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2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:308.00 KB 下载:0

2016 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2016 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2016 年 6 月举行了 4 场考试, 时间分别为 6 月 4 日、6 月 16 日、6 月 18 日、6 月 25 日。以下内容仅供参考。 6 月 4 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 考题总结 考题总结: House & Apartment Study & work Hometown Music & singing Evening activities/events Stay at home Country Plant / flowers Noise Walking Hats Art/painting Communicating Gift Sunny days Birthday Advertisement Patience Handcraft Science Public transport Dancing Bicycles Computers Weekends Park Movies Color Emails and letters Outdoor activities Museum Teamwork Magazine or newspaper TV Snack Part 2&3 考题总结 考题总结: People Describe one of your best friends Describe a person who has apologized to you Describe a family member that you mostly close to Describe a person who likes to travel by plane Describe a person who just moved to live with you Describe a creative person that you admire Describe a leader who you admire Describe a person you enjoy spending time with Describe an old person who you admire Describe a family that you like Object Describe something that you shared with others Describe a piece of clothes that was given by someone Describe something you bought that pleasing you Describe a program or app in your computer or phone Describe an old thing that you have kept for a long time Describe a childhood toy you liked Place Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a place near water (such as a river, lake or the ocean) that you enjoy visiting Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit Describe a favorite park in your city (hometown) Event Describe an activity that you do in your school Describe a piece of good news that you received Describe a short journey that you disliked Describe a wedding you have been to Describe a situation that you got angry Describe a mistake that you once made Describe an occasion that you ate a kind of food for the first time Describe a time that you had to get up early Describe an happy family event from your childhood Describe a dinner that you had with your friends Describe a difficult decision that you once made Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone. Describe a recent happy event that you had Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future Describe the first time you talked with someone in a foreign language Describe a time when bad weather changed your plan Media Describe an interesting local news people are interested in Describe an interesting story from a TV program Describe an article that you read from a newspaper or magazine Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you Describe a photo of yourself you have taken Describe a song that means something special to you Describe a photo you like in your family Others Describe a big company you are interested in/want to work in Describe an activity that you do to keep fit Describe a perfect job that you want to have in the future Describe a new skill you want to learn Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future Describe an interesting animal Describe a positive change you have had Describe a method that helps you save money Describe an interesting tradition in your country Describe your favorite season or time of the year Describe a course that you want to learn Describe an important skill that you learned when you were a child Describe a character or personality of yours Describe a sport you like to try for the first time/you want to learn 雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 本次考试为 6 月份首次考试,本次回顾将分析例题——省钱的方法。 一个帮你省钱的方法
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