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A technical requirement has which of the following characteristics:


A.easy to understand

B.a communication tool between the user and the design team

C.written in non-technical language

D.developed in cooperation with the user

E.typically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements


  • 1A Gantt chart is useful in determining:

    A.the level of effort for a task

    B.when a task starts and stops

    C.how tasks are related to each other

    D.who is assigned to do a task

    E.All of the above.

  • 2A work breakdown structure is most useful for:

    A.identifying individual tasks for a project

    B.scheduling the start of tasks

    C.developing a cost estimate

    D.determining potential delays

    E.A and C.

  • 3The purpose of configuration management is to:

    A.insure drawings are updated

    B.control change throughout the project

    C.control change during the production only

    D.generate engineering change proposals

    E.inform the project manager of changes

  • 4Selection criteria for project selection include:

    A.cost versus benefit


    C.contribution towards organizational goals

    D.rate of return

    E.All of the above.

  • 5Graphical displays of accumulated cost and labor hours, plotted as a function of time, are called:

    A.Variance reports

    B.S curves

    C.Trend analysis

    D.Earned value reporting

    E.Baseline control

  • 6The project charter is developed by:

    A.senior management

    B.the customer

    C.the project manager

    D.both A and C

    E.None of the above.

  • 7A program is characterized as:

    A.a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.

    B.a unique undertaking having a definite time period.

    C.a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave.

    D.C.a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grav

    E.D.a project with a cost over $1 million.E.None of the above.

  • 8Creation of project objectives:

    A.allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.

    B.is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.

    C.is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.

    D.B.is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.C.is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D.all of the abov

    E.E.A and B only

  • 9A project is defined as:

    A.a coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that has a finite period of performance.

    B.a large, complex undertaking with many objectives, multiple sources of funding, and a not discernible end point.

    C.an undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that can be accomplished in less than one year.

    D.a group of activities headed by a project manager who has cradle-to-grave cycle responsibility for the end product.

    E.All of the above.

  • 10The use of the project reports:

    A.are not necessary on small projects

    B.provides a means whereby various levels of authority can judge project performance

    C.provides insight into project areas and the effectiveness of the control systems

    D.All of the above

    E.B and C.
