threat we have” said Manuel Tritschler , 28, a third-generation beekeeper who works for Bayer. “It’s very easy see to them , the mites , on the bees , ” he said, holding a test tube with dead mites suspended in liquid. “They suck the bee blood , from the adults and from the larvae , and in this way they transport a lot of different pathogens , virus, bacteria, fungus to the bees,” he said. Conveniently, Bayer markets products to kill the mites too — one is called CheckMite — and Mr. Tritschler’s work at the center included helping design a “gate” to affix to hives that coats bees with such chemical compounds. There is no disputing that varroa mites are a problem, but Mr. Muilerman said they could not be seen as the only threat. The varroa mite “cannot explain the massive die-off on its own,” he said. “We think the bee die-off is a result of exposure to multiple stressors.” Part 2:Chinese-English Translation Passage 1 [选自《中国的矿产资源政策》白皮书] 矿产资源是地壳和地表经地质作用形成的自然富集体,在当今经济技术条件下具有开 发利用价值的,呈固态、液态和气态产出的自然资源。中国是为数不多的拥有丰富和结构 完整的矿产资源国家之一。 中国现已发现 171 种矿产资源,查明资源储量的有 158 种,矿产地近 18000 处,其中大 中型矿产地 7000 余处。目前,中国 92%以上的一次能源、80%的工业原材料、70%以上的 农业生产资料来自于矿产资源。中国资源总量全球第三 ,可是人均全球第 53,只有全球人均 量的 58%。 矿产资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,是人类生存和社会发展的重要物质基础。矿产 资源远景评价和战略性矿产勘查,为全面建设小康社会提供资源基础保障。矿产资源为全 面建设小康社会提供资源基础保障。 附:白皮书原文节选 Foreword 前 言 矿产资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,是人类社会发展的重要物质基础。新中国成立 五十多年来,矿产资源勘查开发取得巨大成就,探明一大批矿产资源,建成比较完善的矿 产品供应体系,为中国经济的持续快速协调健康发展提供了重要保障。目前,中国 92%以 上的一次能源、80%的工业原材料、70%以上的农业生产资料来自于矿产资源。 Mineral resources are an important part of natural resources, and an important material foundation for the development of human society. Great achievements have been obtained in the survey and development of China’s mineral resources in the past five decades since the founding of New China. A great number of mineral resources have been verified, and a fairly complete system for the supply of mineral products has been established, providing an important guarantee for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the Chinese economy. At present, over 92% of the country’s primary energy, 80% of the industrial raw and processed materials and more than 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources. 中国高度重视可持续发展和矿产资源的合理利用,把可持续发展确定为国家战略,把 保护资源作为可持续 发展战略重要内容。1992 年联合国环境与发展大会后,中国政府率先 制定了《中国二十一世纪议程-中国二十一世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》,2001 年 4 月批 准实施了《全国矿产资源规划》,2003 年 1 月开始实施《中国二十一世纪初可持续发展行 动纲要》。 China attaches great importance to sustainable development and the rational utilization of mineral resources, and has made sustainable development a national strategy and the protection of resources an important part of this strategy. Immediately following the UN Environmental and Development Conference in 1992, the Chinese government took the lead in formulating the “China Agenda 21 — the White Paper on China’s Population, Environment and Development in the 21st Century.” It approved and implemented the “National Program on Mineral Resources” in April 2001, and, in January 2003, began to implement “China’s Program of Action for Sustainable Development in the Early 21st Century.” 全面建设小康社会是中国在新世纪头二十年的奋斗目标。中国主要依靠开发本国的矿 产资源来保障现代化建设的需要。中国政府鼓励勘查开发有市场需求的矿产资源,特别是 西部地区的优势矿产资源,以提高国内矿产品的供应能力。同时,引进国外资本和技术开 发中国矿产资源,利用国外市场与国外矿产资源,推动中国矿山企业和矿产品进入国际市 场,是中国的一项重要政策。中国政府认为,国外矿业公司进入中国,中国矿山企业走向 世界,实现各国资源互补,对推进世界矿产资源勘查开发的共同繁荣和健康发展具有重要 意义。 To build a well-off society in an all-round way is China’s objective in the first 20 years of the new century. China will depend mainly on the exploitation of its own mineral resources to guarantee the needs of its modernization program. The Chinese government encourages the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources in market demand, especially the dominant resources in the western regions, to increase its domestic capability of mineral resources supply. At the same time, it is an important government policy to import foreign capital and technology to exploit the country’s mineral resources, make use of foreign markets and foreign mineral resources, and help Chinese mining enterprises and mineral products enter the international market. The Chinese government holds that to have foreign mining companies enter China and Chinese mining enterprises enter other countries to make different countries mutually complementary in resources is of great significance for the common prosperity and healthy development of world mineral resources prospecting and exploitation. 一、矿产资源及其勘查开发现状 I. The Present Situation of Mineral Resources and Their Exploration and Exploitation 中国现已发现171种矿产资源,查明资源储量的有158种,其中石油、天然气、煤、 铀、地热等能源矿产10种,铁、锰、铜、铝、铅、锌等金属矿产54种,石墨、磷、硫 钾盐等非金属矿产91种,地下水、矿泉水等水气矿产3种。矿产地近18000处,其 中大中型矿产地7000余处。 China has discovered 171 varieties of minerals, and 158 of them with proved reserves. There are 10 energy-related minerals, including oil, natural gas, coal, uranium and geotherm; 54 metallic minerals, including iron, manganese, copper, aluminum, lead and zinc; 91 non-metallic minerals, including graphite, phosphorus, sulfur and sylvite; and 3 liquid minerals, including groundwater, and mineral water. There are nearly 18,000 mineral deposits in China, including more than 7,000 big and medium-sized ones. Passage 2 [选自张高丽在成都《财富》全球论坛开幕晚宴上的演讲] 我们将深入实施区域发展总体战略,加快中西部地区开发开放。地区差别和不平衡发 展是中国一大问题,中西部地区地域辽阔、资源丰富、潜力巨大,是中国重要的 战略发展 空间、回旋余地和新的经济增长点。实施西部大开发战略10多年取得了显著成绩。我们 将以更大的力度推进中西部特别是西部开发开放,搞好规划布局, 完善政策措施,加快大 通道建设,大力发展优势特色产业,推进绿色、循环、低碳发展,把资源优势转化为经济 优势,支持东部地区部分产业有序向中西部地区转 移,统筹东中西、协调南北方,积极稳 妥推进城镇化,发挥城镇化对扩内需、促发展、惠民生的潜力作用。可以相信,随着新一 轮西部开发开放向纵深推进,中国经 济将会增添强大活力,也可以逐步解决不平衡不协调 不可持续问题。 We will further enforce the comprehensive strategy for regional development, and accelerate the development and opening up of the central and western regions. One of the major problems China faces today is regional income disparity and imbalanced development. Blessed with a vast territory, abundant resources and huge potential for development, China's central and western regions provide important strategic space for development, convenient leeway as well as new points of economic growth. During the past decade or so, China has made remarkable achievements in developing these regions through its strategy for the development of the western region. We will make even greater efforts to press ahead the development and opening up of the central and western regions, particularly the western region, draw up layout plans for regional development, and work out more effective policies and measures to speed up the construction of major transportation networks between the regions. We will develop local industries with competitive edge, and push forward the development of green, recyclable and low-carbon industries, so that the resources advantages the central and western regions now enjoy will add to their economic strength. We will also support the transfer of some industries in the more developed eastern regions to the western regions, make overall plans on coordinated national and regional development, advance urbanization actively yet steadily, and well exploit the potentials of the process to boost domestic demand, promote economic growth and improve people's livelihood. I believe that a new wave of western region development and opening up will add greater vitality to the Chinese economy, and help resolve the problem of imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in due course.
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