来源:长理培训发布时间:2017-10-16 14:57:28
摘要:目的 观察两种百白破混合制剂预防接种的不良反应情况,为推广使用新疫苗提供依据。 方法 对2001~2003年在枣庄市疾病预防控制中心计划免疫接种门诊分别注射全细胞吸附百白破混合制剂(DTwP)和吸附无细胞百白破混合制剂(DTaP)的2150名3个月~2岁的儿童进行局部与全身反应的观察。 结果 注射DTwP儿童红肿、硬结发生率(10.08%和11.21%)高于注射DTaP(4.28%和1.10%)。两种制剂首剂接种不良反应发生率较低,随着接种针次的增加,发生率也相应增加。 结论 DTaP接种不良反应较低,安全性能好。
Observation on the adversary reactions after inoculation of two kinds of mixed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines.
Abstract:Objective To observe the adverse effects of two kinds of mixed diphtheria-pertusis-tetanus vaccines(DTwP and DTaP)after vaccination and provide basis for popularization of new vaccines. Methods Observations were made on the local and general reactions in2150infants aged from3months to2years after inoculation with DTwP and DTaP in the vaccination outpatient of Zaozhuang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention during the years of2001~2003. Results The occurrence rates of swelling and hard nodules in infants injected with DTwPwere10.08%and11.21%,respectively,higher than that of the infants in-jected with DtaPwith the rates of4.28%and1.10%.The adverse reaction rates were low at first injection but itwas increased along with the increasing number of injections. Conclusion DTwP is safe as the adverse reactions were low after vaccination.
Key words:Diphtheria-pertusis-tetanus vaccines;Adverse reaction;Observation
2 结果
2.1 不同疫苗不良反应的发生率 DTwP1240接种人次,DTaP接种910人次。此次观察发现,接种疫苗的儿童均有红肿、硬结和发热,且均未发现无菌性化脓。总发生率为7.63%、6.93%和7.49%。注射DTwP的儿童红肿和硬结的发生率高于注射DTaP的儿童(χ 2 =25.01,P< 0.05;χ 2 =83.18,P< 0.01),但发热的发生率差别无显著性(χ 2 =0.001,P>0.05)。见表1。