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2020-02-04发布者:郝悦皓大小:55.10 KB 下载:0

计算机英语 Stick-on memory Better and cheaper camera technology has made us all closet documentary-makers of our own lives, and an offshoot of this is a growing scrapbook culture. Scientists at Hewlett Packard's UK research labs are aiming to make the most of this. They have created the world's smallest wireless data chip, which will allow us fit more images in our scrapbooks. Called a Memory Spot, it can store up to half a megabyte of video, audio or hundreds of pages of text and it's tiny enough to be attached to postcards, photographs and other memorabilia. Looking for a digital wireless solution to adding sound to photographs, the HP scientists came up with this experimental chip, based on CMOS (a widely used, low-power integrated circuit design), about the size of a grain of rice. Program manager, John Waters describes the concept, 'We are running at 2.5Ghz and using the same system for transferring power from one circuit to another, we can transfer information either to or from the chip.' Photos and movies Information can be read using an adapted mobile phone, PDA, camera, printer or pen-like device. Positioning the read-write device close to the chip transfers power and information to the display of the phone, camera or PDA, or can be printed out by the printer. Waters explains, 'The current reader-writer design is a prototype in the lab to demonstrate the technology. Depending on the application you can take the reader-writer and integrate the functionality of that into a chip that you could put in a mobile phone or other device. It really depends on where the application of the Memory Spot is as to how to create the final form of the readerwriter.' It's possible to attach digital information to any surface, object or document. Your favorite seaside postcard could accompany photos of your family at the beach. A wedding photo could contain clips of the wedding video or an audio recording of the ceremony. Digital tagging Other possible applications include hospital wristbands containing patient medical information or authentication tags for prescription drugs, costly electronic components and other frequently counterfeited items. 'One of our challenges,' says Waters, 'is to look at the opportunities offered by this technology. We devised it originally with the photograph in mind but realise its potential for businesses.' 粘贴型的存储器 越来越先进和便宜的照相机技术已经使我们都成为了我们自己生活的纪 录片制作人,而与此同时发展起来的其中一个分支便是迅速成长起来的剪贴 簿文化。惠普在英国的研究实验室的科学家们正努力充分利用这个趋势和资 源。他们已经创造了世界上最小的无线数据芯片,这将允许我们存储更多的 图象在剪贴本上。人们称其为记忆芯点,它能存储半兆的视频,音频或者成百 上千张的文本,同时它的形状足够小以至于可以粘贴在明信片,照片和其他 大事记等文件上。 为了试图寻找一种数字无线的途径把声音嫁接到照片上,惠普的科学家 们提出了这款实验芯片,并将其基于互补金属氧化物半导体上(一种广泛使用 的,低功率的具有完整电路设计的半导体),其大小和稻米的谷粒相仿。程序设 计经理约翰.沃特斯是这样描述这个概念的,‘我们正在以 2.5Ghz 的速度运行 并且利用同样的系统从一个电路到另一个电路转移能量,我们发现能够实现 对这个芯片的信息输入和输出。’ 照片和电影 信息可以通过很多方式读取,比如移动电话,掌上电脑,照相机,打印 机或者笔式装置。将这种芯片装配在读写装置上可以把能量和信息转移到电 话,照相机或者掌上电脑的显示屏上,或者通过打印机打印出来。沃特斯解 释道:‘当前读写装置的设计只是在实验室里展示这项技术的原形。可以根据 你对读写器的应用要求将要求的功能整合到芯片上,并将其安装在移动电话 或者其他装置上。关于在怎样设计读写器的外观形状方面真正取决于这种记 忆芯点在什么位置应用。’ 在任何表面,物体和文件上粘贴数字信息是有可能的。你最喜欢的海滨 风景明信片可以粘贴上你的家人在海滩的照片。一张婚礼照片可以粘贴上一 小段婚礼仪式上的视频或者音频剪辑。 数码标签 其他可能的应用包括可以存储病人用药信息的医用表带,或者用于识别 处方药,昂贵的电子元件和其他常见赝品的证明标识。 “我们其中的一个挑战”,沃特斯认为,“就是要看这项技术给我们带来的 机会。我们原先是源于其在照片上的应用而设计这个产品的,但现在我们已 经意识到其在商业上的潜力。”


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