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资料题:How much will TPR need to pay for its employees' visit?


A.120 dollars

B.80 dollars

C.32 dollars

D.26 dollars


This Month's ExhibitionName: Scientific and Technological Inventions since Second World WarTime: 8: 30-16 : 00,from Monday to Friday, SeptemberPlace: Exhibition Center, St. LoaisFare: 2. 5 dollarsLimitation: 120 persons /dayCorporate visit should make an appointmentE-mail: club@ exhibition stl@gnail. comTo: Reception Office, Exhibition Center, St. LouisFrom: TPR Software CompanySubject: Make an appointment for visiting the Exhibition onScientific and !Technological InventionsLadies or gentlemen,We were very pleased to learn from the local media that many important and valuable inventions of science and technology made since the Second World War are now on display in your exhibition hall. We all know that there have been a large number of scientific and technical achievements, the application of which has been largely changing our total view of the world. The past six decades in particular have witnessed the birth of many new theories. They deal with aimost everything in all fields of human activities.Thanks to the industrious efforts of scientists, human's life has been daily improving.Today, science and technology are advancing in our country much more rapidly than at any time in the past. They are being applied to the needs of production and life. We, young technical workers, intend in all eagerness to make in-depth studies of national and international trends of science and technology developments and keep in pace with the rapid progress of science in various fields. To do this, it is necessary for us to get well known of the latest result of scientific researches.We sincerely write to ask an appointment to visit your exhibition. We will very much appreciate it if you can arrange for our colleagues about 32 persons to come on Sept. 26,2009,this Friday. Thank you in advance for a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Regards,TPR Software Company


  • 1Why did the company want to visit the exhibition?

    A.To well know the development andprogress in science and technologyhome and abroad

    B.To learm about the history about theSecond World War

    C.To see visitors' reaction to theirproduction

    D.To find out the new method to doscientific and technological research

  • 2Why does TPR Software Company e-mail the Reception Office of the Exhibition Center in St. Louis?

    A.To talk about business

    B.To make an appointment

    C.To hold an exhibition

    D.To discuss a contract

  • 3How many people are allowed to visit the exhibition center every week?





  • 4The word "guarantee" in Paragraph 2, Line 2 is closest in meaning to 





  • 5According to the passage, if the manager of the LLC dies, what will happen to the company?

    A.It can still survive.

    B.It has to be dissolved.

    C.It can then go to public.

    D.It can make an agreement withemployees.

  • 6Which statement below can be inferred from the passages?

    A.TPRSoftware Company is alarge-sized company.

    B.The Exhibition Center was not openon Sept 27, 2009.

    C.TPR Software Company was invitedto take part in the exhibition.

    D.If a group of pupils want to visit theexhibition, they also need to makean appointment.

  • 7Why does Mr. Norris write to Mr. Walter Roberts?

    A.Because he wants to tell Mr. WalterRoberts their difficulties.

    B.Because he wants to ask Mr. WalterRoberts to pay their check.

    C.Because he wants to borrow somemoney from Mr. Walter Robert'scompany.

    D.Because he wants to analysis thefinancial situation. for Mr. WalterRoberts.

  • 8What kind of the loan did Mr. Norris want?





  • 9Why would Mr. Walter Roberts's company like to help Mr. Henry Norris?

    A.Because they are relatives.

    B.Because Mr. Walter Roberts iskind-hearted.

    C.Because Mr. Henry Norris providesa higher interest.

    D.Because they have a very trustfulbusiness relationship.

  • 10How much interest should the Dodge Household Furniture Co. pay to Great Investment Trust Co., if it pays the loan back in June?

    A.$ 2700

    B.$ 2600

    C.$ 2500

    D.$ 2400
