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2017 年 4 月托福真题回忆及解析 学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是学习的好方法。 无忧考网搜集整 理了 2017 年 4 月托福真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017 年 4 月举行了 3 场 考试,时间分别为 4 月 1 日、4 月 15 日、4 月 23 日。以下内容仅供参考。 4 月 1 日托福口语真题回忆: T1 The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to get graduated. Which of the following choice will you choose? A soccer B dancing 本次考题不是三选一,而是二选一的题目。足球需要更好的耐力;足球会有很多 身体碰撞。舞蹈需要身体灵活,节奏感强。因此,在答题的时候,可分情况具体 来答。 T2 Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-known, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 这也是一道二选一的题目。针对学术强和奖学金丰富的两类学校。学术强的学校 为学生提供良好的学术氛围,提高能力;而又奖学金保证的学校,能够为家庭条 件有限的学生提供学习帮助;也激励学业取得进步的学生。 T3 阅读 阅读标题:Professor Should Provide Lecture Notes 原因 1:学生上课听讲更专心,不必浪费时间记笔记 原因 2:更好地备考 听力态度:反对 原因一:记笔记更能使自己在课堂上保持注意力 原因二:让学生积极上课以备考 T4 阅读标题:Peer Reinforcement 定义:针对课堂中的不合适行为,直接指出批评也许适得其反,因此可以采取表 扬其他孩子的合适行为,来促进不合适行为学生的自我意识。 听力例子:老师在课堂中制定了一些规则,然而 sarah 是一个不循规蹈矩的孩子, 总是忽略老师的规则,没有按照老师的要求 put away toys。因此老师表扬了在 这方面做的很好的 paul 以此促进 sarah 行为的改善。 T5 听力问题:karen 即将搬进新的公寓,她很喜欢这间公寓,但是价格昂贵。 解决方案 1:在家自己做饭 优点 1:karen 喜欢做饭,可以省钱 缺点 1:回家太晚,没有足够的时间 解决方案 2:利用其它的钱 T6 听力话题:自然界中,young animal 总是有很多特征来保护自己不受 predator 例子 1:小狮子三个月以内的时候,毛发上就有斑点,来适应周围的色彩,保护自己 例子 2:幼鸟虽然不会飞行,但是可以靠爬树枝来躲避捕食者。 4 月 1 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合 1.征服地区人民频繁反抗、起义,伤了帝国根基。 2.阅读分论点 2-降水少导致农耕受影响,没有充足食物供给(enough foodenough food supply)。 3.阅读分论点 3-帝国很霸道,总是企图控制贸易(enough food听力中称为 unfair trade), 并 且把自己的条件强加给其他国家,引起周边国家不满甚至导致了几十个外国国王 对其宣战,举例海战。 听力:阅读三个原因都没有说服力。 1.征服地区的城墙被征服拆了,起义军没有城墙保护很容易会被政府军镇压。 2.粮食并不短缺,农耕技术很先进,甚至掌握灌溉技术(enough foodirrigation),北方缺水能 从别的地区引水并且知道存储粮食(enough foodstore grain)。 3.听力分论点 3-海战是真实的,虽然和一些国家会有摩擦,但战后新的机会和资 源都会变多,弥补(enough foodmake up)损失。 独立 You have long been friend with someone, If they do something that you don' t like should you still be friends with him or her. 你有一个多年友情的好朋友,如果他(她)做了令你不快的事情,你是否还会与 他(她)继续保持友谊? 观点:We should continue the friendship even he or she does something we do not like. 1、No one in the world is perfect, it can't be found the one who will always make us satisfied. 2、A considerate attitude is a must in true friendship. 3、The correct choice is to figure out the problem between us rather than stop friendship. One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Thus when exposed to the topic whether we should try to keep the friendship when something unhappy occurs, I strongly contend that we should. Nothing will be completely perfect in the world. Everyone was born to be a distinctive individual. We have different family education, growing up experiences, as well as characteristics, which gradually result in our possessing different values. Therefore our tastes and behaviors can never be the same. And thus it is quite acceptable that our friends may do something that we do not like, because they are not us. If we are looking for a friend who will never make us annoyed, we are not going to find one in reality. Besides it’s hardly a fair criticism that our friends have errors. We have never been close to perfect and sometimes it might be our faults. Once I read a short story about how to get along well with each other between two friends. And let’s call one girl Ann and the other Lucy. Ann did not like eating eggs while Lucy did. So every-time when Ann got one egg, she would directly give it to Lucy. However, one day when Ann wanted to have a taste of the egg, she just kept the egg without giving it to Lucy, which made Lucy quite angry. From this story, I think all of us need to ponder deeply over a question whether we have taken what our friends do for us for granted. Besides, a considerate attitude is a must in true friendship. When something unhappy happens, we often tend to blame others. And in most cases, this way will worsen an embarrassing situation. The wise way is to examine ourselves first. Sometimes it is we who need to apologize to our friends. In other cases, if we realize our friends really make mistakes which quite hurt us, it is advisable that we tell them in a harmless way. I believe this is the most desirable method which can deepen our friendship, enable our friends to perfect themselves as well as make us more popular. Finally, friends are lights in winter: the older the friend, the brighter the light. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them”. Old friends are our valuable treasures. They are the ones who know our merits and demerits, who encourage us when we get depressed, who pick us up when we fall down, and who will company us when we are alone. If one day, they offend us by doing something we do not like, what we are supposed to do is figuring out what’s wrong with our friendship and doing our best to continue it instead of just blaming our friends or breaking up the friendship. In a word, friendship will probably never be perfect, but that’s a small price to pay for what it does offer and we need to be responsible for maintaining it no matter what happens. 4 月 1 日托福听力真题回忆: Conversation1 话題分类: professor and student 学生询问了推荐信的事情,但是这不是重点,后来开始谈论一个叫"GreenGreen Building Tour"Green的项目,这个女生要参加,所以向教授询问一些相关内容,教授 介绍说了这些建筑的特色,着重讲了一个叫"GreenPump-heat system"Green的技术等,正 因为为了展示这个技术,这个项目才在冬天举行了。后来学生说可不可以参观 fitness center.教授说这没啥特色。 Conversation2 话题分类: professor and student 学生和教授就一个作业展开对话。学生要写一个关于城堡的小论文,但是不知道 怎么组识,以及参考文献格式。教授询问他已经做的一些研究状况,最后教授建议 他参加一 weekly workshop,可以得到关于参考文献格式的介绍和小册子。 Lecture 1 学科分类: Architecture 教授介绍了一本建筑书籍,作者 Ed Bacon (enough food20th),他是 20th 世纪人,贡献有建 造老城区及复兴 society hill 主张建筑与周围环境协调并考虑居住者的感受,他 也受到其他建筑家的影响。 Lecture 2 标題: 历史遗迹不能说明一切,有时候还原的不一定是真相 中世纪早期历史遗迹 Yeavering vs 古罗马时期历史遗迹 Bradley Hill。前者为木 质茅草顶,不结实,所以留存下来的很少,瓷器色泽与土相近,不容易被发现。 后者的建筑多为混凝土,屋顶为瓦,很结实故留存下来的多,瓷器闪闪发光因此 很容易被发现。 Lecture 3 学科分类:Biology 标题:土地用途改变产生的影响 juniper 得以扩张的原因及危害。 Lecture 4 学科分类: Biology 标題: Coral reef 2)珊瑚的生存条件 3 )珊瑚面临的问题 bleaching 4)如何保护珊瑚 Conversation3 学生感谢教授让他论文延期的事情,后来重点讨论的其实是学生参加的一个 "GreenMarket Planning"Green小组项目。说到其进程,学生说还没完,教授就说是不是有 组员没有努力做,学生说没有。但任务置分配的不合理,别的同学有的任务都做 完了但他的却做不完,教授让他把自己的任务再细分,让别人分担一些。 Lecture5: 学科分类:Meteorology 标题:Cloud-seeding 的过程 涉及术语-Bergeron process Lecture6: 对比 Expressionism 与 Realism,以及 Expressionism 在 theatre 的体现,play script。 4 月 1 日托福阅读真题回忆: Passage one 题目:Increasing Jellyfish Population 第 1 段:Whether we should worry about the increasing jellyfish population or not. On the one hand, prey population increases and water temperature changes; on the other hand, it occurs in many places. Then take Japan as example, whose jellyfish population drifted to the sea has risen up to 500 million each day。 第 2 段:指出导致 jelly fish population 增加的因素,其一是人们对 seafood 的 喜爱导致 overfishing ,使得 predator 的数置减少。 第 3 段:指出另一个因素是 jellyfish's thrive features: Global warming and acidification。 第 5 段:other aquatic life forms cannot exist,但是 jellyfish 有几个特征使得 其能生存:good survival rates, rapid reproduce and low oxygen level。 第 6 段:Benefits from globalization。 词汇题: 1. unprecedented = never seen before 2. permanent = constant 3. excessive= too many Passage two 第 1 段:America formation promotes circulation of news and information, both velocity and volume, people trades with one another in distance。 第 2 段:The United States Post Office makes news circulation easy and free。随后介绍了 two decisions that help postal system to improve integrate nation: one is post office is granted to sell all the newspapers at low price, another is Congress never turning down any petition for new road or new post service. 第 3 段:提出虽然 post service 由 political purpose 决定,但是它也影响了 business ,举了 wheat 的例子。 第 4 段:transportation improvements, new built roads 提高了 mail service 的 capacity and speed up service, too。随着交通的发展,越来越多的方式 can deliver mails : sailing ship, stagecoach, steamboat, canal boat and railroad。 Passage three 題目: The Green Revolution 第 1 段:The green revolution can date as far back to 1930s。农业科学家 做实验以 manipulate the seed of crops to improve productivity。随后指出 科学家把中国大米和印度大米作为 parents 研究出 IR8,优点是 bigger head of grain and stronger stem。虽然 IR8 提高了产量,但是科学家仍然不满足,于是 研究出了 IR36,优点是:来自 13 个 parents (enough food母本),可以抵抗 15 种 pests,110 days of growing period and three crops each year。 第 2 段:global hunger makes the green revolution extraordinary。India can be self-sufficient in crop production and Asia increases the crop production. 第 3 段:非洲的地理环境使得其受益较小,故科学家研发出新的 super rice, which can be transplanted that depended on seeding directly instead of seedling。 第 4 段:指出 the green revolution 有很多 detractors ,比如 chemical
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