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2013 年中信银行深圳分行招聘考试笔试试卷完整真题及答案解
第一部分 英语能力测试
Passage 1
Document against acceptance (D/A) is exactly like document against payment (D/P) except
that, instead of signing the sight draft and paying on presentation of documents to receive
the bill(s) of lading, the importer accepts the usance (time) draft that creates an obligation
similar to a promissory note called a trade acceptance. This can be used for finance
purposesunder some conditions. This is a promise to pay in a certain number of days, after
the documents, usually for a term of between 30 and 180 days. D/A terms are more secure
than open account because the transaction and receipt of goods are evidenced by a
negotiable instrument. It is much easier to enforce a financial instrument that an account
receivable. Which must be proven to the courts. However, a sharp increase in risk over D/A
occurs because the importer now has the goods, and the exporter only has a promise to pay.
The bank has no
responsibility to collect the funds on or after the due date. Both your bank and the foreign
bank are purely conduits, or agents for transmittal and collection. It is very important not to
confuse a banker’s acceptance, which carries the credit of a bank, with a trade acceptance
mentioned here. The latter is non better than the credit and integrity of the buyer as
opposed to the bank.
1. If D/A terms are used to settle international transactions, then .
A. the seller must pay on presentation of documents
B. a sight draft is usually used
C. the importer can get the bill(s) of lading only after he accepts the time draft
D. a promissory note is created
2. In the passage, the sentence “this can be used for finance purposed under some conditio
ns” means that .
A. the buyer gives credits to the seller
B. the buyer can get the goods and even sell it before he has to pay
C. the buyer promise to pay in30 days
D. an obligation is created
3. To the seller, which of the following is disadvantage of D/A?
A. It is much more secure in comparison with open account.
B. It is much more enforceable than an account receivable.
C. The seller has to incur much higher risk of dishonor of the bills.
D. The collecting bank is responsible for the payment in the event of the dishonor of the gb
4. The most important difference between a banker’s acceptance and a trade acceptance is
that .
A. the acceptances are made by different agentsB. credits are given by different agents
C. the banker’s acceptance is inferior to a trade acceptance
D. the banker’s acceptance depends on the bank’s credit, while the latter depends on the
credit of the buyer.
5. The word “conduits” in the passage means .
A. the banks assume no responsibility if the buyers fail to meet their payment obligation sp
ecified in the commercial contract
B. the banks assume no responsibility for consequences arising from any causes beyond
C. Just acting as agents, the banks transmit documents and collect money in accordance with
the directions given by the principal
D. All of the above
Passage 2
Providing for a payment mechanism or the transfer of funds is one of the important functions
performed by commercial banks and it is increasing in importance as greater reliance is
placing on the use of checks and credit cards. The increasing efficiency with which funds are
managed is indicated by the gradual decline in money holdings relative to the gross national
product over the years, despite an increase in the number of financial transactions. In rece
nt years the only kind of money that has increased relative to national is coin, primarily
because of the growth of metering and vending machines. As we can see, at present check
deposits are assuming a larger portion of the transaction load, and they are being used more
efficiently.Most of the checks in the nation are cleared through the commercial banking
system. Checks drawn on and deposited in the same bank merely transfer funds from one
counter to another. If only two banks are involved in the same town, there is a direct
exchange of checks. When several banks are involved within the same city, a clearing house
arrangement is usually employed. The process becomes a bit more complicated and timeconsuming.Banks have employed computers and other sophisticated equipment to speed the
clearing process, reduce costs, and improve accuracy. In recent years considerable thought
and research have been given to what has become known as checkless banking. This would
activate computers in banks throughout the nation and thus transfer funds from the
purchaser’s account to the seller’s account. The ATM can be used to withdraw cash from a
depositor’s account, make deposits and loan repayments, and transfer funds between a
depositor’s savings and checking accounts.
6. Although banking transaction load is ever heavier, .
A. there is less money among the people
B. more funds are managed in commercial banks
C. money management shows higher efficiency
D. there is a gradual decline of funds in gross national product
7. In the writer’s view what is being used more efficiently?
A. Money holdings B. Check deposits C. Coins D. Metering and vending machines
8. How is the clearing of checks involved in two banks in the same city?
A. through the clearing houseB. by transfer of funds from one account to another
C. through a correspondent bankD. by direct exchange of checks
9. According to the passage, can eliminate bank checks and the subsequent work.
A. credit cards B. some sophisticated equipmentC. computers D. a device of electronic
transfer of funds
10. The central idea of this passage is .
A. electronic transfer of funds B. bank’s payment mechanismC. clearing of checks D.
computer and payment
Sudden in 2008 swept through the global financial crisis, the global real economy and have
had a tremendous impact, China's garment industry suffered a lot of pressure and influence. In
2009 the impact of the crisis continue, the prospects for China's apparel industry worrisome.
Under the current situation in the situation awareness and control of the direction of the
apparel industry on the impact and future development trend analysis to be informative, both
for China's long-term development of the apparel industry, garment industry or work on
specific breakthroughs have active role in guiding.
参考答案:08 年突如其来的金融危机席卷全球,并对全球实体经济产生了巨大的冲击,我国服装业遭受很大
的压力和影响。09 年这场危机的影响仍在继续,中国服装行业的前景堪忧。
In the foreign exchange market, which is made up of banks’ traders and brokers, prices
____1_____ every minute ___2____ to supply and demand. For safety’s sake, a branch will get
arate from their traders for a big transaction. This process would be too cumbersome,
however, for every small transaction. Therefore the traders give their branches lists of
exchange rates _____3_____ they may buy and sell notes and payments in the main
currencies.Whenever a bank in Britain makes a payment in foreign currency, or makes a
payment in sterling to a non-resident, the payment has first to ___4__ under British exchange
control regulations. The bank itself can usually authorize the payment after seeing a
document such as aninvoice to show that the payment is due; but cases ___5___ borrowing
and lending have to be referred to the Bank of England.
alter B vary C turn D convert
in response B respondent C responding D answering
of which B on which C in which D at which
authorizing B authorize C be authorized D have been authorized
involving B involve C will involve D being involved
参考答案:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A
第二部分 综合能力测试
【正确答案】:C 【试题解析】:中央银行能够有效控制的基础货币称为一阶主控变量,存款准备金率
是货币政策重具,货币供给是中央银行宏观金融调控的间接控制二阶变量,市场利率是反馈信号。选 C。
【正确答案】:C 【试题解析】:即使是赞同金融自由化的人,也认为政府的适度干预是必要的。因此,
金融自由化并不否认金融监管。选 C。
A. 国际储备总量的适度
【正确答案】:D 【试题解析】:为了追求安全性,需要将外汇储备的货币结构与未来外汇支出的货币
结构相匹配,从而在未来的外汇支出中,将不同储备货币之间的兑换降低到最低程度;为了 追求盈利性,需要
尽量提高储备货币中硬币的比重,降低储备货币中软币的比重。选 D。
4、 在金融期权中,赋予合约的买方在未来某一确定时或确定的时期内,以确定的价格出售相关资产的权利的
【正确答案】:C 【试题解析】:按照买方权利的不同,金融期权合约可分为看涨期权和看跌期权,其
跌期权。选 C。
得超过 5%,选 A。
【正确答案】:A 【试题解析】:银行业监管的基本方法有两种,即非现场监督和现场检查,其中非现
场监督是监管当局针对单个银行在并表的基础上收集、分析银行机构经营稳健性和安全性的一种方式。选 A。
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