He/Xiangzi was indeed rather like a tree, sturdy, silent yet full of life.
2.自然科学的皇后是数学。数学的皇冠是数论(number theory)。哥德巴赫猜想(Goldbach’s conjecture)则是皇冠上的明珠。
The empress of natural science is mathematics. The crown of mathematics is number theory. And Goldbach’s conjecture is the most precious jewel on the crown.
Mother had a big pair of scissors, with which she seemed to cut off the sorrows of my childhood and cut out for me such a surpassingly beautiful world.
Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students. The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.
Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farmers place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.
Success depends on calm minds.
The first meeting with Situ Qiao made a wonderful impression on me.
This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi —a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei — a well known ill tempered brute.
If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi(Yellow Emperor),the first Chinese emperor.
“Ah Q, may you die sonless!”sounded the little nun’s voice tearfully in the distance.