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2020-07-20发布者:郝悦皓大小:76.00 KB 下载:0

2015 江苏省淮安市中考英语真题及答案 Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 1. My PE teacher often teachers us how to play ________football. A.a B. an C. / D. the 2. ---Hi, Jack. Is this your new bike? ---No, _________is over there. It’s a parent from my uncle. A . Mine B. Yours C. Hers D. His 3. Steven, go to bed now. You should________before six tomorrow, or you will miss the plane. A . get off B. get up C. get on D. get along 4. During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with ______trees around. A . thousand of B. thousand C. thousands D. thousands of 5. We _________wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road. A . must B. can C. need D. may 6. 6. ---Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast & Farious 7 this weekend? ---It sounds _______! I can’t wait to see it! A . strange B. bad C. great D. awful 7. I was writing a diary ______ my brother was watching TV yesterday evening. A . before B. after C. until D. while 8. ---Mr. Smith, _______ is the new bridge? --- Oh, let me see! It’s about 800 metres. A . how old B. how long C. how much D. how often 9. Helen is friendly and she always has a smile _____ her face. A . on B. with C. at D. for 10. Her son _____ the army for two months. She misses him very much. A . has joined B. has been in C. joined D. was in 11. ---Is there _____in today’s newspaper? ---- Yes, quite a lot. A . anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something 12. --- What are you doing? ---I’m reading the book ______you lent me last week. A . what B. who C. when D. that 13. ---I don’t know Kate’s address. Do you know____? ---Sorry, I don’t know, either. A . why she lives there B. why does she live there C. where she lives D. where does she live 14. I still like those good old songs. I often listened to _______myself in my spare time. A . enjoy B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoyed 15.---All the people of Huai’an need to work together to make our city more beautiful. ---That’s it . __________. A . Practice makes perfect B. Manyhands make light work. C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do D. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Ⅱ.完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) I still remember my kindergarten( 幼 儿 园 )teacher, Mrs, White. She looked just like Snow White, 16 she had the same bright eyes and short dark hair. We used to 17 a lot . And I would show what I wrote to Mrs. White for correction( 批 改 ). She would look at my writing and see many mistakes in it. But she 18 made any red correction and she always gave a star. I was feeling 19 of my writing each time I got a star. But it 20 my mother. So one day, when she met Mrs. White at a parent-teacher meeting. Mum asked her why she never corrected my 21 and why she never said no to her child. Mrs. White said, “The children are just beginning to get 22 about using words. Spelling and grammar can wait. We can’t 23 that interest with a red pen.”As it was a long time ago, my mother could only remember the main idea of 24 Mrs. White said about my writing. However, I grew up learning to use words with loving care and 25 like that. If Mrs. White had used her red pen more often, I 26 wouldn’t be telling you about this now, Whenever I look back on those encouraging 27 from Mrs.White, I feel they just look 28 real ones in the night sky-bright, shiny, and guiding me on my way somewhere. I do believe she was such a 29 teacher, who tried to use a red pen less to keep the joy, wonder and excitement in a child’s 30 . Thanks to Mrs. White, I have no fear about writing. Also, I’m not afraid of any mistake in my life! 16 .A . because B. though C. if D. but 17. A .run B. cry C. write D. speak 18. A .always B. never C. often D. sometimes 19. A .lonely B. tired C. helpless D. proud 20. A .protected B. worried C. pleased D. attracted 21. A .spirits B. designs C. mistakes D. messages 22 .A .nervous B. excited C. afraid D. bored 23. A .stop B. keep C. save D. show 24. A . that B. when C. which D. what 25. A .sadness B. fear C. confidence D. pains 26. A .probably B. gently C. hardly D. luckily 27. A . dreams B. stars C. gifts D. pens 28. A . at B. through C. for D. like 29. A . careless B. strict C. wonderful D. common 30. A . mind B. hand C. arms D. eyes Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共 15 小题;AB 两篇每小题 2 分,C 篇每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) A One Sunday evening, it was quite dark when old Stanley went for his walk. He was walking along the sidewalk, Suddenly, he saw a white car coming around the corner at high speed. It was going too fast and crashed into a red car in the street where he was walking. He rushed up to the cars to see if anyone was hurt and needed help. The two drivers were arguing. “You came around the corner too fast,” one man said. “No!” said the driver of the white car, “That’s not true! Your car was parkedin a wrong place.” Stanley listened to their argument and then said the white car driver was wrong to drive too fast. The driver of red car asked Stanley to prove he was right in court(法庭). Stanley gave the driver his name and telephone number. Next Thursday morning, Stanley was asked to go to the court. The lawyer(律师) for the driver of the white car asked him a lot of questions about what he had seen. Then he asked Stanley how old he was. “I’m eighty-two,” answered Stanley. “Do you usually wear glasses ?” asked the lawyer. “Yes, I do,” answered Stanley. “Were you wearing them on the night of the accident?” the lawyer asked. “No,” replied Stanley. Then the lawyer said, “Why should the court believe you? You are eightytwo years old, you were not wearing your glasses, and it was dark. How far can you see in the dark?” Stanley thought about it for a minute. “Well,” he said, “when it’s dark, I can see the moon. How far is that?” 31.The car accident happened ___________. A .one Sunday morning B. next Thursday morning C. one Sunday evening D. next Thursday evening 32.The cause of the accident is that ______. A .the red car was going too slowly B. the white car was going too fast C. the drivers were sleepy D. Stanley was in their way 33. Stanley was asked to go to the court because _________. A .he wanted to make money B. he promised to be a witness C. he was a lawyer D. he was badly hurt in the accident 34.Maybe the red car driver contacted Stanley by ______. A . writing a letter to him B. sending an email to him C. paying a visit to him D. making a phone call to him 35. We can learn from the story that ________. A .Stanley was a clever and humorous man B. Stanley wore glasses when the accident happened C. the lawyer thought that Stanley could see clearly D. Stanley was not able to see the moon B Foods that are well known to you may not be familiar to people from different places around the world. Tourists and travelers often get to try some unfamiliar food. That is part of the fun of traveling. Here are four people’s experiences with foreign food. David King is a Chinese student in France. “I never had cheese or even milk before I came to France. Cows are seldom seen in my part of China. So there is no milk or milk products. I drank some milk when I first arrived in France. I hated it! I tried cheese, too, but I didn’t like it. I love ice cream, though that’s made from milk.” Birgit is from Sweden. She traveled to Australia on vocation. “I was in a restaurant that was special in fish. I heard some other people order flake, so I ordered some, too. It was delicious! Later, I learned that flakes is an Australian name for shark. Now, whenever I see a new food, I try it on purpose. You know why? I remember how much I enjoyed flake.” Chandra is a dentist in Texas. She is from India. “ I’m afraid to try new foods because maybe there is beef in them. I’m a Hindu( 印 度 教 信 徒 )and my religion(信仰) stops me from eating meat from the cow. That’s why I can’t eat hamburgers or noodles with meatballs.” Nathan is from the United States. He taught for a year in China. “My friend gave me some 100-year-old eggs to eat. I didn’t like their appearance at all. The eggs were green inside, but my friends said the color was normal. Chinese people put something on fresh eggs. Then they put them in the earth for three months. So the eggs weren’t really very old. Even so, I didn’t want to touch them.” 36. David King is a student in France and he comes from________. A .China B. Sweden C .India D. America 37.Birgit ordered _____in a restaurant during her vocation in Australia. A . cheese B. eggs C . hamburgers D. flake 38.Chandra is afraid to try new foods because_________. A .she can’t eat food with beef B. she doesn’t like their appearance C .she doesn’t like foreign food D. she doesn’t need any food at all 39.Nathan worked as _______ in China for a year. A . a worker B. a dentist C .a teacher D. a student 40.The passage tells us that ___________. A .David King often drinks milk B. flake and shark are the same fish C .a Hindu eats meat from the cow D. the egg is put in the earth for a hundred years C Monarch butterflies from eastern Canada make the most amazing journey in the insect world. Each year, this butterfly travels about 3000miles to its winter home in central Mexico(墨西哥). How can it fly so far? And why does it make this long and dangerous trip? Scientists still don’t have an answer. For many years, people in Mexico wondered where the orange-and-black butterflies came from every winter. Then, in 1937, a scientist started to follow and study the butterflies. For the next 20 years, he discovered that one butterfly started its journey in Canada. Four months later, it arrived in Mexico. The length of the butterflies find their way back to the same place? Another amazing thing is that the butterflies always return to the same area in central Mexico. How do the butterflies find their way back to the same place? This is an interesting question because only every fourth generation( 代 )makes the trip south. In other words, the butterfly that travels to Mexico this year is the great-great-grandchild of the butterfly that traveled there last year. Each year, four generations of a Monarch butterfly family are born. Each generation of the family has a very different life. The first generation is born in the south in late April. It slowly moves north, reproduces(繁衍), and then dies. On the trip north,two more generations are born, reproduce, and die. Each of these generations of butterflies is born. This generation has a much longer life. It lives for about eight months. This generation of butterflies makes the amazing journey back to the winter home of its great-great-grandparents. The butterflies spend the winter there, and in the spring they reproduce and then die. Their offspring will be the first generation of the next circle of life. Today, people are still studying the Monarch butterfly. But they are not clear about everything. 41.The best title of the passage can be ________. A .Family of Monarch butterflies B. Mystery of Monarch butterflies C .Monarch butterflies’ birthplace D .Monarch butterflies’ winter home 42.It took the scientist ______ to find out that monarch butterflies came from Canada. A . 20 years B. four months C .five weeks D .eight months 43.We know that the _____ generation of Monarch butterflies travel back to central Mexico. A .first B. second C .third D .fourth 44.The underlined word “offspring” in the passage is closest in meaning to______. A . seasons B. butterflies C .children D .parents 45.Which statement is true according to the text? A .Monarch butterflies spend winter in eastern Canada. B .The four generations have the same length of life. C .Some generations die on the way north to Canada. D .Scientists are clear about everything of the butterflies Ⅳ.词汇运用(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) A)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。 lead to, fall behind, once a month, take care of , terrible, on business, closed, chopsticks, the most expensive 1. Simon works hard all the time so he won’t ________. 2. This is ________watch in the shop. I can’t afford it. 3. Amy goes to the reading club________.
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