位置:首页 > 题库频道 > 其它分类 > 学历类其它 > 高中教育高考英语上海英语试卷-2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

What does the case interview focus on about the candidate、


A.Work experience.

B.Educational qualifications.

C.Problem-solving abilities.

D.lnfomation-gathering abilities.


  • 1What kind of questions are usually asked in the traditional interview、

    A.Economic questions.

    B.Routine questions.

    C.Academic questions.

    D.Challenging questions.

  • 2What does the passage mainly tell us、

    A.Lynn’s devotion to the family.

    B.Lynn’s busy and successful life.

    C.Lynn’s great performance at work.

    D.Lynn’s efficiency in conducting programs.

  • 3What helps to make the speaker productive according to the passage、

    A.Some training experience.

    B.A happy family.

    C.Russian assistants' help.

    D.A good memory.

  • 4What was the speaker’s previous job、

    A.A book publisher.

    B.A company manager.

    C.A magazine editor.

    D.A school principal.

  • 5W: Slow down. You are passing every car on the road.M: Most drivers usually ignore the speed limit unless they think the police will stop them.Q: What does the man mean、

    A.Few people drive within the speed limit.

    B.Drivers usually obey traffic rules.

    C.The speed limit is really reasonable.

    D.The police stop most drivers for speeding

  • 6What does the speaker mainly talk about、

    A.Features of different types of interview.

    B.Skills in asking interview questions.

    C.Changes in three interview models.

    D.Suggestions for different job interviews.
