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conflict management requires problem-solving. which of the following is often referred to as a problem-solving technique and usedextensively in conflict resolution、








  • 1a network has been developed with resources from six different departments. one of the six departments has just informed you that they canincrease the number of employees from 5 to 8. this will result in:

    A.a shortening of the critical path.

    B.a shortening of the noncritical path.

    C.a decrease in the total cost of the project.

    D.an increase in the cost of the project.

    E.a through d are possible based upon where the resources are deployed.

  • 2which is not part of the purchasing cycle、

    A.defined need

    B.transmit need


    D.prepare and issue purchase order

    E.a and d

  • 3utility theory:

    A.considers the risk propensity of the decision makers.

    B.is based on proven statistical methods.

    C.deals with the usefulness of the end product.

    D.is a key element of iso 9000

    E.b and c

  • 4the principles of risk management should be followed only for:

    A.complex projects

    B.simple projects

    C.large projects

    D.a and c

    E.all of the above.

  • 5the most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:

    A.price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.

    B.price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.

    C.price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.

    D.B.price out the work using a company-wide average labor rat

    E.C.price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.D.all of the above.E.a and b only.

  • 6cost reimbursable contracts are equivalent to:

    A.cost plus contracts

    B.fixed plus contracts

    C.progress payment contracts

    D.back charge contracts

    E.none of the above.

  • 7in project-driven companies, costs are usually billed againest the project based upon:

    A.the burdened labor rate of the actual employees who performed the work.

    B.the burdened labor rate of the line organization average salary.

    C.the burdened labor rate of the company average salary.

    D.the burdened labor rate of the average salary of the project team members.

    E.none of the above.

  • 8project risk management is based on which of the following premises:

    A.the future is unknown.

    B.unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.

    C.we cannot control risk events.

    D.project risk impact can be measured and controlled

    E.all of the above.

  • 9the project manager that allows and supports group discussions and decision making is called a(n) (    ) manager.


    B.consultant autocratic



    E.none of the above.

  • 10what is the purpose of the project plan、

    A.to document the preliminary estimates.

    B.to document the definitive estimates.

    C.to document the budgetary estimates.

    D.to document parametric estimates.

    E.to document order of magnitude estimates.
