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公共课考研英语英语考研英语模拟试题[3]Simulated Test

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  • 31The point the author of this passage is trying to make is that _____ .

    A.Slavic church music is performed without accompaniment

    B.Slavic church music is European in origin,not Byzantine

    C.Slavic church music is largely unaffected by European influence

    D.Slavic church music has been influenced by both the East and the West

  • 32In the opinion of the author,the liturgical chants of the Slavic Orthodox Church are _____ .

    A.Byzantine chants which have been harmonized

    B.based on freely composed music written by Tchaikowsky.Arknangelsky,and others

    C.basically Byzantine chants which were greatly influenced by contact with Western European music nearly 1000 years ago

    D.a type of Byzantine chant which has been changed through the influence of Slavic and Western European musical traditions

  • 33Which of the following would be suitable as a title for the passage you have just read、

    A.“Charting the Changes in Byzantine Church Chant”

    B.“Slavic Church Music:A Marriage of East and West”

    C.“Aspects of Free Composition in the Slavic Tones”

    D.“The Liturgical Chants of the Russian Orthodox”

  • 34Which of the following generalizations could be made,based on the information found in the passage、

    A.Slavic liturgical chants are a result of the variety of factors which influenced Byzantine Church music in the Slavic lands.

    B.The development of Byzantine chant in the Slavic lands has been recent,sudden,and dramatic

    C.The works of such composers as Tchailkovsky,Arknangelsky,Lvov,Bortiansky,Tcheshnorov,Rachmaninov,and Stravinsky have been greatly influenced by Byzantine chant.

    D.Although slavic shant has developed over a preiod of nearly 1000 years,it is not much different now than it was in its earliest forms.

  • 35To what does those (line 11)refer、

    A.rhythm and harmony

    B.Slavic liturgical chants

    C.Western European ideas

    D.Greek.Syrian.and other chant forms

  • 36The purpose of a healing ceremony is _____ .

    A.to please supernatural powers

    B.to attact supernatural powers

    C.to frighten supernatural powers

    D.to create a sandpainting

  • 37The “singer”rubs sand on the patient because _____ .

    A.the patient receives strength from the sand

    B.it has medical value

    C.it decorates the patient

    D.none of the above

  • 38What is used to produce a sandpainting、


    B.beach sand

    C.crushed sandstone


  • 39“This”in line 2 refers to _____ .


    B.giving pleasure

    C.the feeling that art is more than a decorative means of giving pleasure

    D.the feeling that art is only a decorative means of giving pleasure

  • 40The writer probably feels that most art today _____ .

    A.is purely decorative

    B.is purely functional

    C.is both decorative and functional

    D.is useless

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