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  • 31By telling the story of Karen,the author intends to _____ .

    A.were people against high risk behaviors

    B.stress the importance of medical tests

    C.express sympathy for AIDS victims

    D.show the consequences of AIDS

  • 32The underlined part in Paragraph 1 most probably means “_____”.

    A.were lucky in having

    B.were asked to adopt

    C.regretted having

    D.gave birth to

  • 33Bill was suspected of being infected with HIV after_____

    A.he got married to Karen

    B.the family members were tested

    C.Karen persuaded him to see the doctor

    D.he found something wrong with his tongue

  • 34It can be concluded from the passage that_____ .

    A.promising drugs will soon stop AIDS

    B.the spread of AIDS could be controlled

    C.it is hopeless to win the battle against AIDS

    D.the death rate of AIDS patients has been reduced

  • 35The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means“_____”.

    A.remains in the African countries

    B.drinks 120 liters of water a day

    C.manages to live in desert areas

    D.eats 150 kilograms of food daily

  • 36Desert elephants are called careful feeders because they_____.

    A.tarely ruin trees

    B.drink only every 3-4 days

    C.search for food in large groups

    D.protect food sources for their young

  • 37The author answers the question raised in the first paragraph with_____.

    A.stories and explanation

    B.facts and descriptions

    C.examples and conclusion

    D.evidence and argument

  • 38What can be inferred from the last sentence in the passage、

    A.Overheating the earth can be stopped.

    B.Not all animal species are so adaptable.

    C.The planet will become hotter and hotter.

    D.B.Not all animal species are so adaptabl

    E.C.The planet will become hotter and hotter.D.Not all animals are as smart as desert elephants.

  • 39Children’s fears are usually taken lightly because_____.

    A.they will not develop into phobias

    B.their influence is psychological

    C.they exist widely in the world

    D.they will disappear gradually

  • 40If we fail to help children to overcome fears, they will_____.

    A.make the same old mistake

    B.overcome them by themselves

    C.experience the worst of things

    D.grow up lacking self-confidence

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