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Antigua is a city _____.


A.where people can enjoy cultural festivals

B.where the daring Pacaya tour starts

C.that gives a close-up view of Paraya

D.that is famous for its tour companies


  • 1What is the main purpose of this passage、

    A.To attract tourists to Pacaya.

    B.To describe the beauty of Pacaya.

    C.To introduce guided tours to Pacaya.

    D.To explain the power of nature at Pacaya.

  • 2The author develops the passage mainly by _____.

    A.providing typical examples

    B.following the natural time order

    C.comparing opinions from different fields

    D.presenting a cause and analyzing its effects

  • 3What is the main idea of the last paragraph、

    A.Multitasking is harmful to young people’s development.

    B.Young people benefit a lot from modern gadgets

    C.Multitasking is an important skill to young people.

    D.Young people must learn skills for future jobs.

  • 4In Paragraph 3, the author points out that _____.

    A.family members do not cat at the family table

    B.family member do not greet each other

    C.young people live happily in their families

    D.young people seldom talk with their family members

  • 5What does the underlined word “juggle” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean、

    A.Want to buy

    B.Take the place of.

    C.Use at the same time

    D.Seek for information from.

  • 6Climbing to the McKenney Cone, people will_____.

    A.walk directly to the active summit

    B.hear the continuous loud noise from above

    C.make greater efforts than to other summits

    D.see a path lined with remains of earlier eruptions

  • 7Many tours are timed for people to _____.

    A.get down the mountain in time when night falls

    B.avoid the smell from the upwind direction of the cone

    C.enjoy the fantastic eruption against the darkening sky

    D.appreciate the scenery of the 2560-metre-high mountain

  • 8What does the author try to argue in Paragraph 1、

    A.The exercise of rights is a luxury.

    B.The practice of choice is difficult.

    C.The right of choice is given but at a price.

    D.Choice and right exist at the same tim

  • 9Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety、

    A.Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product.

    B.People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.

    C.Shoppers may find themselves lost in the broad range of items.

    D.Companies and advertisers are often misleading about the rage of choic

  • 10By using computers as an example, the author wants to prove that _____.

    A.advanced products meet the needs of people

    B.products of the latest design fold the market

    C.competitions are fierce in high-tech industry

    D.everyday goods need to be replaced often
