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  • 1What does "broken Britain" refer to according to the text、

    A.Britain is falling apart with several territories becoming independent.

    B.The image of Britain is deteriorated in the world.

    C.Britain now is suffering from moral degeneracy.

    D.Britain is broken away from European Union.

  • 2Why did Iain Duncan Smith call for an official endorsement of marriage、

    A.It would improve family stability and facilitate the upbringing of children as well as people's future development.

    B.Low birth rate has threatened the population of the country.

    C.British government did little in the marital affairs of people.

    D.Various measures should be adopted by the government to encourage marriages.

  • 3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text、

    A.Marriage rates now are the lowest since 18th century.

    B.Divorce rates in 2007 were lower than that of last year.

    C.Young people are more inclined to divorce than old people di

    D.D.Marriage and divorce rates have been both increasing these years.

  • 4According to the text, which of the following is NOT the reason why people do not incline to divorce、

    A.immigrant families are more conservative on family.

    B.Big settlements in divorce cases have influenced people's decision.

    C.The average age at which people get married is on the rise.

    D.People now pay more attention to maintaining their families.

  • 5What is Kathleen Kiernan's attitude towards the policy of handing out tax breaks、





  • 6According to the text, which of the following is TRUE、

    A."Muscle" derives from Italian.

    B."Chagrin" derives from Turkish.

    C."Crimson" derives from Persian.

    D."Sketch" derives from German.

  • 7What is the trend in the English language that this book emphasizes、

    A.The English language is becoming assimilated with other languages.

    B.Differences between languages are more and more obvious.

    C.The English language is always absorbing words from other languages and turning them into its own.

    D.The English language is gradually losing its linguistic vitality.

  • 8Why does the author quote the paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo、

    A.Language is like vegetables and fruits.

    B.Language is composed of various colourful elements.

    C.Language can be seen as various pictures.

    D.Most words in languages have their origins in vegetables or fruits.

  • 9Which of the following may NOT be the reason of language integration according to the text、

    A.Cultural communication.

    B.International trades.

    C.Colonism, emigration and immigration.

    D.Internal motivation of languages.

  • 10According to the text, what does "Acad mie Francaise" refer to、

    A.An institute that aims at protecting the purity of language.

    B.An institute established by France to promote French education in the world.

    C.An institute of France that have all the renowned scholars in France.

    D.C.An institute of France that have all the renowned scholars in Franc

    E.D.An institute of higher education in France, especially famous for its authentic language education.

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