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2010 跟单员考试操作实务真题 一、出口跟单操作题(共计 80 分) 根据以下业务背景资料,回答相关问题。 浙江宁波周巷电器制造有限公司(以下简称周巷电器)是一家专业从事家用电水壶(属于 法定检验商品)生产的厂家。2010 年 5 月 5 日,澳大利亚佳柯尔公司(以下简称佳柯 尔)经过实地考察和筛选,向周巷电器下达了采购单,内容如下。周巷电器指派外贸跟单 员李强具体负责该采购单的跟进,请你以李强的身份完成跟单任务。 JACKEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 110-112 MURPHY STREET RICHMOND 3121 VIC. AUSTRALIA Tel:(03)4295578 Fax:(03)4295476 Purchase Order Seller:Zhouxiang Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd. Zhouxiang Town, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China 315324 Direct Tel No. : +86 574 63308157 Direct Fax No. : +86 574 63308187 Email:qcfde@hotmail.com Attn.: LI QIANG From: EVA P.O. No.:JACKEL0900933 Date:07 MAY, 2010 Port of Destination :Melbourne,Australia Description of Goods(商品描述): Description (PCS) Quantity Unit Price Amount ELECTRIC KETTLE CFR Melbourne Model CK-1008 11760 USD4.8 /PC USD56448.00 CK-1009 16056 USD4.8 /PC USD77068.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total:27816 USD133516.80 Power/Frequency: 1850-2200W/50-60HZ Voltage: 220-240V Controllor(定时器): FADA CK-1008 CK-1009 2.Packing(包装): Net Weight 11.5 Gross Weight 13 Gift Box Dimensions 19 CM×14 CM×23.5 CM Outer Dimensions 59.5 CM×30 CM×48.5 CM Carton Quantity per Carton Packing 12 KGS/CTN KGS/CTN PCS/CTN For each goods with a polybag and gift box(inner box), 12 pcs/ctn Recycle marks must be printed on each polybag, gift box and outer carton. recycle marks Export carton must be strong. Shipping marks Export carton’s main marks on 2 long sides, including JACKEL, port of destination, P.O.No., model No., quantity per carton and carton No.. Export carton’s side marks on 2 short sides, including G.W., N.W., carton dimensions and origin of goods. 3. Shipment(装运): Delivery Time 3732 PCS of CK-1008 on 07 JUNE, 2010 8028 PCS of CK-1009 on 07 JULY, 2010 8028 PCS of CK-1008 & 8028 PCS of CK-1009 on 10 AUGUST, 2010 Container Type shipped by 20’ or 40’ container, LCL not allowed 4. Samples(样品): - The samples include pre-production sample and bulk production sample. Two pieces per model of pre-production samples will be sent to the buyer before production. - Two pieces per model of bulk production samples that the seller sends before shipment must be exactly the same as production. - Sent by speed courier(FEDEX)to the following address: JACKEL 110-112 MURPHY STREET RICHMOND 3121 VIC. AUSTRALIA - The cost of speed courier will be paid by the seller. - Please do not forget to enclose a detailed commercial invoice indicating “no commercial value”. 5.Payment (付款):20% deposit remitted before 16 MAY, 2010, balance by L/C at sight. 6.Insurance(保险):by JACKEL. 7.Inspection(检验):All goods must pass the buyer’s inspection carried out by the buyer’s QC. If the goods fail to pass the inspection, the seller has to pay for the inspection charges and travelling expenses. The seller must inform the buyer of shipment schedule so that the buyer can make the inspection in the seller’s factory 7 days before shipment. 8.Other Terms and Conditions(其他条款): - Certificate of non-wood packing in 1 original and 1 copy issued by CCIC(中国 商品检验公司). - Certificate of 14 days free time detention for containers at destination issued by shipping line on the B/L. - Both quantity and amount 10 PCT more or less are allowed, partial shipments as per the shipment schedule allowed. - Barcode must be read by scanner and no mistake on barcode. - Please print mark (LOGO) of CE & ROHS on each electric kettle. - Within 5 days after shipment, please send invoice, packing list and B/L via email or fax to the International Department of JACKEL. Buyers’signature by:___________ Sellers’ signature by:___________ (一)审核采购单(共计 15 分) 1.根据上述采购单,请将下列短语或句子译成汉文。(每小题 2 分,共 6 分) ① certificate of non-wood packing in 1 original and 1 copy issued by CCIC 由中国商品检验公司签发的非木质包装证明正本和副本各一份。 ② Please do not forget to enclose a detailed commercial invoice indicating “no commercial value”. 请不要忘记封入一份载有“无商业价值”的详细商业发票。 ③ Both quantity and amount 10 PCT more or less are allowed. 10%数量和金额增减是允许的。 2.请写出“ROHS”的汉文全称。该指令是针对国际市场中哪个市场?是否具有强制性? (5 分) 《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(1 分) 欧盟市场(或欧洲市场、欧共体也可以)(2 分) 具有强制性(2 分) 3.根据该采购单,佳柯尔与周巷电器采用何种结算方式?请简要说明。(2 分) 预付 20%货款为定金(1 分),其余即期信用证支付。(1 分) 4.该采购单项下的保险费由谁承担?(2 分) 由佳柯尔公司承担(2 分)(用佳柯尔公司英文表示也可以) (二)样品跟单(共计 16 分) 1.根据该采购单,你应该分别在何时寄出何种样品?(4 分) 产前样:在大货生产前寄出产前样。(2 分) 大货样:在装运前寄大货样。(2 分) 2.根据该采购单,你需要寄送的样品数量分别是多少?应该选择哪家快递公司寄送才符 合佳柯尔的要求?该快递费用由谁承担?(5 分) 产前样每款 2 个。(1 分) 大货样每款 2 个。(1 分) 选择 FEDEX(或:中外运-联邦)(2 分) 由卖方承担(1 分) 3.你在快递样品时,必须随附一张什么单据?该单据中需要加注什么英文信息才能符合 佳柯尔的要求?请具体说出该信息的汉文含义。(4 分) 随附一张商业发票,加注“no commercial value” (2 分) 无商业价值(或:无商用价值)(2 分) 4.如果该批电水壶经佳柯尔检验不合格,则周巷电器将承担什么费用?请具体说明。(3 分) 检验费和差旅费(2 分) If the goods fail to pass the inspection, the seller has to pay for the inspection charges and travelling expenses.(1 分) (三)辅料跟单(共计 8 分) 根据佳柯尔的采购单数量(不考虑溢短装数量),配套的辅料需要外购(佳柯尔要求在纸 箱内上下各加一张硬纸板——俗称“天地盖”)。假设这些辅料的损耗率为 1%,请分别计算 具体的采购数量,并填入下表相应空格中。 辅料名称 运算算式 数 量 塑料袋 27816×(1+1%)/或 27816÷(1-1%) 28095 个/或 28097 个 内盒 27816×(1+1%)/或 27816÷(1-1%) 28095 个/或 28097 个 外箱 27816÷12×1.01/ 或 27816÷12÷ ( 11%) 27816×2×1.01÷12/ 或 2342 个 天地盖 ******* 27816×2÷(1-1%)÷12 ******* 4684 个 ******* (四)运输跟单(12 分) 1.该采购单中的 LCL 为何意?请简要说明。(2 分) 拼箱(2 分) 2.根据该采购单,第一批、第二批出货应该选择哪一种尺寸/规格的集装箱?若集装箱不 能容纳,是否可以采用拼箱方式出运?为什么?(假设:40’集装箱的内容积为 58 立方米, 20’集装箱的内容积为 27 立方米)(请列出运算过程,否则不得分。)(5 分) 2.第一次:应该选用 20 呎货柜(集装箱) (0.5 分) 3732÷12=311 纸箱 (0.5 分) 311×0.595×0.30×0.485 = 26.924CBM (0.5 分) 第二次:应该选用 40 呎货柜(集装箱) (0.5 分) 8028÷12=669 纸箱 (0.5 分) 669×0.595×0.30×0.485 =57.917 CBM (0.5 分) 不允许(1 分)原因:合同规定不允许拼箱(1 分) (如果用其它方法计算,酌情给分。) 3.在目的港,佳柯尔欲免费使用集装箱 14 天,需怎样操作才能符合该客商的要求?(2 分) 由承运人(船公司)在提单注明“目的港免费使用集装箱 14 天”。(2 分) 或 “ Certificate of 14 days free time detention for containers at destination issued by shipping line on the B/L” 4.在 2010 年 6 月 7 日,周巷电器将 3732 个 CK-1008 型电水壶如期出货。由于生产设 备发生故障,截至 7 月 6 日,周巷电器只生产了 6828 个 CK-1009 型电水壶。在这种情 况下,如继续出运,则信用证项下是否能够安全收汇?为什么?(3 分) 不能安全收汇(2 分)。因为这个数量(6828 个)已经少(低)于第二批订单允许短装 数量(7226 个)了。(1 分) (五)包装跟单(共计 13 分) 1.请你设计唛头,并按佳柯尔的要求填入下列方框中。(9 分) 1.Shipping Mark: JACKEL (1 分) Melbourne (1 分)或 Melbourne,Australia 或 port of destination:Melbourne P.O.No: (1 分)或 Purchase order No 或 P.O.No : JACKEL0900933 Model No. (1 分)或 Model No.: CK-1008/CK-1009 Quantity: (1 分)或 QTY 或 QUANTITY PER CARTON 或 QTY: 12 PCS/CTN Carton No.:(1 分)
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