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2017 年 9 月雅思真题回忆及解析
易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 9 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。
2017 年 9 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别为 9 月 9 日、9 月 16 日、9 月 21 日、9 月 30
9 月 9 日雅思口语真题回忆:
Describe a (long) car journey you went on
You should say:
where you went
what you did at this place
who you went there with
and explain why you went on that journey by car
Why do people like to have private cars?
What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?
Is it a good thing that ever3tone has their own cars?
How to buy private cars in China?
What' s the difference between men and women' s preference on cars?
What will cars be like in the future?
题目要求描述一次你乘坐小汽车旅行的经历。要求论述时间、地点和形式等细节信息 ,
Well, I would like to go Las Vegas. The city is around 125 kilometres away
from my town, Bullhead City in Arizona. So if I could go there, I think by car is
a second-to-none choice. Las Vega is mostly famous for the colourful
nightlife. This is a resort town located in the Mojave Desert in Nevada. The
town has some specialties and during the night times, it looks best. The
entire city is well decorated and illuminated. The most amazing feature of the
city is the musical fountain. It is synchronised with music. Besides, the Strip is
also another attractive issue at the town. The replicas like Eiffel Tower;
Egyptian Pyramids etc. are also some adorable things here.
I am a student at Everest College and having an undergrad course in
economics. I have a group of six members in the college. We love to be
together always like having a group study, moving for a theatre, joining at
any ceremony and more. Sometimes we make some short trips in some less
distant areas. Now we are planning to have a trip in Las Vegas. Though I went
there for several times with my dad to meet my uncle who owns a small pub
there, I did not have the chance to move on my own. Dad always was with
me lest I get into any bar or pub and have a drink. In fact, my parents are
conservative in some aspects.
I would like to go there by car because it is a long journey. Las Vegas is
around 125 kilometres away from my home. Moving such a distance alone is
not preferable for me. Go there with your good friends will be much better. If I
become a victim of an accident, there is none to look after me on the
highway to Vegas. Even there are some risks to move alone in the city until
you are matured enough to protect yourself from any sudden invasion.
Considering all the issues, I have decided to make the trip with my friends.
Moreover, it would be great fun for us. A wonderful sightseeing journey! All of
us have visited the town but we lack the experience to stay at night there.
So, I am going there on the car that will be driven by David.
Describe a dream home you would like to have
You should say:
Where this place is
What it is like
When you want to live in there
and explain why you want to live in such a place
Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?
Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by
Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?
Would you live in a foreign country in the future?
How is modem home design (both inside & outside appearance) in your
country different to that of the past?
ln your country, what type of home do most people live in?
9 月 9 日雅思听力真题回忆:
Section 1
填空 10 内容概述:一个女性在反馈酒店宣传册印制情况。标题是 W* Printer Ltd
…填空 10:
1. Name of the hotel:central hotel
2. Make the address bigger so that they can be more eye-catching
3. to remove the reference to pool to the hotel
4. use the photo view of the hotel
5. change the label (laundry) to: “reception”
6. All materials will be translated to: Spanish
7. last page:prices to be printed in red colour
8. dealine for delivery: last week of July
9. manager’s name: Cliffton
10.telephone number: 903036602
Section 2
分类配对 6, 配对 4
配对 6:
A. Everyone should do
B. Members have the option to do
C. The organizer will do
10. The tents 学校原本有但是被借了 A
11. Booking campsites 统计人数统一预定位置 C
12. Bring bicycles 目的地无处可借所以自己带 A
13. Book train tickets 团队有优惠故 C
14. Buying football match tickets B
15. Looking for the information package 组织者还没有时间去做 B?
配对 4
16. 位置 1 —— it’s an old town 选: old ruins
17. 位置 2 Cluny 选:
18. 位置 3 Pennerley 介绍附近居民自己做的各种食物东西 选: buying local
foodfarming museum
19. 位置 4 M… 介绍多种交通媒介 选:TransportationMuseum
20. 待补充
Section 3
选择 6,填空 4 选择 6
21 少数民族 1: A knows the location of stars
22 少数民族 2: B 相信自己可以通过 assisting others 来变富有
22. 少数民族 3: Cachieved in develop methods of using the land
23. 少数民族 4: ?
24. 少数民族 5:
25. 少数民族 6: C?能以原来的生活方式生活了,因为政店的帮助项目
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