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2020-07-19发布者:郝悦皓大小:167.88 KB 下载:0

2018 年贵州省铜仁市中考英语试题及答案 Ⅳ.所一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案.(5 分) 1. (1)September 5th was Mingming's________birthday. A.tenth. B.eleventh. C.twelfth. (2)Mingming's________gave him a jacket. A.mom. B.grandma. C.sister. (3)Mingming's sister gave him a________. A.pen. B.book. C.watch. (4)Mike is Mingming's________. A.friend. B.teacher. C.uncle. (5)Mingming's favorite present was the________. A.jacket. B.MP4. C.pen. 【答案】 略 略V 略 略 略 【考点】 长对话理解 【解析】 略 【解答】 略 综合运用(40 分) I.单项选择(15 分)从下列各题所给的选项 A、B、C、D 中选择能 填入相应空白处的最佳选项. ﹣What's your nameWhat's your name? ﹣What's your nameMy name is Tom Green. Tom is my given name and Green is my____.( ) A.family name 【答案】 B.given name C.full name D.first name A 【考点】 名词短语 【解析】 ﹣What's your name你的名字是什么? ﹣What's your name我的名字是汤姆格林.汤姆是我的名,格林是我的姓. 【解答】 A 姓;B 名字;C 全名;D 名字.根据句意"我的名字是汤姆格林.汤姆是我的名,格林是 我的姓."可知要填"姓". 故选:A. —Can I help you? —The pants look very nice. Can I ______? A.try it on B.try them on C.try on it 【答案】 D.try on them B 【考点】 V.+on 【解析】 —我可以帮你吗? —长裤看起来不错,我可以试穿吗? 【解答】 B 考查动词短语。try on,意为“试穿”,是由动词加副词构成的动词短语,如果宾语是代 词,要放在动词和副词之间,The pants 是复数名词,用代词 them 代替。故选 B。 ﹣What's your nameI called you at eight last night, but you didn't answer. What were you doing? ﹣What's your nameI _____.( ) A.took a shower C.take a shower B.was taking a shower D.have taken a shower 【答案】 B 【考点】 过去进行时 【解析】 ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name我昨晚八点打电话给你,但是你没有接.你在干什么? ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name我在洗澡. 【解答】 根据 What were you doing,可知问句是过去进行时,那么答语也应该用过去进行时, 构成 were/was+Ving. 故选:B. —What would you like to drink? —I'd like three _____. A.bottles of waters C.bottle of water 【答案】 D 【考点】 量词 不可数名词 【解析】 B.bottle of waters D.bottles of water ——你想喝点什么? ——我想要三瓶水。 【解答】 D 考查不可数名词及量词。句意:——你想喝点什么?——我想要三瓶水。water 水,不 可数名词,不能加 s,故 A、B 不正确。由 three 可知,量词用复数 bottles,故 C 不正确。 故选 D。 ﹣What's your nameHow do you_____the yellow cat? ﹣What's your nameIt's very cute.( ) A.think 【答案】 B.like C.think of D.like to B 【考点】 其他动词短语 【解析】 ﹣What's your name你觉得这只黄色的猫怎么样? ﹣What's your name很可爱. 【解答】 你认为…怎么样?有两个句型可以用: What do you think of…? 和 How do you like …?因为本句是 how 开头的,故要用 like. 故选:B. ﹣What's your nameWhat does he say? ﹣What's your nameHe says there_____ a meeting tomorrow morning.( ) A.is 【答案】 B.has C.will be D.have C 【考点】 there be 句型 【解析】 ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name他说什么? ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name他说明天上午有个会议. 【解答】 根据 He says there_____ a meeting tomorrow morning,这里 tomorrow morning 是一个将来的时间,所以句子考查 there be 句型的一般将来时,there is/are going to be 或者 there will be,结合选项. 故选:C. ﹣What's your nameLook! It is raining_____. ﹣What's your nameThat's right. The rain is too____to go shopping.( ) A.heavily, heavy B.heavily, heavily C.heavy, heavy D.heavy, heavily 【答案】 A 【考点】 词汇的惯用法 【解析】 ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name看!雨下得很大. ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name是的,雨太大了.以致于不能去购物了. 【解答】 heavily 大地,副词;heavy 重的,形容词.根据"It is raining_____."所以要用副词来 修饰动词;又根据" The rain is too____to go shopping"所以要用形容词来修饰名词 the rain,因此可知这句话的意思是"﹣What's your name﹣What's your name看!雨下得很大.﹣What's your name﹣What's your name是的,雨太大了.以致于 不能去购物了." 故选:A. ﹣What's your nameWhy do you come here? ﹣What's your nameBecause I have_____to tell you.( ) A.anything important C.something important B.important anything D.important something 【答案】 C 【考点】 形容词的位置和顺序 【解析】 ﹣What's your name你为什么来这里? ﹣What's your name因为我有重要的事情要告诉你. 【解答】 根据形容词修饰不定代词要后置,故可排除 BD.再根据肯定句要用 something,而不能 用 anything, 故可排除 A. 故选:C. —I will go to Guangdong for my summer holidays, mom. —I will meet you when you ______ the airport. A.will reach B.reaches C.reached D.reach 【答案】 D 【考点】 时态辨析 【解析】 ——妈妈,我要去广东过暑假.——当你到达机场时,我会去接你. 【解答】 D 考查时态辨析。根据—I will meet you when you ______ the airport.可知这里 when 引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,主语是 you,故用 reach。句意为:——妈妈,我要去广东过暑假。——当你到达机场时我去接你。故选 D。 ﹣What's your nameI talked with my little uncle on the computer last night. ﹣What's your nameThe Internet makes the world____.( ) A.small and small C.small and smaller B.smaller and smaller D.smaller and small 【答案】 B 【考点】 形容词的比较级和最高级 【解析】 ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name我昨天晚上和我的小叔叔在网上聊天了. ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name互联网让这个世界越来越小了. 【解答】 比较级+and+比较级表示"越来越…"根据给出的四个选项,因此可知这句话的意思是"﹣What's your name ﹣What's your name我昨天晚上和我的小叔叔在网上聊天了.﹣What's your name﹣What's your name互联网让这个世界越来越小了." 故选:B. ﹣What's your nameWhere is Mr. Brown? ﹣What's your nameHe _____Australia. He______there last year.( ) A.has been to, has been B.has been to, has gone C.has gone to, went D.went,went 【答案】 C 【考点】 时态辨析 【解析】 ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name布朗先生在哪里? ﹣What's your name﹣What's your name他去澳大利亚了.他去年去了那里. 【解答】 have been to 表示去过某地,have gone to 表示到某地去了.根据 Where is Mr. Brown 可知他不在这里,应该是去某地了,用 have gone to 表示,而 last year 用于一 般过去时. 故选:C. ﹣What's your nameJenny, it's cold outside.______your coat when you go out. ﹣What's your nameO K.dad.( ) 【答案】 B 【考点】 其他动词短语 【解析】 A.Put away B.Put on C.Take offD.Take away
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