- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
某制造企业为增值税一般纳税人,存货适用的增值税税率为13%。2×15年初该企业从外地购入原材料4 000吨,收到增值税专用发票注明的售价为每吨2 400元,增值税税款为1 248 000元,另发生不含税的运输费的金额为1 000元(运输行业按照9%计征增值税)、差旅费500元、装卸费600元、途中保险费1 500元,款项均以银行存款支付。原材料运到后验收入库的数量为3 995吨,短缺5吨为运输途中的合理损耗。已知该企业已经取得所购材料以及运输费的增值税专用发票,假定不考虑其他因素。
在税务机关执法过程中,只需要按照税法的规定征收税款,而不需要事先取得纳税人的同意,征税行为的这一特征,是行政行为的( )。
甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、庚六人对一台挖掘机按份共有。甲的份额是2/3,其余五人的份额各为1/15。根据物权法律制度的规定,没有特别约定时,下列转让挖掘机的行为中,有效的有( )。(第三章.物权法律制度)
A. 甲将挖掘机转让给辛,乙、丙、丁、戊、庚均表示反对
B. 甲、乙将挖掘机转让给辛,丙、丁、戊、庚均表示反对
C. 乙、丙、丁、戊、庚将挖掘机转让给辛,甲表示反对
D. 丙、丁、戊、庚将挖掘机转让给辛,甲、乙均表示反对
下列关于房地产企业存货的说法中,正确的是( )。(第三章.存货)
A. 房地产企业建造的商品楼属于存货
B. 房地产企业持有以备增值的建筑物属于投资性房地产
C. 房地产企业的存货不包括土地使用权
D. 房地产企业的开发产品不属于企业的存货
在评价服务质量时采取的非财务业绩计量( )。
A. 诉讼数量
B. 客户数量
C. 客户等待时间
D. 销量增长
美国K公司拥有世界上最畅销的15个速食谷类食品品牌中的12个。生产、销售哪个品牌是由地区决定的,公司的4个地区经理(欧洲、亚洲、北美、拉美)在营销、生产和原料选择(这些都支持并帮助其建立起世界性品牌)等方面有很大的决策权。下列关于该公司组织结构的说法正确的有( )。
A. 地区分部结构使地区和产品经理有高度的自主权
B. 当地情况对消费者需求影响越大,产品经理所获的自主权也应越大
C. 这种做法主要成效是公司获得了本地迅速适应的能力
D. 产品经理可以根据各国成本和技术的差异来设置活动
Which of the following statements in relation to legislation is correct?
A Legislation may modify or replace existing statutes
B Legislation may not overrule or modify existing case law
C Legislation may prevent a subsequent Parliament from changing the law
A An accountant who acts in a professional capacity in the formation of a company is a promoter
B A promoter may not make a profit as a result of their position
C A promoter that acts as an agent for others must not put themselves into a position where their own interests clash with that of the company they are forming
D A promoter may not own shares in the company that they are forming
Petunia is a single parent with a two year old son. She receives child benefit of £1,076 in the tax year 2016/17.
Petunia has net income of £57,000 in 2016/17 and she made gross personal pension contributions of £2,000
during 2016/17.
What is Petunia’s child benefit income tax charge for the tax year 2016/17?
Which TWO of the following have legal force?
(1) Revenue and Customs Brief
(2) A Statutory Instrument
(3) An Act of Parliament
(4) An Extra Statutory Concession
A.1 and 2
B.2 and 3
C.1 and 3
D.2 and 4
Which TWO of the following types of income are exempt from income tax?
(1) Interest on an NS&I Investment account
(2) Premium bond prizes
(3) Interest on UK Government stocks (‘gilts’)
(4) Dividends on shares held in an Individual Savings Account
A.1 and 2
B.1 and 4
C.2 and 3
D.2 and 4
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