- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
At the White House with parents of shooting school victims alongside, President Obama pledged to keep fighting for gun control. "So all in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington. But this effort is not over." His remarks came after the Senate defeated a proposal to expand background checks for gun buyers. Mark Barden's seven-year-old son Daniel was killed when a gunman opened fire on 20 children and six educators at a school in Newtown Connecticut last December. "In any instant, any dad in America could be in my shoes. No one should feel the pain, no one should feel our pain or the pain felt by the tens of thousands of people who've lost loved ones to senseless gun violence." On the Senate floor, gun rights advocates like Senator Richard Shelby insisted the legislation would infringe on the constitutional right to own guns. "As one of the Justice Department's leading crime researchers has stated, the government's ability to implement near universal background checks would rely at least in part on quote 'requiring gun registration.' I oppose that."
在白宫,受害学生家属与奥巴马一道宣誓要继续为枪支管理而战斗。 “总的来说,对华盛顿而言那是耻辱的一天,但是(枪支管制的)努力不会终止。” 奥巴马发表该言论是在参议员驳回枪支调查购买者背景的提案之后。 马克·巴顿七岁的儿子丹尼尔丧生于枪下,当时持枪者朝着20名儿童和6名教师开火,该事件发生于去年12月康乃迪克州纽镇的一所学校里。
“在任一时刻,美国任意一位父亲都可能经历一样的事。没有人应该承受这样的痛苦,千万人的亲人丧生于无情的枪下,没人应该忍受这样的痛苦。” 在参议院,如参议员理查·谢尔比一样的持枪权利拥护者坚持说,枪支管理法可能会侵犯宪法所赋予的持枪权利。 “正如司法部门的一位主要犯罪研究员所言,政府要施行背景普查,至少会部分仰赖于‘高标准的枪支登记’,我对此表示反对。”
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