位置:首页 > 题库频道 > 其它分类 > 学历类其它 > 高中教育高考英语【考前30天绝密资料】2012年高考考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 2(湖北专用)

Some experts warn that global warming will________more than one million sorts of plants.


A.turn down

B.bring in

C.wipe out

D.take away


  • 1The company is discussing the new idea that you________for increasing sales.

    A.came up to

    B.came up with

    C.came along

    D.came across

  • 2We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it ________very well.

    A.worked out

    B.tried out

    C.went on

    D.carried on

  • 3If the wind doesn't ________ before three o'clock, we won't be able to take off today.

    A.go up

    B.go down

    C.go off

    D.go by

  • 4She was tired and wanted to find a bench to sit on for a while, but they were all________.

    A.given away

    B.kept away

    C.taken up

    D.used up

  • 5It's the love and responsibility that have driven him to ________ many hardships and survive.

    A.go into

    B.go through

    C.look through

    D.look into

  • 6The company had to________a number of workers because of the drop in sales.

    A.see off

    B.take off

    C.cut off

    D.lay off

  • 7Billy was the youngest boy on the hike, but he________with the others.

    A.kept up

    B.turned up

    C.caught up

    D.drew up

  • 8There is even an animal whose tail will________so that it can run away if someone grabs it.

    A.break down

    B.break up

    C.break out

    D.break off

  • 9While we were listening to the speech attentively, a voice ________ to announce the result of the election.

    A.broke in

    B.broke up

    C.broke off

    D.broke down

  • 10The government knows what to ________ to control the high CPI with the purpose of ensuring people's living level.

    A.take in

    B.take up

    C.take over

    D.take down
