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2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:110.50 KB 下载:0

2004 年同等学力申硕英语全国统一考试真题 Paper One 试卷一(90 minutes) Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes,15 points)(略) Part Ⅱ Vocabulary(10 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions : In this section there are ten sentences , each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 16. Hague was elected as the Conservative Party leader partly because of his ambiguous views on Britain’s position in relation to its partners in the European Union. A. ambitious B. obscure C. appalling D. indifferent 17. Her story shows how gentle stubbornness and an indifference to honors and fame can lead to great achievements. A. persuasion B. determination C. devotion D. reservation 18. We have a respon3sibility to ensure our nation’s continued prosperity and the most sensible way to do this is by investment in basic scientific research. A. effective B. efficient C. significant D. reasonable 19. All information reported to or likewise obtained by the commission is considered confidential. A. in a similar way B. in another way C. in a direct way D. in an unauthorized way 20. I would recommend this inn highly on account of its wonderful location. A. as a result of B. because of C. with regard to D. with a view to 21. Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies. A. exactly B. faithfully C. repeatedly D. simply 22. The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department. A. law B. passage C. revision D. clause 23. In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment , some very useful work was accomplished. A. imperfect B. temporary C. emergency D. reinstalled 24. Talks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming. A. focus on B. settle down C. fight against D. sum up 25. Bob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values,and that we must act now to halt this decline. A. lace B. plug C. cease D. digest Section B Directions : In this section , there are ten incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 26. The local people could hardly think of any good way to______poverty they had endured. A. shake off B. ward off C. put off D. take off 27. The three branches of government—the legislative , the executive , and the______—restrain functions. and stabilize A. lawful B. just C. judicial D. legal one another through their separated 28. From observers’ estimates of the brightness of the fireball , he______that the body in the space was between 40 feet and 260 feet in diameter. A. deduced B. reduced C. induced D. produced 29. They provide a means of keeping______of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly. A. track B. contact C. relation D. steps 30. You can use the Course Calendar to help______your students of important dates in the course,such as test dates. A. warn B. remind C. convince D. deprive 31. Among picture books for 4—8-year-olds , several outstanding works appeared that combined original stories with______illustrations. A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaging D. imageless 32. A survey of more than 1000 philosophers ,teachers and students by the authoritative Philosophers’ Magazine placed Charles Darwin’s The Origin of______as the third most important work. A. Sperms B. Species C. Spectrums D. Specimens 33. As skies fill with millions of migrating birds , European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming______ : The fatter the bird,the more efficiently it flies. A. interruption B. description C. qualification D. contradiction 34. The party leader justified his subsequent reelection______that he had brought political stability and economic development to his country. A. in the way B. by no means C. on the grounds D. to the extent 35. A leading British scholar has proposed translating Shakespeare into contemporary English ______ young audiences who are confused by jokes which are 400 years out of date. A. in memory of B. at the cost of C. on behalf of D. for the benefit of Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,25 points) Directions:There are five passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A , B , C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One Children live in a world in which science has tremendous importance. During their lifetimes it will affect them more and more. In time ,many of them will work at jobs that depend heavily on science. As voters,they will have a voice in making many decisions that involve science—for example , concerning energy sources , pollution control , highway safety , wilderness conservation,and population growth. As taxpayers they will pay for scientific research and exploration. And,as consumers,they will be bombarded(受到 轰击)by advertising,much of which is said to be based on science. Therefore , it is important that children , the citizens of the future , become functionally acquainted with science—with the process and spirit of science , as well as with its facts and principles. Fortunately , science has a natural appeal for youngsters. They can relate it to so many things that they encounter—flashlights,tools,echoes,and rainbows. Besides,science is an excellent medium for teaching far more than content. It can help pupils learn to think logically,to organize and analyse ideas. It can provide practice in communication skills and mathematics. In fact,there is no area of the curriculum to which science cannot contribute , whether it is geography,history,language arts,music or art! Above all , good science teaching leads to what might be called a“scientific attitude”.Those who possess it seek answers through observing,experimenting,and reasoning,rather than blindly accepting the pronouncements of others. They weigh evidence carefully and reach conclusions with caution. While respecting the opinions of others,they expect honesty , accuracy , and objectivity are on guard against hasty judgments and sweeping generalizations. All children should be developing this approach to solving problems ,but it cannot be expected to appear automatically with the mere acquisition of information. Continual practice , through guided participation,is needed. 36. One of the reasons why science is important for children is that many of them will . A. work in scientific research institutions B. work at jobs closely related to science C. make the final decision in matters concerning science D. be fund-raisers for scientific research and exploration 37. There is no doubt that children like learning science because . A. science is linked with many of the things they meet B. science is a very easy subject for them to learn C. they encounter the facts and principles of science daily D. they are familiar with the process and spirit of science 38. Pupils can learn logical thinking while . A. practicing communication skills B. studying geography C. taking art courses D. learning science 39. People with a scientific attitude . A. are ready to accept the pronouncements of others B. tend to reach conclusions with certainty C. are aware that others are likely to make hasty judgments D. seek truth through observation ,experimentation and reasoning 40. In the passage the writer seems to . A. prove that science is a successful course in school B. point out that science as a course is now poorly taught in school C. suggest that science should be included in the school curriculum
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