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资料题:According to the passage, if the manager of the LLC dies, what will happen to the company?


A.It can still survive.

B.It has to be dissolved.

C.It can then go to public.

D.It can make an agreement withemployees.


A limited liability compary is the newest form of 6usines orgamizatiorn, gaining popularity in recent years A limited liability compary (LLC) isa type of busine ss orwnerstip com6ining everal features of corporation and partnership structures But every coin has two sides LLC also have advantages and disadvantagesAdvuantagesLCimited liabilit: Owners of an LLC have the liability protection of a corporation. Me mbers carmot be held personally liable for debts unless they have signed a personal guarantee.Flexible profit distributior: Limited liabity companies can select varying forms of distribution of profitsNo minutes the LLC business structure requiresno corporate mirutes or resolutions and is easier to operate.Flow through taxation: alT the busine ss loses profits and expenses flow throughi the compary to the infividiad me mbers People awoid the double taxation of paying corporate tac and individual tax;DisadvantagesLimited life: Corporations can live forever, whereas an LLC is disolved when a me mber dies or undergoes bankruptcy.Going publi: Business owners xwith plans to take their compary public, or ising empoyee shares in the future, may 6e the best served 6y choosing a corporate 6usiness structure.Added complexity: rumuing a sole proprietorstip or partnership will have less paperwork and complexity. An LLC may be casfied as a sole-proprietorstip, partnership, or corporation for tax purposes Clasification can be selected or a default may apply.


  • 1Which is NOT an advantage of LLC?

    A.Limited liability

    B.Avoiding double taxation

    C.Easier access to stock market

    D.Less-rigid profit allocation

  • 2What is the passage mainly about?

    A.Thestructuresof thelimitedliability company

    B.The finance of the limited liabilitycompany

    C.The merits and demerits of thelimited libility company

    D.The cooperation of the limitedliability company

  • 3what is the GROUP PREMIUM RATE?


    B.3. 6%



  • 4If one fails to pay the premium within any 30-day period, then what will happen?

    A.He will be fired.

    B.He will lose his insurance.

    C.The insurance will be discontinue

    D.B.He will lose his insuranc

    E.C.The insurance will be discontinued.D.He must pay some fines.

  • 5What could happen if the specifications are accepted by CQC's business partner?

    A.COC will have to sign a new contract.

    B.The prices of steel screws could beraised.

    C.The products will be delivered bycontainer.

    D.C.The products will be delivered bycontainer.D.Damages won't happen any mor

  • 6The word "guarantee" in Paragraph 2, Line 2 is closest in meaning to 





  • 7How many people are allowed to visit the exhibition center every week?





  • 8Why does TPR Software Company e-mail the Reception Office of the Exhibition Center in St. Louis?

    A.To talk about business

    B.To make an appointment

    C.To hold an exhibition

    D.To discuss a contract

  • 9Why did the company want to visit the exhibition?

    A.To well know the development andprogress in science and technologyhome and abroad

    B.To learm about the history about theSecond World War

    C.To see visitors' reaction to theirproduction

    D.To find out the new method to doscientific and technological research

  • 10How much will TPR need to pay for its employees' visit?

    A.120 dollars

    B.80 dollars

    C.32 dollars

    D.26 dollars
