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2020-07-20发布者:郝悦皓大小:191.50 KB 下载:0

2018 年黑龙江省哈尔滨市中考英语试题及答案 第I卷 一、单项选择(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分)选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Boys and girls, work hard. I m sure your parents will___ you in the future. A. be famous as B. be proud of C. keep in touch ( )2.-----What are you going to do next month? -----I am going to travel to Germany, which is ______ European country. A. a B. an c. the ( )3.----Hi, Helen. When were you born? ----I was born_________ February, 2003. I’m 15 years old. A. on B. in C. at ( )4.----Alice, which season do you like best? ----Autumn. The fallen _______ are like a thick blanket on the ground. What beautiful scenery it is! A. leaf ( B. leafs C. leaves )5.----I have seen the film The Jurassic WorldⅡ 《侏罗纪世界 侏 罗 纪 世 界 m).It' s very interesting. -----Really? When ______ you ________ it? A. have, seen B. did , see C. will, see ( )6.---- What do you want to be when you grow up, a doctor or an engineer? ----___________. I want to be a scientist A. Neither B. Either C. Both ( )7. ----__________ I take photos here? ----No, you mustn't. Don’t you see the sign "NO PHOTOS”? A. Would B. May C. Must ( )8.-----I want to take part in after-class activities. ----So do I. I think these activities can make us feel _________. A. relay ( B. relaxing C. relaxed )9. ---I’m considering ______broad for further study, but I haven’t decided yet. ----You’d better ask your English teacher for some advice. A. going B. to go C. go ( )10.----Hi, Jack. Would you like to come lo my birthday party next Friday? ----I’ d love to, but I'm not__________. I m leaving for Beijing on that day A. believable C. enjoyable C. available ( )11. So far, Confucius Institute( 孔 子 学 院 ) has been set up in many other countries. And Chinese is __________spoken in those countries. A. widely B. badly C. hardly ( )12.---- What were you and your father doing at 7: 00 yesterday evening? ----I was doing my homework_____ my father was reading newspapers. A. when B. as soon as C. while ( )13. ----Qingdao is the most beautiful city ____ I’ve ever been to. ----So it is. Many international meetings are held there every year. A. that B. which C. what ( )14.---- Could you tell me _______? ----I’m not sure. Maybe this weekend. A. how we’ll clean up the city park B. where shall we clean up the city C. when we’ll clean up the city park ( )15._____ is the largest city with a population of more than four million people in Australia. A .London ( B. Sydney C. Paris )16. Nowadays, more and more schools have their own Internet classrooms to help students improve themselves. To make good use of Internet classrooms. students should _________. ①chat with their friends as often as possible (2) search for useful information ③ gel the latest(最新的) knowledge ④download resources for learning ⑤play as many computer games as possible A.①②⑤ B.③④⑤ C.②③④ ( )17. On Children’s Day. Tom, a junior middle school student, went to Children’s Amusement Park with his mother and his 60-year-old grandparents. According to the price list. They paid ____ yuan for the tickets. The Price of Tickets Adult(age 60 and above) Adult (age 60) ¥15 ( under Child(age 6- Child (age under 17) 6) ¥20 ¥10 Free )18. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. wealth steal B. month warmth C. pull shut ( )19. Which of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word “rise”? A. knife ( B. price C. bridge )20. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A .Except B. Normal C. Talent 二、完形填空(本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) No matter who you are and where you live, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. There are many good qualities that can benefit you a lot in your life. Among them, the following 21 qualities are the most helpful ones. Have a 22 attitude. Life is not always a bed of roses. When facing difficulties, don’t lose heart. Do you know what can help you overcome difficulties? It's your altitude. Cheer up! Life is like a 23 . When you smile in front of it, it will also smile at you. Keep learning. Maybe you 24 your present life. Every day you have 25 much work to do that you can I find any time to learn. However, the world around you is changing all the time. Never be satisfied with yourself, 26 you will fall behind others. 27 learning can help you get success in the future. Be creative. In modern society, the students who have creative thinking are needed most. Being creative means 28 new ideas and having creative imagination. Those who are creative have more choices in their life. Be honest and keep your promise. Honesty is the best policy( 原 则 ). 29 likes a person who tells lies. The one who keeps his word is popular everywhere. As long as you have these qualities 30 above, you will be excellent and make a difference to the world. Albert Einstein once said, "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )21. A three B. four ( )22. A. negative C. five B. positive C. sad ( )23. A. board B. stone C. mirror ( )24. A. are used to B. are used for C. used for ( )25. A. too B. so C. such ( )26. A. and B. but C. or ( )27. A. Keep B. Keeping C. Keeps ( )28. A. coming up with B. catching up with ( )29. A. Everybody B. Nobody ( )30. A. that is mentioned B. mentioning C. calling up C. Somebody C. mentioned 三、阅读理解(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) (A) My mother is fifty-five years old. She retired( 退 休 ) just two months ago. After that, she was bored and didn’t know what to do every day. She was kind to us before, but recently she had a chip on her shoulder. She often quarreled with my brother and me without any reason. Also, relations between my parents became difficult. My mother got into trouble and didn’t know how to deal with it. My brother thought of a good idea to solve the problem. He bought her a new smart phone and taught her how to use Wechat( 微 信 ) My mothers life changed a lot from then on. No matter where she went and whatever she did, she always used it. She took photos with her new smart phone and always shared her photos in her friend circle to express how happy she was, As a result, she often did something by mistake. She often forgot to turn off the gas and the food she was cooking usually got burnt. My father tried to stop her, but it didn’t work. This afternoon, my mother prepared to make dumplings for dinner. She took a lot of pictures in order to post them into her friend circle. After dinner, we took out our smart phones and waited to the photos she had taken. To our surprise, we didn’t find any pictures of her dumplings. At last, my father couldn’t help asking her, “Why don’t you share your delicious dumplings in your friend circle today? My mother looked embarrassed and said, “__” “Oh, my God! I have to spend more money buying a new one!” cried my brother. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )31. The underlined words "had a chip on her shoulder" most probably mean ________. A. had a pain in her shoulder B. got angry easily C. liked eating potato chips ( )32. My brother bought a smart phone for my mother because _____. A. my mother liked taking photos and sharing them in her friend circle B. my father retired two months ago C. my brother wanted to help my mother out of trouble ( )33. After my mother had a smart phone, __________. A. she liked it very much and used it all the time B. she often quarreled with my brother and me without any reason C. she was bored and didn’t know what to do ( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. My mother stopped my father from taking picture of food B. My mother often forgot turning off the gas after she had a smart phone C. After dinner, we were surprised to find to pictures of dumplings in my mother’s friend circle. ( )35. “_______” can be the missing sentence in the passage.
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