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2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:70.00 KB 下载:0

2009 年同等学力申硕英语全国统一考试真题 英语试卷一 ( A ) 1. A: It ’ s not like George to be late for an appointment. B : _____ He ’ s always punctual. A. No way. B. Anyway he ’ s late. C. You ’ re right. D. I don ’ t think so. 2. A: Helen. You look great! You ’ re much slimmer than last time I saw you. B: _____ Actually I ’ ve been on a diet and I ’ ve been doing a keep-fit class too. A. Well, yes. B. No, thanks C. You ’ re flattering me. D. Are you kidding? 3. A: I ’ m so sorry. I shouldn ’ t have thrown your violin away. Why didn ’ t you tell me it was a birthday present from your Dad? B:_____ What ’ s done is done. A. No problem. B. Don ’ t worry. C. That ’ s fine. D. Forget it. 4. A: It ’ s really hard to maintain contact when people move around so much. B:_____ A. That ’ s right. I ’ ve been out of touch with my friends. B. You ’ re unlucky to have lost contact with your friends. C. Is it? People just drift apart indeed! D. I ask them to keep me informed about what they are doing. 5. A: Hi, John, how are you? I head you were sick. B: They must have confused me with somebody else._____ A. I was sick last week. B. I couldn ’ t agree with you more. C. So you ’ re right. D. I ’ ve never felt better. 6. Woman: Where do you plan to go for dinner? Man: I was thinking of going to Joe ’ s. It ’ s a stone ’ s throw away. Besides, the environment is good. Question: What can we learn about Joe ’ s? A. It ’ s not expensive. B. It ’ s not far from here. C. It ’ s an interesting place. D. It ’ s known for its specialty. 7. Man: That was an absolutely delicious meal. Your cooking is always superb but this time you ’ ve excelled yourself. Woman: I ’ m glad you enjoyed it. It ’ s a recipe I haven ’ t tried before. Question: What does the man think of the woman ’ s cooking? A. It ’ s as good as always . B. It ’ s good enough for something new. C. It ’ s better than usual. D. It ’ s good, but not as good as before. 8. Man: Do you think that Bob is serious about Sally? Woman: Well, I know this. I ’ ve never seen him go out so often with the same girl. Question: What conclusion can we draw from the woman ’ s statement? A. Bob never goes steady with a girl. B. Bob is serious about Sally.Bob will soon change his girlfriend. D. Bob is not serious about Sally. 9. Man: Everybody ’ s helping out with the dinner. Would you make the salad? Woman: Anything but that. Question: What does the woman mean? A. She doesn ’ t want any salad. B. She will make the salad. C. She ’ d rather do some other jobs. D. She wants some salad. 10. Man: You know what? You should invest the money yourself. Woman: That had crossed my mind. Question: What does the woman mean? A. The idea had bothered her. B. She had invested the money. C. She wouldn ’ t give it a try. D. The idea had occurred to her. 11. The applications of genetic engineering are abundant and choosing one appropriate for this case can be rather difficult. A. plentiful B. sufficient C. adequate D. countable 12. The newly elected president has pledged $13million to the automobile industry for its survival. A. prepared B. promised C. disposed D. delivered 13. The Americans recognize that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity. A. medium B. place C. resort D. tunnel 14. The growth of part-time and flexible working pattern allows more women to take advantage of job opportunities. A. catch up with B. make use of C. cast light on D. get rid of 15. Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction. A. impressed B. amused C. puzzle d D. attracted 16. Senator James Meeks had called off a boycott of Chicago Public Schools, organized to protest I llinois ’ education funding system. A. reclaimed B. proposed C. canceled D. indulged 17. The new book focuses on the concept that to achieve and maintain total health, people need physical, social and emotiona l well-being. A. attain B. gain C. acquire D. gather 18. The 16 percent fare increase would bring Chicago fares in line with those of other big cities. A. in agreement with B. in cooperation with C. in connection with D. in association with 19. It is true that London is often sunless, damp and raw, though the occasional sunny days seem all the more attractive by contrast. A. mild B. chilly C. cloudy D. moist 20. Like flowers that have been waiting all winter to blossom , tourists are eager to burst forth with their cameras. A. survive B. breeze C. bloom D. revive 21. A large _____ of the sunlight never reaches the earth while infra-red heat given off by the earth is allowed to escape freely. A. ratio B. proportion C. rate D. fraction 22. It is amusing that she _____ her father ’ s bad temper as well as her mother ’ s good looks.A. inherited B. retained C. preserved D. maintained 23. _____ the few who have failed in their examination, all the other students in the hall are in very high spirits. A. In spite that B. But for C. Apart from D. For the sake of 24. The decline in moral standards, which has long concerned social analysts, has at last _____ the attention of average Americans. A. clarified B. cultivated C. characterized D. captured 25. Our neighbor Uncle Johnson is a stubborn man. Needless to say , we tried _____ to make him change his mind. A. in short B. in secret C. in vain D. in danger 26. The western media was astonished to see that China ’ s GDP _____ by almost 40% just in two year s ’ time. A. flourished B. floated C. soared D. roared 27. Unemployment seems to be the _____ social problem in this area and may undermine social stability. A. prevalent B. primitive C. previous D. premature 28. Many people, when ill, see their doctors and ask them to _____ something that will make them feel better. A. describe B. prescribe C. revise D. devise 29. Facing growing costs and shrinking tax _____, the government is now threatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs. A. budget B. collection C. profit D. revenue 30. Research shows heavy coffee drinking is _____ a small increase in blood pressure, but not enough to increase the risk for high blood pressure. A. compared with B. associated with C. attributed to D. referred to PASSAGE ONE The other day my son asked me if he could ride up to his elementary school on his bike and meet his friend. He wanted the both of them to ride back to our house so they could play video games and jump on the trampoline. I have to admit, part of me wa nted to say no. We can go pick him up or his parents can bring him over here, I thought. But my son is eleven years old now. And after all, I do let him ride his bike to school. But I also drive my daughter to school and I can see him on the way, making s ure he is getting there safely. My husband thinks I am too overprotective. I don ’ t care to let my children walk anywhere without one of us going along. As you pull out of our neighborhood, there is a shopping center across the street. My son always asks if he can ride his bike or walk over to the drugstore by himself. But crossing tha t street is just too dangerous. The cars fly around the corner like they ’ re driving in a car race. What if he gets hit? What is some teenage bullies are hanging out in the parking lot? I want so much to give my children the freedom that I enjoyed having when I was growing up but I hesitate to do so because there are dangers around every corner. Too many kidnaps, too many sex offenders . I went online and discovered there are 41 sex offenders in my area alone. I honestly don ’ t think my mom worried about such things when her children were young. Growing up in the 1970s was indeed a different time. I never wore a helmet when I rode a bike. We were all over the neighborhood, on our bikes and on foot, coming home for dinner and then back out again until dark. We rode in the back of the truck, didn ’ t wear seatbelts. I walked to and from school 31. What did the author feel reluctant to let her son do? A. Meet his friend. B. Play video games. C. Jump on the trampoline. D. Ride his bike on streets. 32. What does the author mean when she says “ But my son is eleven years old now ” ? A. He is old enough to be given some freedom now. B. He is a bit too young to go out alone. C. He has reached the legal age for ridding a bike. D. He can ’ t protect himself from road hazards. 33. Given her husband ’ s attitude towards bringing up kids, he would most probably _____. A. drive his son to school to ensure safety. B. follow his son all the way to school and back C. give his son more freedom in deciding what to do D. ask the other boy ’ s parents to bring him over here 34. Which of the following is NOT considered by the author as a potential threat to kids? A. Teenage bullies. B. The drugstore. C. Child abusers. D. Cars racing by. 35. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The social security back in the 1970s was no better than it is today. B. Today ’ s children are more obedient to their parents. C. Children today are more obedient to their parents. D. Children in the 1970s enjoyed more freedom than those today. 36. What is the author ’ s main purpose in writing this passage? A. To compare today ’ s social environment with that of the 1970s. B. To show her concern over the increasing crime rate in her neighborhood. C. To describe her hesitation as to how much freedom she should give her son. D. To express her worries about both safety and security in her area. PASSAGE TWO About a century ago more people would not have appreciated the study of a foreign language as they do today. Gone are those days when patriotism towards on e ’ s own language was a major obstacle to learning foreign languages, a time when most nations were trying to throw their alien rulers out of their countries in their freedom struggles. Gone are those days when people were proud of their mother or father tongues and considered that their native languages alone will suffice the need to survive. Language skills today have become as important as other business and career skills like IT , vocational or professional skills. Thus learning a foreign language today has become essential for an individual whether it is for careers, growing a business, or even to make an impression. All that one needs to possess these days is a drive to learn a foreign language and there are all kinds of institutes and courses that teach various foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. Today ’ s world economy has bridged the barriers of race, sex, color and religion and the world had become a smaller place. Today ’ s businesses also demand language skills
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