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Sam Tanenhaus is in charge of ________.


A.The Art of the Review

B.Health, Wellness and the Politics of Food

C.New York Writers, New York Stories

D.Sports Writing:For the Love of the Game


  • 1If you are free in the afternoon, you can attend________.

    A.The Art of the Review

    B.New York Writers, New York Stories

    C.Health, Wellness and the Politics of Food

    D.Sports Writing: For the Love of the Game

  • 2What’s the best title for the passage、

    A.Cars with Wings May Be Just around the Corner

    B.Which to Choose: A Ferrari or a Car-Plane、

    C.A More Convenient and Cheaper Way to Fly

    D.Cars with Wings Can Fly As Fast As Planes

  • 3The underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refers to、

    A.The radio.

    B.The transponder.

    C.The GPS.

    D.The full-plane parachut

  • 4According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true、

    A.The car-plane needs a runway to take off and land.

    B.To meet aircraft regulations, the company has been working with FAA.

    C.The car-plane may fly as high as normal planes.

    D.B.To meet aircraft regulations, the company has been working with FAA.C.The car-plane may fly as high as normal planes.D.People can park the car-plane in the garage at their hom

  • 5It takes the car-plane one minute to________.

    A.fold and unfold its wings

    B.unfold its wings for flying

    C.land in the airport

    D.meet flying safety regulations

  • 6All the four activities above ________.

    A.are about writing

    B.will last 45 minutes each

    C.can be attended freely

    D.will attract many readers

  • 7We can learn from the text that________.

    A.sports writers are a type of audience

    B.The New York Times is popular

    C.Denise Grady will discuss politics

    D.book reviews may affect book sales

  • 8The least likely choice for 5-year-old Jack to make among the museums is________.





  • 9According to the text, which of the following is NOT true、

    A.All the museums mentioned above lie in New York City.

    B.No other museum in New York City is better than MMI.

    C.Lucky visitors can see grapes in one of the museums.

    D.NYHS has the most hands-on activities in America.

  • 10We can know from the text that________.

    A.people can visit only one of the museums any time and any day

    B.visitors can pay a visit to all the museums by subway

    C.there is often a rare bird flying in the sky above MMI

    D.the Panorama is, as a matter of fact, a great gift shop
