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  • 31___________________The article ran in the paper's Monday business section, but it may be more of a cultural tale. More than 25% of some adult literature is sold digitally, but e-books targeted at kids under 8 take up less than 5% of total children's book sales. "Reading a childhood classic on an e-reader is such a cold thing to do.," says Carol Moyer, head of the children's department at Quail Ridge Books. "E-books don't have the warmth and intimacy of the illustration on the page."

    A.Kids' watching e-books is far from reading.

    B.Reading bedtime stories is a rarely changed routine.

    C.What really counts is the words that appear.

    D.E-books are cool in a technological sens

    E.C.What really counts is the words that appear.D.E-books are cool in a technological sense.E.Parents prefer to read real books to their children.

    F.E-books for children are not that well-received.

  • 32___________________Technology fans believe e-books can compete. On CNET, Rick Broida sings the praises of the iPad, which "can do a lot more than just display static pages. It can read stories aloud; it can enrich a classic tale with 'touch-powered extras; and it can even render pages in 3D." he describes Alice in Wonderland -- "Alice for the iPad" -- as a classic tale that involves animation like no other e-book to date. Readers can tilt the iPad to make Alice grow, shrink and so on.

    A.Kids' watching e-books is far from reading.

    B.Reading bedtime stories is a rarely changed routine.

    C.What really counts is the words that appear.

    D.E-books are cool in a technological sens

    E.C.What really counts is the words that appear.D.E-books are cool in a technological sense.E.Parents prefer to read real books to their children.

    F.E-books for children are not that well-received.

  • 33___________________Sounds cool, but it seems more like a movie than a book. Watching digital dramatizations of stories isn't reading. When my kindergartener spent tech-lab time following instructions to surf an e-books site, her teacher recognized that she wasn't reading; she was learning to use a computer.

    A.Kids' watching e-books is far from reading.

    B.Reading bedtime stories is a rarely changed routine.

    C.What really counts is the words that appear.

    D.E-books are cool in a technological sens

    E.C.What really counts is the words that appear.D.E-books are cool in a technological sense.E.Parents prefer to read real books to their children.

    F.E-books for children are not that well-received.

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