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2020-07-20发布者:郝悦皓大小:402.50 KB 下载:0

2018 年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语试题及答案 (总分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 第一部分 听力部分(共计 25 分) 一、I. Listening(本题共 25 分,Part One 每小题 1 分,Part Two 每小题 2 分,Part Three 每小题 1 分) Part One :Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear. ) 1.What's the weather like tomorrow?( 2.What does Jack's father do?( ) 3.What is Tony's favourite subject?( ) 4.What animal are they talking about?.( ) 5.What does the girl want to give to her mother?( ) Part Two :Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear. 1.What's the weather like these days?( ) 2.Where are they going this weekend?( ) ) 3.What's Tony going to do?( 4.When will they meet?( ) ) 5.How will they go there?( A.Have a picnic. B.Hot. C.By bus. D.Cool. E.Beach. F.Take photos. G . At 7 o'clock in the morning. Part Three :Choose the right answer according to the dialogue or passage you hear. 听第 1 段材料,回答 1—2 题。 1.Where are they?( A.At a bank. ) B.At home. C.At a store. 2.What does the man want to get?( A.A T-shirt B.A plane ticket ) C.A blue bag 听第 2 段材料,回答 3—5 题。 3.Steve went to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.( A.last night B.yesterday afternoon ) C.two days ago 4.Who took Steve to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?( A.His parents B.His uncle C.His teacher 5.What play did Steve see?( A.Peter Pan ) B.The Sound of Music C.Romeo and Juliet 听第 3 段材料,回答 6—10 题。 6.Where does Xin Yue study now?( A.In America B.In China ) C.In Canada 7.Xin Yue must take ____to school.( A.an iPad ) B.many textbooks ) C.a computer 8.How long can Xin Yue keep the iPad?( ) A.One year B.Two years C.Three years. 9.What can students do with iPads in class?( A.Do their favorite things B.Play games ) C.Listen to music 10.What does Xin Yue think of his school life?( A.Boring B.Interesting ) C.Relaxing 第二部分 笔试部分(共计 95 分) 第一节 选择题(共 55 分) Ⅱ.Multiple Choice(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.I plan to go on ____ trip in ____ coming summer holiday.( A.a; / B./; the C.a; the D.the; a 2.Usually a baby's face ____ smooth.( A.is feeling B.felt ) C.feels like ) D.feels 3 . The monkey was _____ the other side of the door and looked at Dr . Morgan____ ) the keyhole.( A.on; across B.on; through C.in; through D.in; across ) 4.At last, Amy grew ____ tired ____ she fell asleep.( A.as;as B.such; that C.so; that D.not only; but also 5.Betty ____ swim, so she is afraid to jump into the river.( A.can B.must C.mustn't ) D.can't 6 . Venus ( 金 星 ) is the ____ planet to the earth in space . It is only 42 million kilometers ____.( A.near; away ) B.nearest, far C.nearest; away D.near; far 7.I don't think I can afford ____ even one more day.( A.wasting B.to waste C.waste ) D.wasted 8.---____________do you go to the cinema? ---Once a month.( A.How long ) B.How far C.How often D.How much 9 . Snoopy ____ popular for nearly seventy years , ever since the artist Charles Schulz ____ him in 1950.( A.was; has created ) B .was; created C .has been; has created D .has been; created 10.In junior high we ____ run 800 meters every morning.( A.were made to B.were made C.made ) D.made to 11.You shouldn't ____ the train ticket while you are still on the train.( A.fall away B.go away C.throw away D.drive away 12.I'd like to go with you,_____I'm too busy.( A.or B.and C.but ) D.so 13.Now machines do the work ____ men once did by hand.( A.Whose B.which ) C.whom D.who 14.John really doesn't know ____.( A.whether has his father bought him C.how his father has bought him ) ) B.what has his father bought him D.what his father has bought him 15.-____? -He has a cold.( ) A.What is Daming up to C.What for B.What's the matter with Daming D.What is Daming like Ⅲ.Cloze Test(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Have you ever wondered how a kite stays in the air?Wind is very important but so are two scientific words: gravity(重力) and lift(举力). When something is in the air, gravity is what pulls something back to the ground . ( 16 ) you throw a ball in the air , it comes back down because of gravity.When leaves(17) trees onto the ground, that's gravity.When you put a kite in the air, gravity wants to bring it(18) .Then what keeps it up? Wind! Wind creates lift. Lift is what happens when wind pushes against something and carries it up .When a plastic bag gets caught in the wind, lift is what causes it to rise into the air.When you put a silk scarf(19) a fan, lift causes(20) to wave(摆动). An object's lift depends on the size of its surface or its area . A piece of ( 21 ) will float ( 漂 浮 ) in the wind , but it won't float if you make that paper into a ball.That's because you've made the surface smaller. To find out if there is enough wind to fly a kite , go outside and look up . If you ( 22 ) leaves dancing on trees or flags waving sideways , it's ( 23 ) good kite-flying weather . When the wind is strong enough to move a flag , it's moving ( 24 ) 7 to 18 miles an hour . That's just ( 25 ) to lift a common kite. 16.A.Which 17.A.take off 18.A.up B.What B.get off B.down 19.A.in the middle of 20.A.it 22.A.hear 24.A.on 25.A.wrong C.keep off B.in the front of B.see C.at the back of B.at C.card D.paper B.favourite D.feel C.quickly C.in D.in front of D.that C.smell B.finally D.fall off D.out C.this B.cake 23.A.probably D.Where C.off B.them 21.A.bread C.When D.hardly D.by C.right D.strange Ⅳ. Communication(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Choose the sentences from the box to complete the dialogue .(There are two extra sentences.) Tom: There is a festival in June in our country.It's Father's Day.(26) Li Ming : Yes , it's on the fifth day of the fifth lunar ( 阴 历 ) month . We call it Dragon Boat Festival. Tom: (27) Li Ming: We make and eat zong zi and hold dragon boat races. Tom: (28) Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival? Li Ming : Oh , it is a story about Qu Yuan . He lived about two thousand years ago.His job was to give advice to the emperor, but he wasn't trusted and often got punishment.So he jumped into the Miluo River and died. Tom: (29) Was the date when Qu Yuan died May the fifth in that year? Li Ming:(30) From then on, Chinese people began to eat zongzi and have dragon boat races to remember him. A.What happened to him?
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