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2018 年 8 月托福真题回忆及解析 梦想在前方,努力在路上。对于考生来说,拿到证书就是我们向往的远方。 无忧考网搜集 整理了 2018 年 8 月托福真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2018 年 8 月举行了 2 场考试,时间分别为 8 月 25 日、8 月 26 日。以下内容仅供参考。 8 月 25 日托福口语真题回忆: Task 1 内容回忆:Talk about one thing you are afraid of and how you overcome in psychology? 讲一件你害怕的事情,和你的心理过程? 参考素材:写论文,演讲,独立旅游,教书,给老年人开车,小区画画,体育运动等 One thing I am afraid of is to talk in public, I mean speech. I am kind of shy, introvert. I dare not to speak with strangers, never mention about in public. That would be so hard for me. I remember it was 10 years ago when I was in university. And I attended an English presentation. I had fully prepared for several months ahead of competition day. I revised my speech content hundred of times and practiced over 5 hours per day. When I was on the stage to give a speech for audience, more than 200 people, I guess. I was not scare too much by fully preparation. I was proud of myself what I overcame. I wasn’t afraid of speech any more. That’s one thing I use to worry about and finally I did it. (138) Task 2 内容回忆:Do you think library is a place for students to get together or have group discussion? 你觉得图书馆是让学生约朋友见面、开会的地方吗? 相关话题:图书馆功能话题 历届真题: 1、图书馆会不会消失? 2、校园场景题目,今年下半年重点、重点、重点。敲黑板啦~参考 TPO 17-3 New Library Workspaces I am sure that everyone will agree on library is an ideal place for students to get get together. To start off, the majority of students will spend more time in library, like reading, self studying, group discussion and so on. Take me for example, I used to spend the whole day immerse myself in library, about 8 hours and I love to read in library. In addition, there are less place in school for students to have group discussion. But library which is so important for students to study has enough spacious rooms and tables that are so convenient. Therefore, that’s two factors that I strongly recommend that library is a wonderful place to have school activities. (130) Task 3 学校建筑 阅读主题:学校得了 donation,有 letter 建议要修钟 1、钟是学校象征很著名,想到钟就想到学校 2、钟提醒学生时间 听力主题:反对 1、建筑物才是学校象征不是钟而且大家都看钟不需要听他的声音 2、大家都有手表或者电话不需要钟提醒时间 Task 4 环境科学 阅读:少量毒物不会造成死亡反而会带来好处 听力:教授做了一个实验,两块地一块打除草剂一块不打,有除草剂的长出很多 Task 5 紧急情况 问题:一个男的家里特别冷,但是房东不在本地 解决方案: 方案 1:找人修 优点 1:无 缺点 1:他不知道电话,找朋友帮忙看要挺长时间,晚上还会很冷。 方案 2:住朋友家,朋友不在家。 优点 2:无 缺点 2:他房东要一个星期才回来,他觉得太打扰朋友 Task 6 心理学 话题:psychology safety 要点:成功的领导人要创造小组氛围 1、给予犯错的机会 2、是要让成员觉得自己不是 worker 而是 people。 8 月 25 日托福听力真题回忆: Conversation: Conversation 1 话题分类:师生对话 内容回忆:学生征求演讲的建议,教授建议脱稿自然发挥 参考听力:参考 16 年 1 月 9 日真题 Conversation2 Conversation 2 话题分类:学校日常生活场景 内容回忆:学生在 cafe 的工作和上课时间撞上了,教授建议换个工作去当司机。 参考听力:参考 TPO17 Conversation2 Conversation 3 话题分类:师生对话 内容回忆:贝尔的发明 Conversation 4 话题分类:师生对话 内容回忆:电子音乐,围绕电子音乐和周五学校的演出 参考听力:TPO 44 Conversation 2 Lecture: Lecture 1 话题分类:经济学 内容回忆:亚当斯密的理论,教授说了他理论的不足,在一些特定的情况下无法实现利 益最大化。 Lecture 2 话题分类:地理学 内容回忆:说影响地貌的两种方式,侵蚀和板块运动导致的山脉,之前有学者认为侵蚀 一定会导致海拔下降,教授不同意,说被侵蚀过后板块重量下降更容易在板块运动中被抬 高。 参考听力:参考 17 年 6 月 3 日 Lecture4 Lecture 3 话题分类:动物学 内容回忆:大象次声波:动物用人类听不到的声音进行交流。 参考听力:参考 TPO 7 Lecture2 Lecture 4 话题分类:美国建筑史, 内容回忆:关于路易斯康的建筑设计,一开始模仿古希腊哥特式,后来有了 steel 更多 的设计出来了 参考听力:TPO15-L2 Lecture 5 话题分类:艺术类 内容回忆:交响乐 Lecture6 话题分类:动物学 内容回忆:深海动物的照明 参考听力:参考真题 16 年 1 月 9 日 L4 Lecture7 话题分类:天文学 内容回忆:红矮星理论——超难…… 参考听力:参考真题 16 年 6 月 25 日 L2 Lecture8 话题分类:生物学 内容回忆:海洋里岩石的生长(和细菌有关) 参考听力:参考啄木鸟内部真题 T13 L4 Lecture9 话题分类:动物学 内容回忆:鸟的集群飞行行为:鸟成群飞行有两大原因,一是为了安全,二是跟随共同 的领头鸟,不至于迷失方向。 Lecture10 话题分类:历史 内容回忆:罗马帝国的衰落对气候的影响 8 月 25 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合写作 话题分类:阅读提出一个新的事物的作用,听力反驳阅读中的论点。属于“对立”题型。 考题回忆:总论点阅读中主要对英国控制外来植物 false bamboo 给出了三个方法,听 力从这三个角度来反驳方法的不合理性。 阅读部分:阅读文章说了三点: 第一个分论点:斩草除根。 第二个分论点:喷洒化学除草剂。 第三个分论点:引进外来昆虫 plant louse 吸树液。 听力部分:听力不认同阅读的观点。 第一个对应的反驳观点是:很难拔干净一旦有残余又重新涨回来。 第二个对应反驳的分论点:一次杀不死全部,每年每季度三四次,浪费钱。 第三个对应反驳的分论点是:昆虫来自亚洲,冬天很难在英国存活,一旦虫子数量减少, 作用丧失。另外该虫万一大量繁衍怎么办。 解题思路:综合写作基本框架思路。注意转述内容时侧重于听力部分,且以表意清晰为 主要目的。 参考范文:综合写作参照(考场回忆信息量有限,仅供参考) Both the author and the lecturer concentrate on the approaches to control the increase of a non-native plant-false bamboo in Britain. The reading passage asserts that its three methods are quite effective to stop this tendency. However, the professor in the lecture totally refutes all the passage's viewpoints. Firstly, even though the writer claims that one way is to dig deep to remove the roots of false bamboo, the speaker discredits this by arguing that the viewpoint is not convincing, as it is difficult for people to clean out all roots without any tiny omission. However, a small piece of root could grow back to its original large size and spread quickly. Therefore, it is unlikely to carry on a clean kill. Furthermore, despite the statement in the reading passage that the use of chemical pesticides is also a helpful way, the professor contends that it is not so efficient that people have to spray those chemicals three to four times every season each year. The speaker further explains that this method is more likely to waste more money and increase the financial burden. Finally, the author states that the introduction of natural enemies-a kind of insect is beneficial in controlling the worsening situation, The lecturer counters that it doesn’t work well. The professor advances the argument, saying that although these insects from Asia are helpful, they cannot adapt to the freezing coldness in winter. Besides, another danger is that once these predators adapt well and reproduce massively, other native species or even the whole local eco-system will suffer. For these concerns, the third measure does not fit for this issue. In brief, the writer and the speaker contradict each other on whether these three methods are valid to control the spread of false bamboo. 本篇范文可以借鉴的模板: Both the author and the lecturer concentrate on___________. The reading passage asserts that_____________. However, the professor in the lecture totally refutes all the passage's viewpoints. Firstly, even though the writer claims that_______________, the speaker discredits this by arguing that____________________. Furthermore, despite the statement in the reading passage that ____________, the professor contends that______________________. The speaker further explains that____________. Finally, the author states that_____________. The professor advances the argument, saying that__________. In brief, the writer and the speaker contradict each other on_________ 独立写作 话题分类:教育类话题。命题中给了两个对象作出对比,从一个角度思考,从而去提出 三个分论点加以分析和论证。 考 题 回 忆 : Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses? 1, Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one? 2, Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research? 解题思路:思路分析:两个角度无论从哪个方面都可以写出有关教育类的词汇, 本文 从受欢迎的角度去写。 主要观点:受欢迎的老师首先他们的教学方法可以使得学生们积极性更高,上课更有参 与感,并且学生给予的反馈和评价能进一步提高教学表现,另外,流行的老师肯定也具备 本 科生所需的全部知识,并且有更多的精力和时间在授课上。相反, 有突出成就的教授可 能
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