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2017 年 10 月雅思真题回忆及解析
世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。你只要记住你的今天比昨天进步了一点 ,
那么你离你的梦想也就更近了一步。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 10 月雅思真题回忆及
解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017 年 10 月举行了 4 场考试,考试时间为 10 月 5 日、
10 月 14 日、10 月 21 日、10 月 28 日。以下内容仅供参考。
10 月 5 日雅思口语真题回忆:
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.
You should say:
What it is
Why it is made
What are the consequences of breaking the rule
And explain why you agree or disagree
Should companies have rules?
Should companies decide how long the working hours are?
What kinds of rules do Chinese families have?
Do you think strict rules are necessary in schools?
Should students involve in rule-making?
Though I really love my school life, there is one rule that I could hardly
agree. We are all required to wear the school uniform every day. I know that
this rule is made to ensure that we wouldn’t distract our attention from study
or we wouldn’t compare with our classmates on something like brand clothes.
But it is really distressing to wear the same clothes everyday, not to mention
that the school uniform are all very loose and especially not friendly to short
and thin girls. Besides, since we are not allowed to wear other clothes, shoes
become the only thing that could distinguish us from other people. So shoes,
especially brand shoes suddenly has become what everyone likes. If any
student breaks the rule intentionally, they would face severe punishment,
which is detention. It seems that teachers are especially fond of this kind of
punishment and they would order anyone who violates the discipline to
detent. In my opinion, the reason why teachers, including parents, are
positive about the uniformed dress or detention is that it requires little effort,
and they believe if children will learn to be disciplined if they are punished.
I am totally against the rule because I think as teenagers, we have the
right to express our comprehension of beauty by choosing the clothes we
wear. More importantly, it is a sign of respect and confidence. I think the right
value should be nurtured through guidance, not harsh rules.
Describe an interesting place that few people know
You should say:
Where it is
When you go there
What you can do there
And explain why few people know there
What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?
What can government do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?
What are the advantages of visiting less known places?
What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?
题目要求描述一个很少有人知道的但很有趣的地方。在描述时一定要紧扣这两个条件 :
1. 很少有人知道;2.有趣。要说明这个地方具体是什么,你是怎么知道这个地方的,为什
Well Beijing is a city with many well-known museums, like the Capital
Museum or Beijing Museum. But there is another museum in Beijing that few
people know and that is Beijing Railway Museum. I come to know this
museum through a friend Jim. He is a big fan of trains and he knows all the
history and background stories about trains. What the Railway Museum to
him is what a Disneyland to a 7-year-old girl. It is not until he told me about
this place that I came to know there is really a museum of trains. I guess
most people who know little about trains hardly know this place. It has
exhibited more than 50 trains, whose years date back to 1881 to 1993. In the
Railway Museum, you can see the first steam train in China, some other
trains named after Chairman Mao and General Zhude, and trains made by
other countries like England, US, Japan, Russia and Belgium.
It is an interesting place, especially to little boys and also grown-ups who
are crazy about trains. These old trains are like big toys to them. They fancy
every train they see. The different colors, shapes and styles also leave a deep
impression on me. Walking in the museum, I seem to feel the passage of
10 月 5 日雅思听力真题回忆:
Section 1
场景: 咨询——绘画比赛
题型:10 笔记
1. Theme of painting is: travel
2. first daughter join different group : juniors
3. for her elder daughter: young teenagers
4. submit painting deadline: 29 August
5. painting size: 80cm * 60cm
6. name of contact: Andy Kahn
7. the postcode of address: HB62LJ
8. Man said will quickly send her application form byfax
9. in order to make sending easier on her envelop, she need to write
three capital letters: on the top envelop: VPC
10. last rewards: 50pounds
解析:常规 S1,但是有个别高点如 J/G 的听音辨析,数字 80/16, 60/16 的辨析还是
参考练习: C8T4S1
Section 2
题型: 5 单选+5 配对
11-15) 单选
11. Why does the company move
A. the lease ends
B. the lease changed
C. for expansion
12. the new location close to
A, printers
a transport center
the clients
13. what should you d to the old furniture
A. moved to the new company
B. sell them to the public
C. given to friends
14. what stock do in the next few weeks
A. there away all the old files
B. make copies for important documents
15. what are employees expect to do in moving day
A. stay at home
B. go to the company to help
C. go to the new building to check
A. conference room
B. waiting room
C. sales staff area
D. display room
E. designers’ desks
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