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  • 41How did Buster decide which objects to take、

    A.He took those that were easy to carry in his bag.

    B.He took only the best antiques.

    C.He took those that be knew be could sell easily.

    D.He looked for silver objects.

  • 42What punishment waits for Buster Brown、

    A.A prison sentence with hard labour.

    B.A long prison sentence.

    C.A heavy fine.

    D.Community service for 20 years.

  • 43Early tribes didn’t have much effect on animal population because _____.

    A.they kept animals for themselves

    B.they ate only vegetables

    C.they killed only enough for food

    D.they loved animals

  • 44The main purpose for small clans to join together was ______.

    A.to hunt animals

    B.to seek safety

    C.to share caves

    D.to protect environment

  • 45Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage、

    A.Early people moved to new places looking for new sources of food.

    B.Modern civilization began when people started to live together in big groups.

    C.Modern advancements are always good for the environment.

    D.People began to exchange goods because they didn’t have enough money.

  • 46It can be concluded from the passage that _______.

    A.human progress has brought civilization to the society

    B.civilization has improved traditional forms of work

    C.our environment has been affected by human progress

    D.early people understood environmental protection

  • 47What makes the jobs of ichthyologists so varied、

    A.They study fish habits and collect information.

    B.They have to study science and mathematics.

    C.They work in fields as well as in laboratories.

    D.They read research papers written by others.

  • 48Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage、

    A.An ichthyologist has an interesting and varied profession.

    B.Aquaculture is the study of fish protection.

    C.The life of an ichthyologist can involve lots of travel.

    D.A fish scientist needs to be independent and curious about things.

  • 49Who is most likely to become an ichthyologist、

    A.Tom, because he likes fishing and outdoor sports.

    B.Jack ,because he likes to travel and read adventure books.

    C.Jenny ,because she likes science ,mathematics and reading about dinosaurs.

    D.Jane ,because she likes mathematics ,science, biology and searching rock-pools.

  • 50The passage is probably written for _____.

    A.university students

    B.science researchers

    C.fisheries experts

    D.fish farmers

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