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By citing the book The Tipping Point the author intends to


A.analyze the consequences of social epid emics

B.discuss influentials’ funcition in spreading ideas

C.exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics

D.describe the essential characteristics of influentials


  • 1Which of the following would bethe subject ofthe text、

    A.A looming threat to bvamess-melhcd patents

    B.Protection for business-method patent holders

    C.A legal case regarding business-methodpatents

    D.A prevailing tread against business-method patents

  • 2We learn from the last two pamgraphs that business-meihod Pateats

    A.are immune to legal challenges

    B.are of ten unnecessarily issued

    C.lower the esteem for pateat holders

    D.increase the incidence of risks

  • 3The word “about-face”(Line 1, Paro 3)most probably means

    A.loss of good will

    B.increase of hostility

    C.change of attitude

    D.change of auiuled

  • 4Which of the following is true of the Bilski case、

    A.Its rulling complies with the court decisions

    B.It involves a very big business transaction

    C.It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit

    D.It may change the legal practices in the U.S。

  • 5Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of

    A.their limited value to business

    B.their connection with asset allocation

    C.the possible restriction on their granting

    D.the controversy over authorization

  • 6The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”

    A.serves as a solution to marketing problems

    B.has helped explain certain prevalent trends

    C.has won support from influentials

    D.requires solid evidence for its validity

  • 7what the researchers have observed recenty shows that

    A.the power of influence goes with social interactions

    B.interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media

    C.influentials have more channels to reach the public

    D.most celebritiea enjoy wide media attention

  • 8the  underlined  phrase  “these people”in  paragraph  4 refers to the  ones who

    A.stay outside the network of social influence

    B.have little contact with the source of influence

    C.are influenced and then influence others

    D.are influenced by the initial influential

  • 9what is the essential slement in the dynamics of social influence、

    A.The eageiness to be accepted

    B.The impulse to influence others

    C.The resdiness to be influenced

    D.The inclination to rely on others

  • 10Bankers complained that they were forced to

    A.follow anfavorable asset evaluation rules

    B.collect payments from third parties

    C.cooperate with the price managers

    D.reevaluate some of their assets
