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The older experienced workers in America tend to retire early because their prolonged service may


A.do harm to younger generations

B.end up with few or no benefits

C.give play to their potentials

D.shed light on social trends


  • 1According to Hudson Institute researchers, the effect of the early retirement of qualified workers in the U.S. economy is





  • 2According to the passage, all of the following are definitely false EXCEPT

    A.more food is advertised in newspapers than on television

    B.less money is spent advertising food than automobiles

    C.more of the food advertising budget is probably spent on push promotion than on television ads

    D.less money is spent on food store advertising than on clothing store ads

  • 3The purpose of the article is to

    A.warm about rising food advertising costs

    B.describe the costs of food advertising and the issues yet to be understood about its effects

    C.congratulate the food industry on its effective advertising

    D.calculate the final balance sheet for food advertising

  • 4The author implies that advertising costs.

    A.should be discounted by the benefits of advertising to the consumer

    B.are greater for restaurants than for at home foods

    C.are much higher in the United Stated than any where else in the world

    D.cause highly processed foods to outsell unprocessed outsell foods

  • 5The term “push promotion”(L. 3, P. 2) means.

    A.coupon redemption

    B.retail advertising

    C.direct selling

    D.advertising in trade journals

  • 6The second paragraph is written chiefly to show that

    A.there will be an acute labor shortage in the near future

    B.baby-boomers contribute much to the US economic output

    C.government policies concerning older people are out-dated

    D.older workers are enthusiastic about collecting social benefits

  • 7When mentioning “the ongoing stock market on Wall Street”, the writer

    A.is calling attention to the privileges to which baby-boomers are entitled

    B.is calling for the government to take countermeasures against labor shortage

    C.is refuting a notion about experienced workers' early retirement

    D.is justifying the ineffectiveness of federal tax and benefit policies

  • 8Towards the issue, what the writer is most concerned about will be

    A.to advocate radically reforming government policies

    B.to take into account the benefits upon retirement

    C.to put in practice what Hudson researchers believe in

    D.to prolong the practicability of older experienced employees

  • 9Researchers in behavioral psychology are divided with regard to

    A.how dreams are modified in their courses

    B.the difference between sleep and wakefulness

    C.why sleep is of great benefit to memory

    D.the functions of a good night's sleep

  • 10As manifested in the experimental study, rapid eye movement is characterized by

    A.intensely active brainwave traces

    B.subjects' quicker response times

    C.complicated memory patterns

    D.revival of events in the previous day
