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公共课考研英语英语考研英语模拟试题[13]Simulated Test

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  • 试卷类型:模拟试题
  • 测试费用:¥5.00
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  • 31Traditionally,work for“selfinterest” would be interpreted to mean work for _____ .

    A.selfish reasons

    B.a feeling of satisfaction

    C.earning a living

    D.a contributing place in society

  • 32In the second paragraph,the author points out that work and a corresponding salary mean that _____ .

    A.the worth of the worker is recognized by the society

    B.the worker is better than any other person

    C.the worker is able to support himself or herself

    D.the worker is leading a very successful life

  • 33As a conclusion,the author points out that work enables a worker to _____ .

    A.get real satisfaction

    B.life a happy life

    C.know the society better

    D.shape and find himself

  • 34The best title for the passage might be _____ .

    A.The Society and the Individual

    B.The Significance of Work

    C.The Society and Work

    D.The Definition of Work

  • 35In the research it was found that the cats tend to suffer injuries or death when they fell from _____ .

    A.the highest story of the building

    B.the lowest story of the building

    C.the middle stories of the building

    D.the fourth to seventh stories of it

  • 36The key to the cat's survival of high falls lies in _____ .

    A.its body size

    B.the size of its body surface

    C.its body weight

    D.its posture in the falling

  • 37Cats that fall from high places _____ .

    A.take some time to adjust itself in midair

    B.always spread itself as fully as possible

    C.look like the shapes of parachutes

    D.points their ears to the falling direction

  • 38The parachute effect starts _____ .

    A.in the middle of the cat's fall

    B.when its fall reaches the highest speed

    C.at the beginning of the cat's fall

    D.towards the end of the cat's fall

  • 39Now,American universities consider _____ .

    A.it urgent to change the U.S. culture

    B.natural sciences more important than culture

    C.research and publication more important than teaching

    D.research more important than publications

  • 40In contemporary standard,a successful teacher is one _____ .

    A.who teaches well

    B.who can obtain financial support for research

    C.who gets the highest salary

    D.who has many publication

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