位置:首页 > 题库频道 > 其它分类 > 学历类其它 > 高中教育高考英语2006年全国统一考试英语湖北卷

What does the man mean、


A.His brother is coming to celebrate his birthday.

B.His brother will give him a birthday present.

C.His brother never forgets his own birthday.


  • 1What did the woman ask the man、

    A.Whether he could let her use his office.

    B.Whether he had to work on the weekend.

    C.Whether he could help her with her project.

  • 2What is the man doing at the airport、

    A.Answering a passenger’s question.

    B.Leaving for New York City.

    C.Waiting for his sister.

  • 3What was said shout the woman’s sister、

    A.She didn’t go to school.

    B.she had an accident.

    C.She was badly hurt.

  • 4What kind of person is the man、

    A.He is friendly.

    B.He is honest.

    C.He is funny.

  • 5What is the man doing、

    A.Reading a popular science book.

    B.Making comments on a novel.

    C.Watching a popular science film.

  • 6What does the woman think of popular science films、

    A.They are dull.

    B.They are okay.

    C.They are interesting.

  • 7What do we know about the daughter、

    A.She went to the Students’ Union last night.

    B.She stayed with her boyfriend last night.

    C.She came back home late last night.

  • 8What is the father’s worry about his daughter、

    A.She might have been to a wild party.

    B.She might have been out with a singer.

    C.She might have been to a political meeting.

  • 9What is the woman NOT satisfied with、

    A.The post office.

    B.The man’s answer.

    C.The quality of the service.
