位置:首页 > 题库频道 > 其它分类 > 学历类其它 > 高中教育高考英语2007年全国统一考试英语天津卷

What did industrialization bring about in watch-making、


A.The quality of watches was improved.

B.More types of watches were available.

C.More watches could be produce

D.B.More types of watches were availabl

E.C.More watches could be produced.


  • 1When did people regard watches as a sign of wealth in Europe and the US、

    A.In the 1800s

    B.In the 1850s

    C.In the 1900s

  • 2How did Europeans know the exact time in the late 1700s、

    A.By looking at clocks at home

    B.By looking at clocks in factories

    C.By looking at clocks in public places

  • 3What dose not woman like about the store、

    A.No sales promotion

    B.Crowds at the checkouts

    C.High prices of the products

  • 4Which of the following products are mentioned in the conversation、

    A.Cupboards.beds and armchairs

    B.Armchairs.dinner tables and bed sheets.

    C.Bookcases ,cupboards and table cloths

  • 5What attracts the woman most at the store、

    A.Its high –quality service .

    B.Its good range of products

    C.Its nice shopping environment

  • 6Which would be the best title for the passage、

    A.The development of watches and clocks

    B.The functions of watches and clocks

    C.The importance of watches and clocks
