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2017 年 5 月托福真题回忆及解析 信念和斗志宜聚,懈怠和悲观宜散,我们的斗志因信念而燃起,不懈怠、不悲观,落实每 一个知识点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 5 月托福真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮 助。2017 年 5 月举行了 2 场考试,时间分别为 5 月 6 日、5 月 13 日。以下内容仅供参考。 5 月 6 日托福口语真题回忆: T1 The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new I suppose most of us would like to have a new study room. There are two reasons. The first reason is it can help us study. Nowadays, GPA becomes more and more important for college students. Good grades can help us in getting an ideal job after graduation. First 是逻辑词,让论述结构清晰,简介明了地引出第一个原因,举一个细节例 子——学习好了有利于找工作。 The second reason is during the final exams, an additional study place will be necessary for us. At that time there will be crowds of people getting up early to study in our library. It will be difficult to have a seat in there. So if we can have an additional study room in our dormitory, it will be much more convenience when our library is full of people. Second 和 First 一样,作为逻辑词使论述层次更清晰。接着简洁明了概述第二 个原因,举第二个例子——期末图书馆占不到座位,最好是有个多的学习室。 T2 All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Do you agree or disagree? Personally, I agree with this proposal. There are two reasons. 直接明确地表明支持还是不支持这个观点,然后用平行结构列举两个论点。 On the one hand, requiring people to retired at 65 can leave more opportunity to young people. So it will be easier for the young to find a position. On the one hand,注意逻辑结构,引出第一个原因。用一个例子支持该论点 ——老人强制退休,给年轻人让出更多的工作岗位。 On the other hand, being forced to retire at 65 doesn‘t mean retired people will do nothing and just stay at home. One can develop a new hobby different from his original job. For example, a math professor may get interested in history after he regains enough time in retirement. Thus may save people from life-long repetitive work and lead them into a brand new world. On the other hand,与 on the one hand 配套使用,适用于说明两个原因。 阐述第二个原因:老人退休以后可以拥有工作之外的爱好,丰富生活。最后举一 个例子——数学教授退休之后可能会对历史产生兴趣。 T3 阅读标题:Laundry Room Renovation 学生们抱怨空间太小,机器太少,等待时间长,所以决定把 Eastwood basement 扩建一下。期间暂时停用,使用 Greenwood 的洗衣机。 听力态度:disagree 原因 2:Greenwood 要绕过校园。花费的时间很长,尤其是衣服多的,可能 需要走好几次,花的时间更长 In the passage, the university is going to have the laundry room renovated to add more laundry machine and dryers because students always complain about long waiting time when using the laundry room. However, the man thinks it is unnecessary. His first reason is that students pour into the laundry room only at weekends. If they come during the weekdays, they don’t need to wait for so long. The second reason is the laundry room will shut up if it begins to be renovated. And students will have to take their laundries far away outside school to get them washed. It will be very inconvenient. T4 定义:开放性的群体,对外来者不封闭的,而是愿意接受新成员的。新成员可能 带来在以前群体的知识。 听力例子:雌性黑猩猩 chimpanzee 结束青春期后可能选择新的群体,就会带 来自己以前学习到的知识和技能。例如一个黑猩猩在以前的的群体里学习到可以 用棍子去捅蚂蚁洞,诱使蚂蚁出来以吃的的群体里学习到可以用棍子去捅蚂蚁 洞,诱使蚂蚁出来以吃 This passage introduces a concept called permeable group. This notion means there are certain groups which are welcome to new comers. And thus will lead to the spread of some useful behavior. In the lecture, the professor takes chimpanzee as an example. A female chimpanzee can move from one group to another. And during its moving, it will teach other group members a practical technique to find food. That is a chimpanzee can thrust a stick into the ant hole. The ants will climb on the stick and then the chimpanzee can fetch back the stick and eat the ants on it. T5 问题: 男生看到一则以比较优惠的价格出售一个品牌鼓的广告,但是距离比较 远,天气正冷,他需要乘车前往。 优点 1 : 可以多穿点衣服,让自己暖和点。 缺点 1 : 车的供暖系统坏掉了,要到下周才去修。 解决方案 2 : 租车 In the conversation, the man wants to buy a drum from a person who lives an hour away. So he needs a car to get there. He has two solutions. The first one is using the car of his friend. However, it is winter and the car’s heating system has been broken. So it can be very cold this way. The second solution is to rent a car with good heating system but it will be much expensive. I suppose the first solution is better because even if the car has a bad heating system, the man can wear more clothes to keep warm. And also in this way, he can save some money for future use. T6 例子 1:艺术老师授课的时候反馈时间应在教学期间内,以便学生可以及时练 习所给的建议。 要点 2:focus on the work, not on the students themselves 例子 2:学生如果画的不好,可以给出一些具体的建议,一边学生知道如何进步, 比如告诉他色彩有哪些问题,而不是说他是个 bad painter。 The professor talks about two characteristics of effective feedback. The first characteristic is feedback must be properly timed. For example, in a painting class, teacher should give students feedback before the class is over. So the students can try recommended techniques in teacher’s feedback in their painting. The second characteristic is feedback should focus on students’ work, not on students themselves. For example, if a student use wrong color in his painting, the teacher should tell him to change another color in his future painting rather than just tell him he is a bad painter. 5 月 6 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合 阅读: 美国的一种叫 auklet 的海鸟出现了 die-off 的情况。 1.可能是由于在发生 die-off 之前的夏天,auklet 的数量激增,导致对于食物 的竞争加强,有些 auklet 就饿死了。 2.Auklet 可能接触 sea stars 的时候,感染了 sea stars 病毒,导致 Auklet 死亡。 听力:以上列举的没有一个能够解释 auklet 的 die-off. 1.竞争可能会导致一些 auklet 的数量减少,但是不会导致这么多 auklet 的死 亡,并且食物和 auklet 之前的平衡没有办法修复。 2.如果是少了病毒感染的话,那么 auklet 会带有相应的病毒,但是研究发现, 死去的 auklet 上面并没有病毒存在。 3.其他的一些以 zooplankton 为食的动物没有发生死亡现象。为什么只有 auklet 出现了这个情况,这说不通。 解析: The writer presents three reasons to explain why auklets in America died off. However, the professor demonstrates a different idea that these reasons are all unconvincing. To question the first reason presented in the passage that auklets might die from starvation because of their large population and the relative little food, the professor points out that the balance between the number of a species and the food availability could actually be balanced. Therefore, even we assume that auklets would need to compete with each other for food because the number of them had increased in the previous summer and some of them didn’t win that competition and died, the food then would be enough for those auklets that had remained alive. In this case, they would not completely die out. Another important point showed in the reading material is that auklets might be infected by some deadly virus from sea stars. But the professor presents a conflicting idea that scientist didn’t find this kind of virus in auklets’body. It is strange that they got infected by virus but didn’t had any in their body. The second reason in the reading passage is wrong again. Finally, the professor states that zooplankton still could not be the reason for auklets’ die-off. Because there are other sea animals that also feed on zooplankton but they are not affected. This challenges the third theory made by the writer who says that the drop of zooplankton’s quality caused the die-off of auklets. 独立 Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends? 题目分析:同意不同意类中的单一论述题。话题与朋友相关,但是关键词除了 friends 之外, impossible, always 和 honest 都提示我们这个题目属于一个抽 象类题目。所以我们采用抽象题目具体化的方式展开思路。 No matter in the past or at present, it is undeniable that people keep making friends through their life time. A large proportion of them hold a viewpoint that in order to maintain long-standing friendship with others, we should always be honest with them. This is understandable and in most cases, commendable. However, after careful consideration about friendship, being completely honest with friends is definitely impossible. Here are some reasons and examples to support my view. 此题目与 4 月 15 号的独立题目属于同一话题,所以开头段第一句和第二句可以 有所借鉴。如果是不同的题目,第三句跟在普遍或是别人的观点之后,也可以有 所保留。在表达总观点上,添加确定性的副词增强语气。开头段末尾加上过渡句。 First, for the sake of maintaining friendship with others, being honest unconditionally is the last thing in the world we should choose. For example, when a friend is in preparation for a really important English speech competition, it is meaningless to point out that he is not going to win that competition and he is wasting time if he spends time on it, even the truth is that he speaks terrible English and has no logic in writing his speech draft. As friends, we should not and cannot say so when we are given such situation. If you do choose being honest in this case, this friendship will possibly be over and that friend’s feelings will be hurt so badly that he may blame you. Alternatively, you can help him practice his oral English and together with him correct the mistakes in his speech draft, rather than being so honest that sacrifice your friendship with him. 本段的分论点是为了维护友谊,不能一直完全诚实。但是因为此分论点也较为抽 象,所以论证部分全部用的举例。在分论点的道理比较显而易见或者是不好说理 论证的时候,全部举例不失为一种好方法。 Second, considering the characteristic of friendship, sometimes we cannot be completely honest with friends in terms of our own issues. For example, the password of our bank account should be avoided to tell friends. And the financial situation is not something we ought to be honest with them. What is more illustrating, the fact that you hate your boss cannot be shared with your friends from work and you think someone you and your friend both know is not a kind person cannot be shared with that friend. The former may very much likely get you be fired and the latter may possibly lead that two people to defriend with you. Similarly, when your break up with your girlfriend, it is unnecessary to be honest with your friends about the reason. And when you are sick or bankrupt, you cannot tell any friend that you need help. Doing so will only make your friends leave you unless they are bosom ones who are willing to sacrifice time and their hard-earned money to help you out. As we can see from above explanation, it is impossible and not beneficial to always be completely honest with friends. 本段的分论点自身的某些事情,不应该也不能够对朋友完全诚实。跟上段一样, 论述部分是举例,但是为了跟上一个主体段的论述方法区别开来,采用了归纳法 中的举例方式,也就是用一些相关相似的小事实,得出分论点的结论,而非具体 举例了。 But I am not saying that we should not be honest with friends. Being honest is respectable and may also bring some benefits to both of the two friends and contributes to the friendship sometimes. For example, if you points out the shortage of your friend honestly, he may overcome that shortage and become a better man, which in turn, will enhance your friendship with him since he will appreciate you for this. Unfortunately, things will not always going like this, especially when you have embarrassed him while being honest with your friend. And regarding personal issues, being completely honest with friends sometimes is showing trust and intimacy; nevertheless, doing so is also filling your friends’ life with trivial things to deal with. As time goes by, that friend may feel too exhausted to be friend with your anymore. Then, you will have no friend to be honest with. 辩证段体现辩证思维。 All in all, it is stupid to always tell the truth in friendship and doing so is in effect impossible. Considering the particular nature of friendship, being reserved with friends is more practical and contributable. But lying to friends is by no means a wise choice and it is better for us to not say anything rather than lie to them when something is not suitable for them to know. 5 月 6 日托福阅读真题回忆: 第一段描述 electrotype 这种新兴科技使得杂志能够更快的被打印出来,
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