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- 考试一本通
- 其它资料
中国人民大学 2010 年考博英语真题
Part I Vocabulary (20%)
Directions: Choose the best answer {from A, B, C and D) to complete each of
the following sentences. Mark your choice with a single bar across the square
brackets on your Machine -scoring ANSWER SHEET.
1. Today scientists have a greater understanding of genetics and its role in
A. live B. life C. living D. alive
2. The news commentator says that the argument the speaker has presented
does not water.
A. have B. contain C. include D. hold
3. Terrorists murder and kidnap people,
and commit other serious crimes.
bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires,
A. light up B. set off C. plant in D. ignite
4. Television has become quite a vigorous activity. Sitting up is exhausting so
most people down while watching television.
A. lay B. lie C. lying D. lied
5. If each of us does our part little by little, we can
and ourselves.
the lifespan of our planet
A. enlarge B. expand C. increase D. grow
6. The role of American women significantly from the time the nation was
born, to the modern era of the 1950s and 1960s.
A. has changed B. has been changed C. changed D. had been changed
7. Financial statement is a financial report or record usually on a quarterly
and annually basis which provides an individual’s , an organization’s , or
bussiness’s financial states.
A. competed B. compiled C. collated D. contested
8. Management operates through various , often classified as planning,
organ leading/ motivating and controlling.
A. foundations B. functions C. roles D. relations
9. The Jatakana culture encompasses every of life from beliefs, superstitions,
and practices to art, education and tourism.
A. respect B. inspect C. aspect D. suspect
10. Organizational culture can be defined as a system of shared beliefs and
values that develops within an organization and behaviors of its members.
A. guides B. indicates C. controls D. supervises
11. Everyone in America these days seems to be with his or her physical
fitness, and everyone is talking about getting in shape.
A. concerned B. allured C. connected D. attracted
12. The Internet has been around for an almost equal amount of time as most
forms of media, but only recently a popular way of retrieving information.
A. has it become B. it has became C. it becomes D. does it become
13. Censorship , a word that seems to be quite controversy over certain
people, may not be such a bad idea.
A. arguing B. attacking C. causing D. discussing
14. We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment and some
consequences are becoming apparent to scientists.
A. cereal B. serial C. series D. serious
15. For the last 20 years or so the subject of global warming has heated
debate among the world’s brightest minds.
A. spawned B. injected C. modeled D. moved
16. In today’s modern society alcohol addiction and alcohol has become one
of the most complex life-threatening issues.
A. infuse B. abuse C. reduce D. refuse
17. He argued that the of firearms in America is an illegal act, and degrades
the values this country was founded on.
A. banning B. prohibit C. vote D. forbid
18. Advocates of private school argue that education in one of these facilities
is more valuable and than any other educational opportunity.
A. awarded B. awarding C. rewarded D. rewarding
19. Children are often sports at an early age. As they get older and start
school they participate in sports as a way both to make new friends and be
A. exposed to B. spoiled by C. indulged in D. worried about
20. Although the study of genetics is an entirely new field, it mankind for
many years.
A. has combined B. has interested in C. has involved D. has fascinated
Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)
Directions: Choose the best answer {from A, B,C and D) to complete each of
the following sentences. Mark your choice with a single bar across the square
brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
In 1987,H. I. V/AIDS joined a list of diseases that could keep a person out of
the United States. The government later tried to cancel, its decision , but
congress made the travel ban a part of immigration law. People with H. I.
V.,the virus that causes AIDS, could seek an exception, but that meant extra
work. Last year, Congress and President George W. Bush began the process of
ending the travel ban. Now President Obama is finishing the process.
BARACK OBAMA : “We talk about reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we
have treated a visitor living with it as a threat. We lead the world when it
comes to helping the AIDS pandemic, yet we are only a dozen countries that
still bar people H. I. V. from entering our country. ” A final rule published
Monday will end the travel ban effective January fourth. H. I. V. will no longer
be a condition that can exclude people. And H. I. V. testing will no longer for
those who need a medical examination for immigration purposes. AIDS has
killed more than twenty-five people since the early 1980s.
In September, there was news that a vaccine showed some ability to prevent
H. I. V. infection in humans for the first time. The full results of the vaccine
study were presented in later October at an international conference in Paris.
They were also reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. The
researchers confirmed that the study in Thailand produced only “modest”
results. The United States Army sponsored the vaccine trial. The study
combined two vaccines, using versions of H. I. V. common in Thailand. Neither
vaccine alone had shown success in earlier studies. Thai researchers tested
the combination in more than 16, 000 volunteers. Half of the volunteers got
the vaccine. The others got a placebo, an inactive substance. All were given
condoms and counseling on AIDS prevention for three years. The study found
31 percent fewer cases of infection in the vaccine group than in the placebo
But critics said the findings could possibly have resulted from chance. The
announcement in September was based on all 16, 000 volunteers. Almost
one-third of them, however didn’t follow all the required steps in the study.
Results just from those who did were similar to the larger group, but the
influence of chance is way more of a possibility. Still, the researchers said the
study produced enough valuable information to offer new hopes for AIDS
21. According to the article, did not want people with H. I. V. virus to seek
entry to America twenty years ago.
A. George Bush B. Obama C. the Congress D. the Senate
22. According to this article, it was
to find vaccine for H. I. V. carriers.
who sponsored that medical experiment
A. the Thai Government B. the French Government
C. the scientist from New England D. the United States Army
23. From the article we can infer that 8,000 volunteers in were given the
A. Thailand B. the United States of America
C. France D. Canada
24. According to the article, which one of the following statements is true?
A. America was the only country that prevented people with H. I. V. from
entering the country.
B. Only a few countries refused to issue entry visa to people with H. I. V.
C. The conference held in Paris was on AIDS prevention.
D. The vaccine test conducted in Thailand produced important results.
25. According to the critics, the findings of the test .
A. has produced enough valuable information
B. should not be taken seriously
C. has produced reliable statistics
D. has paved a solid foundation for further research
Passage Two
“ Two hundred eight million, two hundred nine million, two hundred ten
million...” That is the sound of solid waste hitting the bottom of garbage cans
all over United States in 1996. Solid wastes are materials that are discarded
or thrown away after use by consumers and businesses. This does not include
fluid materials. During that year, Americans threw away 210 million tons
( about 43 pounds/20 kilograms per person daily) of garbage. We throw away
12. 4 million tons of glass and about 80 million tons of paper products.
America also throws away large amounts (in tons) of food scraps, yard
wastes, plastics, sludge from sewage treatment plants, and other materials.
That is almost a mountain of garbage.
Even though we make an effort to recycle and compost our solid waste, the
amount of waste keeps increasing each year. Our biggest problem is where to
put the solid waste and how to keep it from polluting our environment. If solid
waste is disposed of incorrectly, it can contaminate our surface and
underground water supplies. Currently, our municipal waste or waste
collected by our cities and towns, goes to landfills. Today, about 85% of our
garbage goes to landfills or garbage dumps. This waste must be treated to
keep rats, flies and other animals from building their home in the landfills.
The treat also prevents the growth of bacteria and other organism that carry
diseases. So, how do we handle this
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