The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Beijing operas, is based on a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.
The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hang-zhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world, where one feels as if he was in paradise”.
What a heavy load this aeroplane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country.
Heroes create the times, the times produce their heroes.
Crossing the threshold, I was taken aback by the mess in the house.
The earth and the cereals sustain the life of human beings and hence ceremonies were held to pay respect for them.
Mount Songshan boasts of Shaolin Temple reputed as “Number One Temple under Heaven”.
What he said in his report couldn’t stand close scrutiny.
China has slipped six places to 54th in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) global competitiveness rankings, a report said yesterday.
Chinese Tibetologist delegation held an exhibition focusing on Tibet’s past and present in Chinese Embassy in America on July 16 to display the historical process for China Tibet Autonomous Region to shake off serfdom age and step into the socialism modernization new era.