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- 1Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries.
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 2Be polite and friendly. Remember to put yourself in social situations. Restaurants, shops and parks are all great places to meet people. If you want to make local friends in a countiy, stay near the places the locals often visit
A.Exchange houses
B.Send some photos
C.Be friendly to the locals
D.Give Chinese presents
E.Take a photo album with you
F.Share something special about China
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 3Keep a small photo album in your bag when you travel. Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you. They will share their similar experiences with you, and it will help you learn more about your new friends.
A.Exchange houses
B.Send some photos
C.Be friendly to the locals
D.Give Chinese presents
E.Take a photo album with you
F.Share something special about China
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 4Can you help your new friends improve their Chinese、 Can you cook a traditional Chinese meal、 By sharing your experiences, you can have a close relationship with your new friends that they won't soon forget.
A.Exchange houses
B.Send some photos
C.Be friendly to the locals
D.Give Chinese presents
E.Take a photo album with you
F.Share something special about China
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 5Many foreigners love Chinese goods but have to pay a lot when buying them in their homeland, so you'd better prepare some gifts such as silks, tea and china They are always popular.
A.Exchange houses
B.Send some photos
C.Be friendly to the locals
D.Give Chinese presents
E.Take a photo album with you
F.Share something special about China
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 6If you and your new friends get along well, you can give them your information and plan to live in each other's house for your next trip. Then you can visit their countries and stay in their houses while they stay in yours. In this way you will improve your friendship and live like a local abroad, but pay less for traveling.
A.Exchange houses
B.Send some photos
C.Be friendly to the locals
D.Give Chinese presents
E.Take a photo album with you
F.Share something special about China
开始考试练习点击查看答案 - 7请从下面的选项中给短文选个标题,将答案标号填在此横线上:_____
A.Draw a lesson from every failure
B.The attitudes towards failure
C.Failure is everywhere in our life
D.Failure is very important
类别:学历类其它高中教育高考语文高中语文总复习 经典易错题会诊与命题角度