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2020-07-20发布者:郝悦皓大小:323.50 KB 下载:0

2019 年辽宁省葫芦岛市中考英语真题及答案 第一部分 选择题(共 50 分)Ⅰ.单项选择(共单项选择(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)从下面各题的四个选项中选出一个 最佳答案.单项选择(共 ) 1.单项选择(共Though Bill is very young,he has a lot of ______ about Chinese history.单项选择(共( A.单项选择(共information B.单项选择(共knowledge C.单项选择(共background D.单项选择(共experience 2.单项选择(共I'm sorry I took your card by mistake,but where is ______?( ) A.单项选择(共hers B.单项选择(共theirs C.单项选择(共yours D.单项选择(共mine 3.单项选择(共We are going to have a party ______ the evening of June 30th.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共on B.单项选择(共in C.单项选择(共at D.单项选择(共for 4.单项选择(共He tried many ways to solve the problem.单项选择(共But ______ of them worked.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共neither B.单项选择(共none C.单项选择(共all 5.单项选择(共New energy cars have been ______ to cut down air pollution.单项选择(共( D.单项选择(共both ) A.单项选择(共discovered B.单项选择(共found 6.单项选择(共-Is the woman Miss Zhao? D.单项选择(共refused C.单项选择(共invented -It ______ be her.单项选择(共She has gone to Qingdao for a meeting.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共can't B.单项选择(共needn't C.单项选择(共must D.单项选择(共may 7.单项选择(共Fred hopes ______ his spoken English,so he practices it every day.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共improve B.单项选择(共improves C.单项选择(共improving D.单项选择(共to improve 8.单项选择(共As students,we must study hard.单项选择(共______,we should care for our health.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共At the same time B.单项选择(共On the one hand C.单项选择(共All in all D.单项选择(共In the end 9.单项选择(共Lucy ______ her friends the whole morning,but they didn't show up.单项选择(共( A.单项选择(共expects ) B.单项选择(共will expect C.单项选择(共is expecting D.单项选择(共was expecting 10.单项选择(共Look at the blue sky.单项选择(共______ fine weather it is!( ) A.单项选择(共How B.单项选择(共How a C.单项选择(共What D.单项选择(共What a 11.单项选择(共The football fans cheered ______ they heard the exciting news.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共even though B.单项选择(共in order that C.单项选择(共as soon as D.单项选择(共as long as 12.单项选择(共-What do you think of the TV program I'm a singer? -Great! I've never watched a ______ one.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共worse B.单项选择(共better C.单项选择(共bad D.单项选择(共good 13.单项选择(共Every evening my father ______ newspapers while my mother watches TV.单项选择(共( A.单项选择(共puts up B.单项选择(共looks for C.单项选择(共gives away 14.单项选择(共-I wonder ______.单项选择(共 D.单项选择(共looks through -I'm not sure,but I hope so.单项选择(共It has been dry for two months.单项选择(共( A.单项选择(共if it will rain tomorrow B.单项选择(共why it doesn't rain ) ) C.单项选择(共when the rain will stop D.单项选择(共how long the rain will last 15.单项选择(共-My parents will take me to Shanghai Disneyland this summer holiday.单项选择(共 -________.单项选择(共( ) A.单项选择(共Good luck to you B.单项选择(共It's a good idea C.单项选择(共Best wishes to you BCABC ADADCCBDAD D.单项选择(共Have a good time Ⅱ.补全对话(共 5 分,每空 1 分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话.单项选择(共(有两个多余选 项) 16.单项选择(共A:Hi,Tony.单项选择(共Are you free this Sunday? B:(1)__ What are you going to do? A:I'm going to enjoy an art show in our city library.单项选择(共 B:(2)__ A:It's about the Chinese painting.单项选择(共(3)__ B:Yes.单项选择(共I'd love to.单项选择(共(4)__ When and where shall we meet? A:Let's meet at the gate of the library at 8 o'clock this Sunday morning.单项选择(共 B:(5)__ A:You can go there on foot.单项选择(共It's not far.单项选择(共 B:OK.单项选择(共See you.单项选择(共 A:See you.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共Is it far from here? B.单项选择(共Yes.单项选择(共Nothing much.单项选择(共 C.单项选择(共I'm sure of that.单项选择(共 D.单项选择(共What is it about? E.单项选择(共How can I get to the library? F.单项选择(共Would you like to go with me? G.单项选择(共I have a great interest in it,too.单项选择(共 BDFGE Ⅲ.完形填空(共 10 分,每空 1 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.单项选择(共 17.单项选择(共When I was a boy,I used to love walking in the (1)__ around my house.单项选择(共My mom warned me several times(2)__ to travel so far or I would lose the way.单项选择(共Being a naughty(淘气的)boy,however,I soon fo und (3)__ walking further and further away,testing(4)__ I could go into the woods without getting lost.单项选择(共But once after losing my way for two hours, I decided to leave a mark the next time I went for a walk.单项选择(共 The next day I decided to try it.单项选择(共I walked into the woods(5)__ the house couldn't be seen.单项选择(共Then I broke a small branch(树枝)to mark my place.单项选择(共I walke d further and broke many branches.单项选择(共After a while I got tired and decided to return.单项选择(共When I turned around,I(6)__ found my way home,but I felt(7)__ rather than being proud.单项选择(共I could see the mark of destruction(破坏)that I left in the wood s.单项选择(共I promised never to do that again.单项选择(共Instead,I started to value my time alone in the wood s.单项选择(共I'd sit by the streams(小溪)and (8)__ their beautiful singing.单项选择(共I'd bend down(弯下 腰)to (9)__ the flowers.单项选择(共 I've tried to leave marks of kindness and goodness since then.单项选择(共I've tried to show others (1 0)__ they can do the same.单项选择(共May you always leave marks of joy in your life.单项选择(共 (1)A.单项选择(共parks (2)A.单项选择(共never (3)A.单项选择(共yourself (4)A.单项选择(共how long (5)A.单项选择(共until (6)A.单项选择(共slowly (7)A.单项选择(共good (8)A.单项选择(共turn to (9)A.单项选择(共smell (10)A.单项选择(共where BADDACCBAD B.单项选择(共woods B.单项选择(共seldom B.单项选择(共himself B.单项选择(共how often B.单项选择(共after B.单项选择(共nervously B.单项选择(共happy B.单项选择(共listen to B.单项选择(共kick B.单项选择(共when C.单项选择(共streets C.单项选择(共sometimes C.单项选择(共herself C.单项选择(共how soon C.单项选择(共unless C.单项选择(共easily C.单项选择(共sad C.单项选择(共speak to C.单项选择(共break C.单项选择(共what D.单项选择(共gardens D.单项选择(共always D.单项选择(共myself D.单项选择(共how far D.单项选择(共if D.单项选择(共difficultly D.单项选择(共cold D.单项选择(共stick to D.单项选择(共make D.单项选择(共that Ⅳ.阅读理解(共 20 分,每小题 5 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案.单项选择(共 18.单项选择(共 Humans can go to the hospital when they're ill.单项选择(共But as for animals,what should they do?To stay healthy,animals have their own ways to heal(治愈)themselves.单项选择(共Now let's ge t to know their special skills.单项选择(共 Skill One Have you ever seen your dog or cat lick(舔)its wounds?Why do they do it? It probably feels good,but it's good medicine.单项选择(共Licking cleans a wound,and saliva(唾 液)has chemicals that kill germs(细菌).单项选择(共 Skill Two To avoid diseases,many animals have good living habits.单项选择(共They hate to be dirty.单项选择(共Most ani mals separate their pooping(lF1E)areas from their eating areas.单项选择(共Horses poop far away fr om the grass they eat.单项选择(共Rabbits put their poop in special pooping areas.单项选择(共 Skill Three Have you ever heard of the expression "starve a fever(发烧时宜饿)"? Many animals stop eating when they're ill.单项选择(共When a sick animal stops eating,it can stop ge rms from getting necessary things.单项选择(共 Skill Four Another way that animals heal themselves is to raise their body temperature.单项选择(共High temper ature can kill germs.单项选择(共Warm-blooded animals(like us)get fevers to fight with germs.单项选择(共Coldblooded animals(like snakes)look for pieces of wood or rocks heated by the sun.单项选择(共Fish mo ve to warmer waters.单项选择(共 (1)A cat cleans its___ by licking.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共medicine B.单项选择(共saliva C.单项选择(共wound D.单项选择(共chemicals (2)In order to avoid diseases,horses and rabbits___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共eat special grass B.单项选择(共choose dirty areas C.单项选择(共put poop into holes D.单项选择(共have good living habits (3)Starving can stop germs from getting___ things.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共wild B.单项选择(共waste C.单项选择(共necessary D.单项选择(共useless (4)Fish move to warmer waters to___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共lick their wounds B.单项选择(共keep themselves clean C.单项选择(共starve a fever D.单项选择(共raise their body temperature (5)We may find the passage in a___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共science novel B.单项选择(共magazine C.单项选择(共travel guide D.单项选择(共storybook CDCDB 19.单项选择(共What are the basic ingredients(要素)of good manners?A strong sense of fairness is o ne of them.单项选择(共 A friend once told me an experience that he had.单项选择(共When he was driving along a onelane(单行小路),unpaved(未铺路的)mountain road,the car ahead of his produced cloud s of choking dust(呛人的尘土),and it was a long way to the nearest paved main roa d.单项选择(共Suddenly,the car ahead stopped at a wider place on the road.单项选择(共My friend thought there must be something wrong with the car ahead.单项选择(共He stopped and asked if anything was wron g.单项选择(共 "No," said the other driver.单项选择(共 "But you've___d my dust so far.单项选择(共I'll endure yours the rest of the way.单项选择(共" Another ingredient is empathy(同情心).单项选择(共 It makes a person see into the mind or heart of someone else.单项选择(共Recently I happened to read such a story in a book.单项选择(共 A man was having dinner alone,and he was trying to open a bottle.单项选择(共But he failed.单项选择(共Then h e asked a waiter for help.单项选择(共The waiter took the bottle,turned his back and opened it withou t difficulty.单项选择(共Then the waiter closed it again and turned back.单项选择(共He pretended(假装)to make a great effort to open the bottle without success.单项选择(共Finally he took it into the kitchen and retu rned very soon.单项选择(共He told the man that he managed to open it,but only with a tool.单项选择(共 Yet another ingredient is the ability to treat people alike(一视同仁).单项选择(共No matter who he i s and what he does,everyone is worth respecting.单项选择(共 (1)The driver in the car ahead stopped to___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共repair the car B.单项选择(共have a rest C.单项选择(共ask the way D.单项选择(共let the back car go (2)The underlined word "endure" probably means___ in Chinese.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共原谅 B.单项选择(共容忍 C.单项选择(共抱怨 D.单项选择(共谴责 (3)In fact the waiter opened the bottle___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共by himself easily B.单项选择(共with a tool C.单项选择(共with difficulty D.单项选择(共without success (4)The second story may happen___.单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共in the kitchen at home B.单项选择(共on the main road C.单项选择(共in the restaurant D.单项选择(共on the busy street (5)The best title of the passage is "___".单项选择(共 A.单项选择(共The Ability to Solve Problems B.单项选择(共The Ways to Help Others C.单项选择(共The Good Manners to Treat Others D.单项选择(共The Empathy for Strangers endure DBACC 20.单项选择(共In some western countries,a gap year(空档年)is regarded as a special celebration fo r teenagers.单项选择(共They think it is a necessary process for teens to develop into adults.单项选择(共Then wh at's a gap year?It's a short break from study for a year or less.单项选择(共It's normally between high school and university.单项选择(共During the gap year,the students usually take a break from their sc hool education to travel,volunteer,study or work.单项选择(共 There are some reasons why students might want to take a gap year.单项选择(共They usually think it is a chance to get professional or personal experience.单项选择(共Some common reasons to take a ga p year include: ★ Open their eyes.单项选择(共 ★ Make international friends.单项选择(共 ★ Make some money.单项选择(共 ★ Get useful work experience and key skills.单项选择(共 Although teenagers can benefit from(从……获
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