- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
In relation to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of China, explain what shall be repaid before the insolvent assets can be liquidated at the end of the bankruptcy procedure and the order of distribution of insolvent assets.
In relation to the Securities Law of China:
(a) explain the term inside information;
(b) describe the information which shall constitute inside information, in terms of the capital and assets of a stock company.
City College, Yolo Co and Mr Wang entered into an investment contract to set up a limited liability company, with a registered capital of RMB 4·5 million yuan, in the bio-tech business. With respect to the capital contributions of each sponsor, they agreed that City College would provide its technology at a value of RMB 1·5 million yuan; Yolo Co would provide its workshop as its capital contribution at a value of RMB 1 million yuan after the conclusion of the contract and Mr Wang would provide RMB 2 million yuan in cash within three months upon its incorporation.
After the incorporation of the company, Yolo Co provided its workshop to the company according to the investment contract. Mr Wang paid only RMB 1·5 million yuan before the deadline of his capital contribution as prescribed in the investment contract, due to a shortage of cash.
Answer the following questions in accordance with the Company Law, and give your reasons for your answers:
(a) state whether the limited liability company could be legally established;
(b) describe the procedure which should be taken with respect to the capital contributions to the company in the form of technology;
(c) explain the liability of Mr Wang for failing to discharge his obligation to make a full capital contribution.
General Contractor entered into a supply contract with Material Co to buy various construction materials at a total price of RMB 20 million yuan. Under the contract, Material Co would provide the first shipment of construction materials, worth RMB 6 million yuan, within 10 days after the conclusion of the contract and General Contractor would make the first payment in 90 days after receipt of the materials. To secure the payment by General Contractor, Huadong
Holdings Co issued a letter of guarantee to provide a guarantee of RMB 6 million yuan in favour of Materials Co. Five days after the conclusion of the contract, Material Co delivered the first shipment to General Contractor.
Due to a dramatic increase of various costs, General Contractor was unable to settle the debts owed to its suppliers or sub-constructors and was declared bankrupt by its creditors. The court confirmed the application of bankruptcy and designated a bankruptcy administrator. Materials Co did not know about the bankruptcy of General Contractor and did not declare its credit because it was located in another province.
Having known the information about General Contractor’s bankruptcy, Huadong Holdings Co came to declare its credit as a guarantor for the preliminary payment. The bankruptcy administrator held that Huadong Holdings Co was not a qualified creditor as it had not borne its guarantor’s obligation and refused to accept the declaration of credit by Huadong Holdings Co.
Answer the following questions in accordance with the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, and give your reasons for your answers:
(a) discuss whether Huadong Holdings Co should be a qualified creditor of the debtor given that it had not borne its guarantor’s obligation;
(b) discuss whether Huadong Holdings Co was entitled to declare its credit if Materials Co came to declare its credit of RMB 6 million yuan against General Contractor.
根据“一鸟在手”理论所体现的收益与风险的选择偏好,股东更( )。(第十一章 股利分配、股票分割与股票回购)
下列关于股票分割的说法中,错误的是( )。(第十一章 股利分配、股票分割与股票回购)
C. 普通股股数增加
D. 股价上涨幅度不大时采用
下列案件中,适用《民事诉讼法》的有( )。
甲公司对乙公司负有债务。为了担保其债务的履行,甲公司同意将一张以本公司为收款人的汇票质押给乙公司,为此,双方订立了书面的质押合同,并交付了票据。 甲公司未按时履行债务,乙公司遂于该票据到期时持票据向承兑人提示付款。下列表述中,正确的是( )。(第九章 票据与支付结算法律制度)
A. 承兑人应当向乙公司付款
甲公司是一金额为 80 万元的汇票的持票人。甲公司在汇票上背书:“将此汇票金额中的 50 万元转让给乙公司”。甲公司背书的后果是( )。(第九章 票据与支付结算法律制度)
C. 背书有效,乙公司取得 50 万元票据权利
D. 背书违反票据法,导致票据无效
下列关于增值税征税范围的说法,正确的是( )。
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