位置:首页 > 题库频道 > 其它分类 > 学历类其它 > 初中教育初二英语江苏省江阴利港中学2014-2015学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题

How does the woman feel about her job、


A.She doesn’t like it very much.

B.She likes it a lot.

C.She hates working in her office.


  • 1What does the woman mean、

    A.She doesn’t want to go to the restaurant with the man.

    B.She isn’t fond of Japanese food.

    C.She wants to pay this time.

  • 2Why hasn’t Helen finished her Maths homework、

    A.Because she is too busy.

    B.Because she isn’t able to do it.

    C.Because she has forgotten to do it.

  • 3What time will Mr. Wang leave for the theatre、

    A.At 6:45.

    B.At 7:00.

    C.At 7:15.

  • 4Where does the girl’s father work now、

    A.In Canada.

    B.In the USA.

    C.In France.

  • 5On which floor is Mr Gao’s office、

    A.The fifth floor.

    B.The sixth floor.

    C.. The ninth floor.

  • 6What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks、

    A.He was saved.

    B.He swam as far as he could.

    C.He shouted for help.

  • 7What did Gulliver think when he saw so many tiny people、

    A.He thought it was funny.

    B.He thought he could make friends with them.

    C.He thought he must run away from them.

  • 8听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。<table style="width: 419.05pt; border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-layout-alt: fixed; mso-padding-alt: 0.0000pt 5.4000pt 0.0000pt 5.4000pt;" _dj="MsoNormalTable"><tbody><tr><td width="558" valign="top" style="padding: 0pt 5.4pt; border: 0.5pt solid windowtext; border-image: none; width: 419.05pt; mso-border-left-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-right-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-top-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-bottom-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext;" colspan="2">Tom’s family members’ life in Shanghai</td></tr><tr><td width="127" valign="top" style="border-width: medium 0.5pt 0.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: currentColor windowtext windowtext; padding: 0pt 5.4pt; width: 95.4pt; mso-border-left-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-right-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-top-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-bottom-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext;">Time to get up</td><td width="431" valign="top" style="border-width: 0.5pt 0.5pt 0.5pt medium; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext currentColor; padding: 0pt 5.4pt; width: 323.65pt; mso-border-left-alt: none; mso-border-right-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-top-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext; mso-border-bottom-alt: 0.5000pt solid windowtext;">l Tom --- at 6:15l Father and mother --- at__________ minutes</td></tr></tbody></table>




  • 9What will these people do today、

    A.Go hiking.

    B.Play some games..

    C.Do some outdoor activities.
