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  • 11It can be inferred from the text that economic purists

    A.oppose shifting goods from public to private.

    B.support the substantial reform of privatization.

    C.approve privatization only in developed nations.

    D.have a strict description of public merchandis

  • 12Since 1980s, there has been

    A.broad international support for privatization.

    B.much evidence for privatization in poor nations.

    C.endorsement for privatization of donor agencies.

    D.maximum dependence on private capital in the U.S..

  • 13The authorities of developing nations seem incapable of

    A.attaining political stability.

    B.making major policy shifts.

    C.upgrading basic urban economy.

    D.enhancing production efficiency.

  • 14The authors appraisal of Honduras study implies that in developing countries

    A.direct administration of services requires more capital.

    B.their marketplace system leaves much to be desired.

    C.privatization is politically unfit for their economies.

    D.new facilities rather than contracting out are needed.

  • 15The authors primary intention is to

    A.outline major hindrance to privatization in developing nations.

    B.offer a solution for the future course of economic policy shifts.

    C.justify heavier reliance on the private sector in the Third Worl

    D.D.explain requirements for privatization of the Third World economies.

  • 16The text is written with the aim of

    A.analyzing the causes of a phenomenon.

    B.discussing the fathers role in the family.

    C.advocating reforms in the welfare system.

    D.criticizing some attitudes to welfare recipients.

  • 17Many critics assert it as true that the welfare system is

    A.liable for most divorces.

    B.on the verge of collapse.

    C.to become obsolete.

    D.unjust to the needy.

  • 18According to the author, the marital stability relies mainly on

    A.the steady income of the couple.

    B.the balance of both sides property.

    C.the difference in spousal contributions.

    D.the benefits from government subsidies.

  • 19All of the following are factors tending to perpetuate a marriage EXCEPT

    A.the expenditure of child support.

    B.the loss of property upon divorce.

    C.the greater consumption of married people.

    D.the welfare provision for divorced women.

  • 20Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text、

    A.Welfare restrictions mostly account for family unsteadiness.

    B.Poor family dissolution is little attributed to helpless fathers.

    C.Official welfare payments can slow the growing divorce rate.

    D.Lowincome family disruption results in poor welfare benefits.Part B

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