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the difference between the bcws and the bcwp is referred to as the:


A.schedule variance

B.cost variance.

C.estimate of completion

D.actual cost of the work performed

E.none of the above


  • 1the behavioral responsibilities of a project manager may also include dealing with:

    A.the public

    B.regulatory personnel

    C.the legal environment

    D.environmental issues

    E.all of the above

  • 2inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by (    ).

    A.inspection by attributes.

    B.cyclical inspection

    C.quality conformance inspection

    D.original inspection

    E.none of the above.

  • 3if a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the projectmanager should assume:

    A.the message was understood

    B.the message was not understood

    C.the subordinate discarded the information

    D.the information was not appropriate

    E.none of the above.

  • 4a technical requirement has which of the following characteristics:

    A.easy to understand

    B.a communication tool between the user and the design team

    C.written in non-technical language

    D.developed in cooperation with the user

    E.typically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements

  • 5a legally binding document offered unilaterally is a (    ) .

    A.purchase order

    B.scope of work description

    C.contract stipulation

    D.level of effort proposal

    E.request for proposal

  • 6"paraphrasing" is most closely associated with which part of the communication process、





    E.none of the above.

  • 7a gantt chart is useful in determining:

    A.the level of effort for a task

    B.when a task starts and stops

    C.how tasks are related to each other

    D.who is assigned to do a task

    E.all of the above.

  • 8a contract originated bilaterally may be developed by (    ) .

    A.quotation request from suppliers

    B.proposal request

    C.bid invitation release

    D.b and c

    E.all of the above.

  • 9in a matrix organizational form, which factor(s) make it difficult for a project manager to provide a valid input into the employee's performancereview、

    A.not working directly with the assigned functional employees

    B.employees spend only a short amount of time assigned to the project

    C.not being knowledgeable enough to evaluate employees on technical judgment

    D.all of the above

    E.a and b only

  • 10upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project arereferred to as the:

    A.baseline costs

    B.budgeted costs.

    C.estimates upon completion costs

    D.scheduled costs

    E.none of the above
