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Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he _______.


A.found the butterfly had died out

B.won many prizes from his professor

C.met Dr. Mattoni, a professor of biology

D.collected butterflies and put them into a lab


  • 1When he was young, Arthur Bonner _______.

    A.broke the law and ended up in prison

    B.was fond of shooting and hurt his mom

    C.often laughed at people on the streeets

    D.often caught butterflies and took them home

  • 2______ by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses.


    B.Being driven

    C.To drive

    D.Having driven

  • 3The open-air celebration has been put off _______ the bad weather.

    A.in case of

    B.in spite of

    C.instead of

    D.because of

  • 4The play had already been on for quite some time when we ____ at the New Theatre.

    A.have arrived


    C.had arrived


  • 5Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet.

    A.hasn’t been decided

    B.haven’t decided

    C.isn’t being decided

    D.aren’t decided

  • 6From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has _________.

    A.made Bonner famous

    B.changed Bonner’s life

    C.brought Bonner wealth

    D.enriched Bonner’s knowledge

  • 7Which of the following would be the best title for the text、

    A.A Promise to Mom

    B.A Man Saved by Butterflies

    C.A Story of Butterflies

    D.A Job Offered by Dr. Mattoni

  • 8What is so surprsing about aphasics、

    A.They can fool other people.

    B.They can find out the hidden drugs.

    C.They can understand language better.

    D.They can tell whether people are lying.

  • 9How did the scientists study aphasics、

    A.By asking them to watch TV together.

    B.By organizing them into acting groups.

    C.By comparing them with normal people.

    D.By giving them chances to speak on TV.

  • 10What do we learn from this text、

    A.What ones says reflects how one feels.

    B.Aphasics have richer feelings than others.

    C.Normal people often tell lies in their speeches.

    D.People poor at one thing can be good at another.
