What Spinoza says of laws is equally true of party-platformg—that those are strongwhich appeal to reason, but__which compel the assent both of reason and thecommon affections of mankind.( )。
- 1The language of the bureaucrats and administrators must need$ be recognized as__of legal parlance, for there is no other way to explain its pedantic, __ andpernicious style.( )。
A.an outgrowth …pervicacious
B.a visitation …rotten
C.a rejection …vitriolic
D.a permutation …heedless
E.a divagation …rapturous
开始考试点击查看答案 - 2A gulf remains between negotiators from the rich world, who are so skeptical theyhope to see the treaty’s ambitious provisions__, and those from poor countries,who want them__( )。
A.explicated …ignored
B.diluted …strengthened
C.absconded …delivered
D.reinforced …removed
E.relaxed …loosened
开始考试点击查看答案 - 3One encouraging sign in the problem of chaos among the soldiers, ranks was theirvow, for what it was worth, to act in a more__way.( )。
开始考试点击查看答案 - 4The great leaders of the second world war alliance, Franklin Roosevelt and WinstonChurchill, understood the opposing forces of destruction and__their war aimswere not only to defeat fascism, but to create a world of shared __.( )。
A.grief …solutions
B.construction …prosperity
C.disaster …antipathy
D.hope …domination
E.salvation …proximity
开始考试点击查看答案 - 5While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individualfulfillment that may be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being__about accepting any such program as a___the world’s ills.( )。
A.concerned …warning of
B.cautious …panacea for
C.fastidious … prescription for
D.reticent …renovation of
E.agitated…postscript to
开始考试点击查看答案 - 6We must learn to__sentences and to analyze the grammar of our text, for thereis no__ to the grammar of poetry, to the nerve and sinew of the poem, if one isblind to the poetry of grammar.( )。
A.limn …introduction
B.master …obstacle
C.subordinate …key
D.parse… access
E.osculate …clarity
开始考试点击查看答案 - 7Few mathematicians are__their futures on finding any such proof; instead,their efforts are focused on finding good, but not__, solutions for most cases, afield of study aptly known as approximation theory.( )。
A.betting …perfect
B.developing …convenient
C.pinning …substandard
D.destroying …exact
E.establishing …vague
开始考试点击查看答案 - 8A faux pas—whether in social circles or in private can be__, as it focuses us onour shortcomings in ways that would otherwise go unnoticed, and helps create self- awareness.( )。
开始考试点击查看答案 - 9Because many of the blacklists in the communications and entertainment industrieswere secret, the number of playwrights, script writers, novelists, and journalists who were__to stop writing permanently is__.( )。
A.happy …astounding
B.forced …unknown
C.unafraid …impressive
D.inclined …unsurprising
E.remiss …inconceivable
开始考试点击查看答案 - 10While mimicking the thought of his mentor Socrates, who conceived of forms asexisting on an ethereal, heavenly and__ plane, Plato also argued that formsBecome__in objects.( )。
B.condensed …rarified
C.sacrilegious …profane
E.imaginative …earthbound