- 一级建造师考试
- 二级建造师考试
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- 事业单位招聘
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- 专升本考试
- 专业英语四级八级考试
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- 跟单员
- 考试一本通
- 其它资料
2019 下半年教师资格考试高中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及答案
一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分)
1. This disease _____ itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes.
A. manifests B. modifies C. magnifies D. exposes
2. In the _____ of human life honors and rewards tend to fall to those who
show their good qualities in action.
A. ring B. terrace C. arena D. ground
3. The coupon _____ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames
or lenses when you buy both.
A. entitles B. tips C. presents D. credits
4. Which of the following indicates a correct intonation pattern?
A. Did you have a↑fever or a↓headache?
B. Did you have a↑fever or a↑headache?
C. Did you have a↓fever or a↓headache?
D. Did you have a↓fever or a↑headache?
5. Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop?
A. /b/ B. /m/ C. /w/ D. /p/
6. The experienced writer is skilled in handling his words, just _____ the
builder is skilled in handing his bricks.
A. as B. so C. thus D. like
7. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _____ after10
o'clock at night.
A. did not play B. not to play C. not be played D. were not be played
8. Which of the following italicized phrase indicates a purpose?
A. She said it for fun, but others took it seriously.
B. For all its efforts, the team didn't win the match.
C. Linda has worked for the firm for 20 years.
D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.
9. There are _____ syllables and _____ phonemes in the word “determine”.
A. 3; 8 B. 3; 7 C. 2; 6 D. 3; 6
10. The pair of words “buy” and “sell” are _____ opposites.
A. gradable B. relational C. complementary D. dialectal
11. The inductive method differs from the deductive one in that it enables
learners to arrive at ____ on the basis of examples.
A. generalizations B. solutions C. understanding D. decision
12. What is not the major purpose of asking students to give a report after the
group discussion in a reading class?
A. To pool ideas.
B. To correct mistakes.
C. To encourage language use.
D. To practice oral English.
13. Which of the following is a kind of information gap activities in class?
A. Pattern drills. B. Making a survey.
C. Sentence transformation. D. Forming sentences.
14. What would a teacher ask students to do if he/she intends to develop their
skimming skill?
A. To rewrite the text.
B. To read for the specific information.
C. To predict the content of the text.
D. To read for the general idea of the text.
15. What does a teacher focus on if he/she asks students
to list their ideas, select and expand those ideas, and then
make an outline?
A. Students’ reading skills.
B. Students’ translating skills.
C. Students’ writing skills.
D. Students’ listening skills.
16. Activities such as problem solving, decision making
and opinion exchanging are typical practices in ____.
A. Audio-lingual method
B. Grammar-translation method
C. Situation language teaching
D. Task-based language teaching
17. What type of questions is more likely to motivate
learners to talk more and get new information?
A. Yes-no question.
B. Closed question.
C. Referential question.
D. Display question.
18. What does a teacher focus on when he/she says “Find
out two things your partner likes to eat but you don’t and
two things you both like to eat using‘what do you like to
A. Form.
B. Meaning.
C. Meaning and use.
D. Form and meaning.
19. Which of the following activities is most likely to be
used to encourage students’ active language use?
A. Reading a text and making true or false judgement.
B. Listening to a passage and filling in the blank.
C. Doing a role play of opening a bank account.
D. Reordering the sentences into a passage.
20. What test is likely to be given to new students at the
beginning of a semester to screen them?
A. Achievement test.
B. Placement test.
C. Proficiency test.
D. Aptitude test.
21—30 小题 缺
二、简答题(本大题 1 小题,20 分)
31. 在写作教学过程中,写前、写中、写后是三个重要的教学环节,
简述每个环节中的一个教学活动(12 分);列出教师在写作教学过程中需要
注意的四个事项(8 分)。
三、教学情境分析题(本大题 1 小题,30 分)
32. 下面是一位教师英语课堂上的板书内容截图。
(1)分析该教学目的。(6 分)
(2)从三个方面分析该板书所体现的教学理念。(12 分)
(3)分析该板书的两个优点和两个缺点。(12 分)
四、教学设计题(本大题 1 小题,40 分)
33. 根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。
设计任务:阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计 15 分钟的阅读教学方
teaching objects
teaching contents
key and difficult points
major steps and time allocation
activities and justifications
教学时间:15 分钟。
学生概况:某城镇普通高中一年级(第一学期)学生。班级人数 40 人,
一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分)
眼睛和皮肤发黄。A. manifest 意为“显示,表明,使显现”;B. modify 意
为“修改,减轻,减缓”;C. magnify 意为“夸张,夸大”;D. expose 意为
“揭露,显露”。manifest itself 表示“显露,显现”,一般用于疾病显现。
其他三项不符合语境。故选 A。
誉与奖赏眷顾善于行动的人。A. ring 意为“戒指,铃声,钟声”;B.
terrace 意为“梯田,街道”;C. arena 意为“运动场,竞技场”;D. ground
意为“地面,土地”。由 in action 可知,该空与“竞技”有关。A、B、D 三
项与语境不符。故选 C。
的话,至少可以享受普通价格 50%的折扣。A. entitle 意为“给……权利,
给……资格”;B. tip 意为“使……倾斜”;C. present 意为“呈现,介绍,赠
送”;D. credit 意为“把钱存入,归功于”。entitle sb. to sth.表示“给某
人获得某物或者某物的权利”。其他三项没有此用法。故选 A。
都是选择疑问句,其语调应是先升后降。故选 A。
清辅爆破音?voiceless 表示清音,声带不振动;bilabial 表示双唇
音;stop 表示爆破音。/p/为 voiceless bilabial stop;/b/为 voiced
bilabial stop;/m/ 为 voiced bilabial nasal;/w/为 voiced bilabial
glide。故选 D。
着高超的技艺,正如建筑工人精于砌砖一样。just as 表示“就像......一样”,
此处 just as 引出对比的从句。其他三项不能引导从句。故选 A。
恳请客人晚上 11 点以后不要打开收音机。根据 request(要求,请求)可
知,其后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气“(should) +do”do”的谓语动词形式,其
中 should 可省略;而主语是 radio 与 play 之间应该是被动关系,因此用
被动语态。故选 C。
图的是哪一项?A 项表示“她说这话是为了好玩,但其他人很认真”,表示目
的;B 项表示“尽管努力,这个队还是没有赢得这场比赛”,表示让步关系;C
项表示“琳达为那家公司工作了 20 年”,表示一段时间;D 项表示“他昨天出
发去了北京”。set out for 固定搭配,后接表示地点的名词。故选 A。
9.【答案】D。解析:考查音节和音位。句意:在单词 “determine”
中,有_____个音节和_____个音素。determine [dɪˈtɜ:mɪn]包含 3 个
音节,6 个音素,其中重复的 ɪ 只能算一个音素。故选 D。
10.【答案】B。解析:考查语义关系中的反义词。A. gradable
opposites 表示“等级反义关系”,每对反义词的成员表示的性质是程度的
差别;B. relational opposites 表示“关系反义关系”,成对反义词的词项
间存在逆转关系,buy / sell, lend / borrow;C. complementary
opposites 表示互补反义关系,彼此互补,不但对一方的肯定意味着对另
一方的否定,而且对另一方的否定也意味着对另一方的肯定,例如 alive/
dead, male/female;D 项有 dialectal synonym 方言近义词的说法。
“买”和“卖”互相依赖着存在。故选 B。
在于归纳法能使学习者基于例子得出一般规律。A. generalization 意为
“概括,归纳”;B. solution 意为“解决方法,答案”;C. understanding 意
为“理解,通晓”;D. decision 意为“决定”。解答此题的根源要弄清楚归纳
得出一般规律。故选 A。
上让学生在小组讨论后作报告的主要意图?A 项表示“集思广益”;B 项表示
“纠正错误”;C 项表示“鼓励运用语言”;D 项表示“练习口语”。在阅读技能教
主要意图。故选 B。
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