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2020-07-14发布者:郝悦皓大小:85.00 KB 下载:0

2013 年湖北特岗教师招聘考试中学英语真题 第一部分部分 教育理论与实践 I.单项选择题单项选择题(10 分) 1.单项选择题对人的发展起着决定性作用的是( )。 A.单项选择题社会实践 B.单项选择题遗传 C.单项选择题教育 D.单项选择题成熟 2.单项选择题个体在解决问题过程中表现为搜集或综合信息与知识,运用逻辑规律,缩小解答 范围,直至找到一正确的解答的认知方式称为( )。 A.单项选择题场独立型 B.单项选择题场依存型 C.单项选择题辐合型 D.单项选择题发散型 3.单项选择题 与依从相比,认同更深入一层,它不受外界压力控制,行为具有一定的( )。 A.单项选择题自觉性、主动性和稳定性 B.单项选择题积极性 C.单项选择题适应性和社会性 D.单项选择题内化性和意志性 4.单项选择题 ( )提倡自我激励、自我调节的学习、情感教育、真实性评定、合作学习等。 A.单项选择题人本主义理论 B.单项选择题建构主义理论 C.单项选择题行为主义理论 D.单项选择题认知主义理论 5.单项选择题 美国各门课程中多样化的实践活动,以及 Et 本的综合活动时间反映出对( ) 在课程中的地位的重视。 A.单项选择题知识 B.单项选择题能力 C.单项选择题直接经验 D.单项选择题间接经验 6.单项选择题 “师者,人之模范也。”这反映了教师劳动的( )的特点。 A.单项选择题复杂性 B.单项选择题示范性 C.单项选择题创造性 D.单项选择题长期性 7.单项选择题 主张心理学应该采用实验内省法分析意识的内容的心理学流派是( )。 A.单项选择题构造主义学派 B.单项选择题机能主义学派 C.单项选择题精神分析学派 D.单项选择题人本主义学派 8.单项选择题 在教“鸟”的概念时,教师列举出“鸡、鸭、鸵鸟”等,是恰当地运用了( )。 A.单项选择题变式 B.单项选择题反例 C.单项选择题同位概念 D.单项选择题以上三者兼有 9.单项选择题学生“品德差、学习差,几乎没有合作行为,而且谁也不知道该做什么”,这是学生 对( )领导方式的典型反应。 A.单项选择题民主型 B.单项选择题放任自流型 C.单项选择题仁慈专断型 D.单项选择题强硬专断型 10.单项选择题“过于安静,学生紧张拘谨,由于惧怕教师而反应迟钝、呆板、被动回答问题; 课堂纪律较松散,学生心不在焉。”这种课堂气氛是( )。 A.单项选择题积极型 B.单项选择题对抗型 C.单项选择题消极型 D.单项选择题失控型 Ⅱ.单项选择题判断题(10 分) 11.单项选择题受教育者在德育过程中是德育的客体。 ( ) 12.单项选择题目标管理模式早是由教育家马卡连柯提出的。 ( ) 13.单项选择题德育起于道德知识教育,终于道德行为。 ( ) 14.单项选择题短时记忆保持的时间大约是 2 秒到 5 秒。 ( ) 15.单项选择题画线帮助记忆是复述策略的一种。 ( ) 16.单项选择题德国教育家第斯多惠是“教师中心论”的代表人物。 ( ) 17.单项选择题男女智力总体水平大致相等,但女性智力分布的离散程度比男性大。 ( ) 18.单项选择题在巴甫洛夫的经典实验中,铃声是作为强化物而出现的。 ( ) 19.单项选择题新手型教师与专家型教师的区别主要在于二者的知识量不同。 ( ) 20.单项选择题社会学习理论的代表人物是班杜拉。 ( ) Ⅲ.单项选择题案例分析题(10 分) 21.单项选择题记得在一个寒冬的早晨,西北风呼呼地刮着。同学们在上早读,书声琅琅。我刚 到学校,来到班上,手插在裤兜里,脸对着全班同学。这时,一个学生走进教室。我大声 说:“XX,你为什么又迟到?把手放下站好……”忽然,我听到有人嘀咕:“……自己也迟 到。”一个女同学正在向旁边的同学使眼色,脸上露出不服气的神情。我心头一惊,正要发 作的火一下子熄灭了。 这件事使我陷入了深思。平时,一些看起来很细小、微不足道的事情,由于没有重视 结果给学生造成了耳濡目染的影响。课上,有的学生被叫到前边板演,写完后粉笔随手往 台上一扔,而不是轻轻地放回粉笔盒:学生干部用教鞭敲击讲台,要求其他同学安静下来 ……这些不都是我的行为在学生身上的再现吗?我感到,在学生面前,教师的一举一动都要 十分审慎。几十双眼睛好像明澈的镜子,不容你有丝毫的懈怠。 (1)案例中,教师扮演的是什么角色?为什么? (2)案例给了我们哪些启示? 第二部分 英语专业基础知识 I.单项选择题词汇与结构/Vocabulary and structure(20 分) 1. --Wow, isn't this handsome device the most popular iPad 2? Can I have a look at it? ——__________. A. No, you can't B. Yes, go ahead C. Sorry, it is expensive D. Of course, it looks good 2. --My friend Eric has successfully swum across the English Channel! --Unbelievable! Can you tell me when he __________ it? A. made B. has made C. had made D. is making 3. After the biggest earthquake took place in Japan, the international rescuers devoted all their en-ergies to searching for survivors but __________ they found only several bodies. A. immediately B. especially C. curiously D. unfortunately 4. It is always __________ when you misunderstand the customs of other countries. A. embarrassing B. specific C. typical D. unique 5. What the little boy got from his father was __________ magazine. A. a large interesting French B. an interesting French large C. a French large interesting D. an interesting large French 6. __________ about his financial situation, I would have helped him out. A. Did I know B. Had I been knowing C. Had I known D. Have I known 7. __________ personal experience, you may have to put in extra hours if you want to do well in the coming test. A. Of B. At C. From D. In 8. Celia, who is on __________ holiday with her husband, wants to stay in a quiet place, taste deli-cious food and play tennis. A. a:a B./;/ C. the;the D./;the 9. Mary __________ gardening as a regular form of relaxation after she got married. A. took up B. caught on C. brought about D. made for 10. The professor recommended the young couple __________ their emotions. A. do not hide B. not hide C. mustn't hide D. couldn't hide 11. __________ program has been developed up to this date, but none of them are economical enough to be carried out now. A. All B. Several C. Either D. Many a 12. __________ only a few politicians took part in the opening ceremony of an international conference will be a great issue for newspapers tomorrow. A. That B. What C. Where D. When 13. __________ the fact that the old cars could not go as fast as modern ones, people still watched the race with a great deal of pleasure and excitement. A. Thanks to B. Despite C. As far as D. Although 14. The engineer has spent one year working in the United States and discovered how things__________ overseas. A. manage B. promote C. operate D. transform 15. This old dictionary has been of great __________ in helping me to learn English. A. usefulness B. value C. price D. cost 16. Much to her delight, three __________ neighbors showed up and several of them even brought with them some candies and cookies. A. dozen B. dozen of C. dozens D. dozens of 17. __________ the ability to speak, so he had to communicate with his friends and family by using sign language. A. As he lost B. He lost C. Having lost D. His being lost 18. With so many life's challenges __________ , the injured soldier was lucky to have a trained dog around to provide support. A. overcame B. overcoming C. to overcome D. being overcome 19. A recent research indicates that __________ when they are greatly encouraged by their parents, will the kids improve their ability of dealing with problems. A. only B. just C. still D. yet 20. Dry stone walls, when properly __________ , will last several lifetimes. A. is built B. building C. to build D. built Ⅱ.单项选择题完形填空/Cloze(30 分) My teacher Miss Benson was the kindest creature on the earth.I was going to marry her when I grew up-- 21 she would wait. I couldn't bear to miss one precious moment of her presence by 22 the classroom.I always raised my hands when she called for volunteers to gather 23 and bring them to her desk.That was the best chore of all.It made 24 getting near enough to her.I would arrange and rearrange the papers until they were in perfect order. I started pestering my mother to put extra fruit 25 my lunch. I was never brave enough to hand it to Miss Benson directly, though.Each day the delicacy was put unobserved on her desk.And the 26 was always the same.She would come in and sit down."How nice!" She would pick the fruit up, then 27 the room."What thoughtful little child brought me this?" No one claimed the
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